Famous Quotes & Sayings

Kristen Taekman Quotes & Sayings

Enjoy the top 7 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by Kristen Taekman.

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Famous Quotes By Kristen Taekman

Kristen Taekman Quotes 511474

I may not be the sharpest tool in the shed, but I'm pretty! — Kristen Taekman

Kristen Taekman Quotes 79077

I like when things happen organically and make sense. — Kristen Taekman

Kristen Taekman Quotes 979613

Don't put down a deposit on worry. — Kristen Taekman

Kristen Taekman Quotes 1092905

Pretty is smarter than you think — Kristen Taekman

Kristen Taekman Quotes 1413097

Family is forever and the most important foundation in life. — Kristen Taekman

Kristen Taekman Quotes 1624662

Love is having endless support from my husband and the hugs and kisses from my kids. — Kristen Taekman

Kristen Taekman Quotes 2130792

I am a creature of habit with my food and snacks. I make sure to get in all three meals and drink my Eboost every morning, and lots of hot tea keeps me going! — Kristen Taekman