Justine Ezarik Quotes & Sayings
Enjoy the top 5 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by Justine Ezarik.
Famous Quotes By Justine Ezarik

It shouldn't be about getting famous. It shouldn't be about the size of your following. It should be about the way in which you connect with people in the world around you. It's about finding what you're truly passionate about, and letting that guide you. Fame is fleeting. But if you're really lucky, doing what you love can last forever. — Justine Ezarik

Dez and I aired most of our podcasts via TalkShoe, but I also frequented Odeo - a kind of podcasting platform-meets-aggregator. — Justine Ezarik

You see, my Apple loyalty started early, for no reason other than the fact that my mother is a teacher, and grade schools back then seemed to be stocked almost exclusively with Apples - we bought this second computer with my mother's educator discount. — Justine Ezarik

What we say to each other-even when it's anonymous, even when we think no one is paying attention, even when it's online-matters. Words have meaning. — Justine Ezarik

We are surrounded by so many extraordinary things in this life that it's easy to become jaded. We carry around in our pockets and purses these unimaginable miracles of modern technology, these mind-blowingly powerful computers that allow us to speak-at a moment's notice-with anyone in the world, that grant us access to billions of pages of information; with the press of a button, we can read almost any book every written, listen to any song ever recorded, or gaze into the face of a loved one, even if they are thousands of miles away. I think that's amazing. I don't want to be jaded. I want to marvel. — Justine Ezarik