Kata Mlek Quotes & Sayings
Enjoy the top 4 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by Kata Mlek.
Famous Quotes By Kata Mlek

Artist must have an all-or-nothing attitide. Otherwise they will bite his head off and there will be no artist. — Kata Mlek

Nighttime riddles plague your mind
so what you've dreamt, you quickly write.
A notebook, words - that's all you get,
No faint idea have you yet.
Be patient, and look close to see
what the riddle's answer be
'Cause only one who learns that key
can read truth in my prophecies
So think, my dearest, long and deep
You might just find the news I keep. — Kata Mlek

Well...Anyone can promise wealth, happiness, health, and love. Anyone, even the dumbest fortune-teller. But misfortune is a challenge. No one wants to face it. — Kata Mlek

Cost, cost, cost. Freedom costs. That's life. — Kata Mlek