Jean Zimmerman Quotes & Sayings
Enjoy the top 9 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by Jean Zimmerman.
Famous Quotes By Jean Zimmerman
On the same day, two murders. — Jean Zimmerman
At times such as these, evenings in the forest, loneliness seized her like a black dog. She kept telling herself it was pure weakness, that she had to be strong to stay alive in this world. Her orphanhood hung about her like a cloak.
You shall not feel sorry for yourself, she commanded, and then disobeyed ... beneath the surface veneer of stubborn independence, she needed desperately to belong to somebody. — Jean Zimmerman
Indigenous foods die when no one learns to cook them. — Jean Zimmerman
Drummond appreciated his guest's initial silence, his respect for the ancient, sacred act of imbibing. Drink first, talk later. — Jean Zimmerman
Pretty as a painting, but thorny as a rose. — Jean Zimmerman
The lies one tells always pale in comparison to the truths one withholds. — Jean Zimmerman
Guns are like thermometers, only instead of measuring body temperatures they measure our fear. — Jean Zimmerman
Men's truths rather too neatly fit their convenience, have you ever noticed that? — Jean Zimmerman