Famous Quotes & Sayings

Jo Ann V. Glim Quotes & Sayings

Enjoy the top 8 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by Jo Ann V. Glim.

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Famous Quotes By Jo Ann V. Glim

Jo Ann V. Glim Quotes 1728075

With so much trauma and drama in everyday life, the beauty of peace and solitude beckons like an oasis in a barren wasteland. — Jo Ann V. Glim

Jo Ann V. Glim Quotes 115825

Every breath a blessing... Every day a gift! — Jo Ann V. Glim

Jo Ann V. Glim Quotes 1940037

Choose to live with honor and integrity; In all that you do, be an honest and trustworthy person; Use your talents to serve others and your country; Protect and nurture life ... it's the most precious gift we have; Develop a personal relationship with God. Life is filled with challenges. Face them with courage and faith. It's where wisdom and strength dwell. If you live by these standards, you will never be poor. Your life will be filled with wealth and your heart will truly know peace. Out of all these choices, the greatest choice we make is to hate or to love ... Choose Love. — Jo Ann V. Glim

Jo Ann V. Glim Quotes 991238

If we counted wrinkles as we do pages in a book, some of us are fast approaching "epic" status! — Jo Ann V. Glim

Jo Ann V. Glim Quotes 1181521

Son, make this world a better place with that beautiful mind of yours. And when you have a family of your own, love them beyond measure even when it means letting them be free to do what God intends them to do. — Jo Ann V. Glim

Jo Ann V. Glim Quotes 1353034

A personal journey is part of the generational relay. Live your legacy then pass it on. — Jo Ann V. Glim

Jo Ann V. Glim Quotes 1930838

Kintsugi is based on the belief that something broken is stronger and more beautiful because of its imperfections, the history attached to it, and its altered state. Instead of hiding what's been damaged, the shards are mended with a special resin mixed with gold dust. The bonded seams become an intrinsic part of the ceramic and add a personalized, one-of-a-kind beauty through its imperfections. — Jo Ann V. Glim

Jo Ann V. Glim Quotes 2263083

Poverty is a condition that resides in the heart ... not in the wallet. — Jo Ann V. Glim