Famous Quotes & Sayings

Lights Quotes & Sayings

Enjoy the top 53 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by Lights.

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Famous Quotes By Lights

Lights Quotes 1399928

Don't let the romance die, remember one thing that's going right in the sea of things that aren't. — Lights

Lights Quotes 1800934

If you want to explore, go do it. If you want to try different types of art, do it. — Lights

Lights Quotes 778253

It's funny how life can change so much but still nothing changes at all. Or maybe it's that life changes, but you as a person don't or maybe we adjust, but don't actually change. — Lights

Lights Quotes 572874

I think that once you go through childbirth, you can do anything. It's like Wow! I can conquer the world now! — Lights

Lights Quotes 667420

I'll play for a couple of hours and then before you know it, it's time to go on stage. It takes away any nervousness and anxiety I might have about the big crowd out there. — Lights

Lights Quotes 946488

I think a lot of people feel like they need other people to help identify themselves, whether that's friends or relationships or whatever that may be. But it's you who identifies yourself and you need to take time to do that. — Lights

Lights Quotes 804362

Seems like the more you grow, the more time you spend alone, before you know it you end up perfectly on your own. — Lights

Lights Quotes 1637574

A career is a progression of ups and downs, how you deal with them and how you bounce back. — Lights

Lights Quotes 1213297

The downs are the times when you lose sight of who you are and that happens along the way sometimes ... Writer's block when you doubt yourself and you get insecure. — Lights

Lights Quotes 1224958

So acoustic, I don't even need a pick. — Lights

Lights Quotes 1311454

It's just cool to do something different and branch out and dabble in different genres. — Lights

Lights Quotes 1350396

Sitting in a studio with Oli [Sykes], or going back and forth with Adam [Young] on his tracks, it's so much more fun than something really structured and put together. — Lights

Lights Quotes 1357227

I was getting really influenced by some darker, heavier electro stuff, like Crystal Castles. And I was listening to some dub-step elements, so I thought this was going to be the natural progression, taking my soft melodies and my soft voice and marrying it with something a little heavier. — Lights

Lights Quotes 1381810

This world is a little dark, and I am LIGHTS. — Lights

Lights Quotes 1393292

I don't know what's gonna happen in 30 years, and that's ... awesome. — Lights

Lights Quotes 1400928

That's the beauty of music, art, and video games: forget about your worries for a few minutes; it shouldn't add to them or make you feel worried or sad: it should make you feel good. — Lights

Lights Quotes 1589780

It's funny how you can look back in life and there are all these 'if's' - if this hadn't happened would I have been here? If I hadn't done this would I have ended up talking to you? It's funny how life is seriously just a bunch of those moments. — Lights

Lights Quotes 998669

If you're doing what you love, then that's what matters. I am happy, and I am happy where I am. If things go downhill, then I move on to the next, and that's what makes me happy. — Lights

Lights Quotes 1664265

The trick to songwriting is writing in a poetic enough way that other people can identify with it. — Lights

Lights Quotes 1721761

It doesn't matter if you have something greater to say per say, just enjoy what you're doing. — Lights

Lights Quotes 1728368

I've never been somebody who blew up overnight, I've never been somebody who everyone talked about all at once, but I've had this really cool slow build. — Lights

Lights Quotes 1852913

As far as depths of geekiness ... I have more friends in World of Warcraft than I do in real life! — Lights

Lights Quotes 1929653

If you do enough things, you're going to eventually narrow it down to the things that really make you happy. — Lights

Lights Quotes 1986650

We're all in different scenarios, we all make mistakes, we all break stuff, but we're not perfect, we couldn't [be] - it doesn't matter what you build. — Lights

Lights Quotes 2052057

I'm more of a fan of combat games than first-person shooters. — Lights

Lights Quotes 2066176

My hair's actually really thin, but I just throw some hairspray into it and make sure it's been a couple days dirty, and then it goes the direction that you want it, literally! — Lights

Lights Quotes 2129554

I'd love to develop a game and make the music for it. I'd love to do something based on Captain Lights. Who knows if that'll ever happen, but I'd love to do it. — Lights

