Justine Davis Quotes & Sayings
Enjoy the top 3 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by Justine Davis.
Famous Quotes By Justine Davis

You'll never forget," Alden said, for the first time the pure evil of his soul showing in his eyes. His voice was bloodcurdingly gentle as he added, "And neither will I. Nothing feels as good as your own flesh and blood. — Justine Davis

Dar's been through enough in his life, and his legs are only a small part of it. Don't play with him, Cassie. If you're not serious, leave him the hell alone."
"And if I am serious?"
Sean smiled ruefully. "Then you're in for the fight of your life. — Justine Davis

Sometimes...I'd lie awake in the dark, right before dawn, and wonder if I'd ever be glad to see morning again. If I'd ever really come out on the other side. — Justine Davis