Jason Gurley Quotes & Sayings
Enjoy the top 19 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by Jason Gurley.
Famous Quotes By Jason Gurley

Eve's voice emanates from the walls of the station in an otherworldly, haunting way, as if she speaks from everywhere and nowhere at once. — Jason Gurley

Her mother will die, but it will not be because death has found her mother. It will be because her mother dared death to come visit. — Jason Gurley

It is only a question. It changes nothing that is not already true. — Jason Gurley

herself from the rains. But through the raw and broken trees she could see the valley, faint beneath a gelatinous fog. She's all but certain that she's falling toward the very same — Jason Gurley

And it is miserable to think that this is what adulthood is like: two people, cowering behind their grief, lashing out at each other like injured animals. — Jason Gurley

Cutting a person's throat is not as easy as I thought it would be. — Jason Gurley

because when a person has a dream that they've dreamed of their whole life, and they don't get a single chance to accomplish it in the single life that belongs to them, they just sort of wither inside, — Jason Gurley

an atom, and the resulting detonation blinded them all. — Jason Gurley

benches - she was possessive of her mornings, of the quiet before her day became a thing owned by other people - but — Jason Gurley

I missed the moonlight, the stars. There were times I forgot that there was an entire universe above the clouds. It was as if a shroud had been pulled around the Earth. Over time, we would forget everything that we had once struggled so hard to observe and learn and prove. We would forget about Jupiter and its churning storms. We would forget about the Big Dipper, about Halley's comet. We would stumble across telescopes in old department stores and never give them a second look, never wonder about the things they once made large. — Jason Gurley

There are so many demons. Agnes tips the bottle back and her eyes flutter closed, and she swallows, and swallows again, and the burn of it tells her it will be okay, that everything will be just fine, because the burn is always followed by the dark, and the dark is followed by - Peace. Or something very much like it. She drinks, and eventually her grip loosens on the bottle, and she slips into that dark where Esmerelda, where Eleanor, where nobody else is permitted. — Jason Gurley

Time is a river, and it flows in a circle. I love you. — Jason Gurley

Every space movie has a nutjob on the space ship, Henry says. And until you kill the nutjob, everybody's in danger. — Jason Gurley

Most souls wait for a very long time. In the end, the peace they seek is usually within themselves, not within the confines of the world they left. — Jason Gurley

a well of beauty tucked away inside the girl, masked by drawn expressions and tired shoulders. She carries unseen weights. — Jason Gurley

There should be someone in the world who loves you despite you," she whispers to her mother. — Jason Gurley

This is how the darkness is. It knows nothing else. It fills crevices, pushing into the finest, narrowest corners, ascribing no meaning to the events that it carries, but birthing and then swallowing them again as they expire. — Jason Gurley

Reality is a terrific drug. — Jason Gurley

She cannot relax. The world around her is a living, breathing metaphor. The boat is her mother's frail body, groaning under Eleanor's weight. The sea is the poison that waits below, ready to consume her when she stumbles. The island is death, and she carves a resolute path - "a straight shot," as Jack said - to death's very door. Eleanor — Jason Gurley