Keigo Higashino Quotes & Sayings
Enjoy the top 20 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by Keigo Higashino.
Famous Quotes By Keigo Higashino

Kusanagi had met plenty of good, admirable people who'd been turned into murderers by circumstance. There was something about them he always seemed to sense, an aura that they shared. Somehow, their transgression freed them from the confines of a mortal existence, allowing them to perceive the great truths of the universe. At the same time, it meant they had one foot in forbidden territory. They straddled the line between sanity and madness. — Keigo Higashino

It was his knowledge of his own willful stupidity that had brought on his irritation — Keigo Higashino

The relationship between teacher and student is based on illusion. The teacher is under the illusion that he is teaching something, and the student is under the illusion that he is being taught. What's important is that this shared illusion makes both teacher and student happy. Nothing good is gained by facing the truth, after all. All we're doing is playing at education. — Keigo Higashino

You're familiar with the P = NP problem, right?" Yukawa asked from behind him. Ishigami looked around. "You're referring to the question of whether or not it is as easy to determine the accuracy of another person's results as it is to solve the problem yourself - or, failing that, how the difference in difficulty compares. It's one of the questions the Clay Mathematics Institute has offered a prize to solve. — Keigo Higashino

That's what happens when you free people from the restraints of time. They make their own rigid schedule. — Keigo Higashino

Which is more difficult? Inventing an unsolvable problem, or solving one. — Keigo Higashino

It's more difficult to create the problem than to solve it. All the person trying to solve the problem has to do is always respect the problem's creator. — Keigo Higashino

Watching people is a bit of a hobby of mine. It's quite fascinating, really. — Keigo Higashino

Curiosity is the fuel that powers the engine of human advancement — Keigo Higashino

Okay - the world needs its cogs, all of them; and even a cog may say how it gets used. In fact, only a cog may determine its eventual meaning in the system. That's what I wanted to tell you. — Keigo Higashino

Sometimes it's as important to prove there is no answer to a question as it is to answer it. — Keigo Higashino

he presented me with a mathematical conundrum," he said. "It's a famous one, the P = NP problem. Basically, it asks whether it's more difficult to think of the solution to a problem yourself or to ascertain if someone else's answer to the same problem is correct. — Keigo Higashino

I would propose that every woman has a little darkness under the surface, — Keigo Higashino

I love you more than anything else in this world. That's why your words were like a knife stabbing me in the heart. That's why you have to die, too. — Keigo Higashino

...that the decline in reading among children was largely the fault of their parents. Parents these days don't read books, themselves, but they feel they should make their children read. Since they aren't readers, however, they have no idea what to give their children. That's why they cling to the recommendations from the Ministry of Education. Those books are all insufferably boring and, as a result, the kids learn to hate books. It's a vicious cycle with no end in sight. — Keigo Higashino

Sometimes, all you had to do was exist in order to be someone's saviour. — Keigo Higashino

It didn't bother me. It excited my curiosity. And I believe there is no greater sin than to leave one's curiosity unsatisfied. — Keigo Higashino

most of his days, because her job as a dressmaker kept — Keigo Higashino

The sun had set. Night had come to the city. How easy it would be if everything went dark, and the world ended right here, right now. What a relief it would be. — Keigo Higashino

Even when you're at the top, there's always something higher, — Keigo Higashino