Jesse Walker Quotes & Sayings
Enjoy the top 1 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by Jesse Walker.
Famous Quotes By Jesse Walker

When the Mattachine Society of Washington's founder, Frank Kameny, testified to a congressional committee in 1962, he informed his interrogators that the group's mailing list had only about a hundred names on it. That was inconceivable to congressmen such as John Dowdy, a Texas Democrat who had assumed that the society was an arm of a "national and international organization" with "up in the millions" of members.79 The committee was puzzled further by the fact that Kameny believed that there were a quarter-million homosexuals in the city - not because they doubted that there were so many, but because he didn't have each one's contact information. The investigators assumed, Johnson wrote, "that homosexuals were inherently drawn to the same clique and would somehow all be on the same mailing list. — Jesse Walker