Jonathan Harnum Quotes & Sayings
Enjoy the top 5 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by Jonathan Harnum.
Famous Quotes By Jonathan Harnum

Forget about the 10,000-hour rule you've heard so much about. It's a red herring. What's important is not the hours you've practiced, but the kind of practice in your hours. Focus on the tree, not the forest. — Jonathan Harnum

If you want to get better, you simply have to practice. There's no way around it. Even though Prasad, Sona, and Rex all had beneficial early experiences with music, each has had to spend thousands of hours in practice to acquire their musical prowess. Rex told me, "If people could've lived my life and all the hours I've spent practicing the tuba alone in some little room someplace, they probably wouldn't label me as being particularly talented."[6] — Jonathan Harnum

No matter what gifts you have, practice is the only way to get better at anything.
"If people knew how hard I had to work to gain my mastery it would not seem so wonderful at all" - Michael Angelo — Jonathan Harnum

Those who can, do; those who do and understand, teach. — Jonathan Harnum

Practice and playing music has to be like a religious experience. It has to be your religion, you know; it has to be your trance. You get something from a devotion to it and digging deeper into yourself and the nature of reality. — Jonathan Harnum