Lights Quotes 2133948

Sometimes hate hurts more than love feels good. Just have to realize it's because we're more used to love. Let the haters stumble by. — Lights

Lights Quotes 2211627

Since becoming a mother, I'd say it's more so affected my general outlook on things. I'm less worried about everything. Less scared to make those numbers that people think are standard or less scared to create something that maybe I don't think people are going to like, because it's all about if I like it. I need to be happy. — Lights

Lights Quotes 576840

Getting too much advice from your partner is a little bit like ... it can cause conflict. As much as you're married, you're still an individual and you still have your own self of yourself. — Lights

Lights Quotes 173017

It's hard to escape when your hobby is your job. — Lights

Lights Quotes 224967

You grow into everything you hate about yourself, over time. — Lights

Lights Quotes 245835

One girl, actually, in the UK - it was a really small show in Wales - a girl came up to me and said that because of one of my songs she was still alive. She'd decided not to commit suicide. It was a really emotional moment. — Lights

Lights Quotes 252189

I got signed with the songwriting deal when I was sixteen and they were really great - my publishers, who to this day are still my publishers and are like my musical family, my second family - they took me in and taught me what a good song is. — Lights

Lights Quotes 259792

YEAH! It's really hard to write heart broken songs when you're happily married — Lights

Lights Quotes 303456

I feel sexier than ever after becoming a mother. — Lights

Lights Quotes 354802

You don't have to feel safe to feel unafraid. — Lights

Lights Quotes 395375

Love each other, even strangers. Nothing in the world matters more. — Lights

Lights Quotes 451347

To err is human, to forgive is interplanetary. — Lights

Lights Quotes 467798

I never had good hair growing up - just had the worst nothing hair - and until I started being rough with it, even 'til this day I'm actually pretty rough with it, and ever since I've been like that it's been pretty darn good to me. — Lights

Lights Quotes 532058

I've always gravitated naturally towards a little bit of a heavier thing, having been in punk bands and metal bands before I ever got into pop. — Lights

Lights Quotes 1196978

I collect Wonder Woman - from comics to paraphernalia, and I even have a tattoo of her on my back. I'm a huge Wonder Woman fan! — Lights

Lights Quotes 660762

Sexiness isn't being young, hot and wearing a bikini. It's being powerful and feeling like you belong in your skin and it feels good. — Lights

Lights Quotes 671669

Speak out your mind and your heart, you won't be bored. — Lights

Lights Quotes 703963

Sometimes I remind myself of all the things that make me feel so blessed. And then I remind myself to remind myself more often. — Lights

Lights Quotes 708255

Try your hand at everything. Figure out what your space in the world is and take it. Then you can let other people in who will celebrate that about you, not try to turn you into something else. — Lights

Lights Quotes 715780

One of the things I've really realized over the past number of years is that you can't plan - you really don't know what's going to happen. All the plans I made for myself all turned out really differently in the end, so I just go with it. — Lights

Lights Quotes 846329

I'm such a fan of anime and manga to this day, but I never really like got to know all the characters and everything, so I don't think I'd be able to pick one. — Lights

Lights Quotes 871109

You never should feel like you've grown up because then you've stopped learning and you've stopped getting the best things out of life. — Lights

Lights Quotes 898926

It's very important to have a good song - one where you can strip away all the production and just play it on guitar or at the piano. It has to hold its own. That's why I've put videos online with acoustic versions of my songs, so you can hear them in their original form. — Lights

Lights Quotes 110223

It's the coolest feeling signing your record. And it's great when people come to your shows and know the words to the new songs. — Lights

Lights Quotes 1176222

I need to be happy. I need to set that example for my daughter so that she goes into something she loves, not because other people want her to do something. It's a good feeling, it's freeing. — Lights

Lights Quotes 1179960

I think that songwriting is understood from an early age that was the priority to figure out first. Learn to write a good song, and then figure out who you are as an artist because, once you know how to write a good song, you can dress it in any kind of clothing. — Lights