Jordan Harper Quotes & Sayings
Enjoy the top 5 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by Jordan Harper.
Famous Quotes By Jordan Harper

Mark won't let me fret. He points out people driving next to us. He tells me that most of them - most everybody - is screaming almost all of the time.
"They're just screaming real quiet," he says. "It's true, you know. Look around at the faces on the bus. Look at the guy taking your order and pushing the plastic tray, the plastic-wrapped burger with plastic cheese, look at the face he's wearing under the smile. You listen and tell me he's not screaming. — Jordan Harper

John's mouth felt full of hot pennies. — Jordan Harper

Is it raining, Owen?"
They sat together, one atop the other, on the wet grass.
"Yes. — Jordan Harper

He was a son of a bitch, too. He played ball in school, and had those fancy-cut muscles the young men have these days. They look real nice, but to me they're like flowers grown in a hothouse that would die if you planted them out in the real world. — Jordan Harper

Sometimes I hear Mark laugh, and some days in the car the right song will come on the satellite radio and I'll feel him there tingling like a phantom limb. Like he's sitting there next to me in the dark. But I know that's not so. And I know that when you die there's not even darkness, and I know Mark and me won't meet on some cloud or in some pit of fire. And I guess that's a good thing. I couldn't take those eyes seeing what's become of me, those eyes looking down at my hands and my chewed-up ragged nails. — Jordan Harper