John Miller Quotes & Sayings
Enjoy the top 4 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by John Miller.
Famous Quotes By John Miller

There's not a chance we'll reach our full potential until we stop blaming each other and start practicing personal accountability. — John Miller

rather sit there and watch TV, get fat and out of shape OR would you rather take a 15-minute body weight workout and feel incredible knowing you're getting yourself a fit body you'll be proud of? Working with your language and questions is something you have to do every day. It's only natural to fall into the occasional patterns of — John Miller

I would be remiss, as a scientist who studied this, if I didn't mention the following two things: The first is that, most importantly, we need to do, as a society, in this country and globally, whatever we can to reduce population" ... "Our whole economic system is based on growth, and growth of our population, and this economic madness has to end. — John Miller

People who take the time to be alone usually have depth, originality, and quiet reserve. — John Miller