Kelly Bingham Quotes & Sayings
Enjoy the top 12 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by Kelly Bingham.
Famous Quotes By Kelly Bingham

You know the part in Cinderella
when everyone goes to the ball
and she sits at home, crying?
It wasn't because her gown was ripped.
It was because she knew
she was an idiot
for thinking
she could grab a prince. — Kelly Bingham

But all I can come up with is:
'See you, Mr. Musker.
And Thank you.'
Words that are too small
because there are no words
big enough. — Kelly Bingham

M: Don't go there. Besides, you want to tell me about this prom date? Hmm?
J: He's just a fiend. We barely know each other.
M: Nice, The stuff dreams are made of. — Kelly Bingham

We bask in the scent of cinnamon before
Mom puts a scone her plate.
'His name is Rich,' she says.
I select a scone too.
'I like a man with an adjective for a name. — Kelly Bingham

Life goes on, and deadlines arrive, even when it seem the world should stop out of respect for a shattered self-esteem. — Kelly Bingham

Pumpkins. That's what we resemble
pumpkins, in our orange graduation robes.
'This color makes me look so fat,'
Angie says, straightening her cap.
'Why can't our school have decent colors?'
'You're not fat,' Michael says, dressed in shirt and tie.
You're glowing. Like a nuclear pumpkin.
Very attractive, really. — Kelly Bingham

My home, my world, my comfort zone, as Rachel says? It's not a place. It's not a frozen moment in time. It's inside, in my heart, full of the pieces of everyone I love. Things will change. But love won't — Kelly Bingham

Art is ment to travel from your heart to your head and out through your fingers ... — Kelly Bingham

Interesting that the book used the word define.
That's just what I've been thinking about.
This business of defining who you are
and what you are
and where you are headed-
it's all harder than I thought it would be.
I thought that this stuff
just ...
I thought that life
just happened,
and I guess I thought
I'd drift right along,
like a leaf on a river,
flowing with the current
to wherever the river wanted to go. — Kelly Bingham

Happy ending roll credits
pick our way out, over
crushed pieces of popcorn
to emerge
into the glaring light of day — Kelly Bingham

J: You will not believe what Mom is doing.
M: Ballroom dancing lessons? Hot-air balloon classes? — Kelly Bingham