Kevin Sylvester Quotes & Sayings
Enjoy the top 6 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by Kevin Sylvester.
Famous Quotes By Kevin Sylvester

Are you still taking orders for me-shirts?"
"I'll take one 'shoot me now' and one 'I'm with useless'. — Kevin Sylvester

Ah. I see we are now into the second movement of the Nakamura Suite in G-Minor! — Kevin Sylvester

Where have you been?" he asked slowly.
"Um, in the bathroom, mostly," Larry said. Let's just say my plumbing is not working any better than Mexico City's. — Kevin Sylvester

No time for jokes," Nakamura said. "Is Neil there?"
"Let's just say I'm Sleeping Beauty's personal assistant right now."
"I guess that makes you Waking Ugly?"
"I thought you said this was no time for jokes. That was a joke, right? — Kevin Sylvester

Nakamura considered this. "I hesitate to agree, but that was probably a good idea."
"A compliment! My goodness, let me mark the day on my calendar!"
"That's why I hesitated to agree," Nakamura said with a note of weariness. — Kevin Sylvester