Julie Cross Quotes & Sayings
Enjoy the top 29 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by Julie Cross.
Famous Quotes By Julie Cross

Pressure is just that - pressure. It's all in your head. It has nothing to do with what you can or can't do. — Julie Cross

I shared a womb with someone ... does that mean we shared a soul?
Maybe half my soul is buried, deep under the ground, and I'll never get it back.
I'm cold when it isn't. I hear storms that aren't there. There's space in me I can't fill.
Empty. Cold. Storms. And then I smell the carpet, hear deep breaths that aren't mine.
When I open my eyes, she's still gone. — Julie Cross

We're a symphony
our limbs and lips and skin making up the instruments, working together to create a beautiful piece of music. — Julie Cross

Real people complicate things. Real people die. Real people can be killed by other people. — Julie Cross

I drag a finger over his chest and down his stomach, tracing the red, circular scar that, for three months of his life, was an opening that attached to a colostomy bag, an object that seemed to rob Marshall of his ability to be, well, Marshall - someone who lives for activity and vibrant levels of energy. He's got all that back now and is fully recovered. — Julie Cross

Relationships aren't about idealistic love and happily ever after. It's those things that bug [ ... ] us about each other and yet eventually we find ourselves wishing we could go back and do it all over again. — Julie Cross

I'd have to be a complete idiot to leave this girl. An absolute moron. I buried my face in her hair, holding on to her for a long time, and then I kissed her cheek before letting go. — Julie Cross

I didn't think it was possible to lose IQ points from reading, but I'm positive I just did. — Julie Cross

Are you texting a boy?"
"No," I said, "a boy is texting me. — Julie Cross

If you love someone, even the best one-night stand isn't going to erase that. — Julie Cross

You can't conquer everything in a day. Or even a week. Maybe not even a year. There's no way to work hard at grieving. You just have to let it happen. And you are, so don't fight it. — Julie Cross

Kansas City, that's like in Kansas, right?" I ask. "Missouri," Frank and Dad both correct. — Julie Cross

Kendrick has this look of deep concentration, then she sat up really quick and grinned. "Oh, my God ... I know what your task is."
"You have to kiss her ... like, in front of everyone. Total hard-core make-out session. — Julie Cross

He said if I was good enough to throw a perfect game, I'd be good enough to date his daughter. — Julie Cross

Emily's got a chicken obsession. — Julie Cross

Lenny London: In case you're wondering, running is like driving only there's more sweating and less sitting. I don't recommend trying it if you haven't already. — Julie Cross

Shit!"Holly said when our eyes fell on her bra lying at our feet. I snatched it from the ground, trying to stuff it in my pocket, but Dad was already inside the room, looking us over carefully, eyes scanning us head to toe, pausing at the bra dangling from my left hand. "Are you going to wear that?" He asked me. Holly started laughing right before me and then neither of us could stop. — Julie Cross

So this is what it's like to have so much desire for something it clouds all fear and embarrassment. — Julie Cross

Arms are around me, hands in my hair, lips moving across my cheek, over my neck, and I'm thinking about poetry, about Edgar Allan Poe and words that move like waves, people who move like waves together, and all the non-words we can make with our bodies. — Julie Cross

People are good at hiding the ugly parts of their lives. — Julie Cross

Is the diameter of your index finger equal to or greater than the diameter of a super absorbency tampon? — Julie Cross

I don't feel like a whole person anymore. Something is missing and I'm afraid I can't ever get it back. — Julie Cross

Today, Jackson and Holly are in love. Tomorrow, she will lie dying in his arms. Yesterday, he must undo it all ... — Julie Cross

My greatest fear is saying I" I love you", even if its true. Im scare to say it because it sounds so final, like a goodbye. But im not saying goodbye, not ever. Maybe you could just try to stay longer, for me, because I don't know if I can be me without you. — Julie Cross

As I'm heading back to the ER, my hands shaking from both nerves and anticipation, it occurs to me how much I'm aching to hear his voice again. To brush my thumbs across his cheek and feel the sexy stubble that always seems to be there. I'm dying to tell him about the man with no one to call and make sure he knows that no matter what, when he's forty and injured in the ER, he can call me. He can always call me.
Is this what love is? — Julie Cross

You should really relax your shoulders more. You look better with a neck. — Julie Cross