Enjoy the top 1 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by James Crosbie.
Famous Quotes By James Crosbie
Ebook compilation by RefineCatch Ltd, Bungay — James Crosbie
Famous Quotes
The boy's last - only - thought was that he had been punched in the stomach. The breath was driven from him in a sudden rush. He had no time to cry out, nor, had he had the time, would he have known what to cry, for he could not see the fish. The fish's head drove the raft out of the water. The jaws smashed together, engulfing head, arms, shoulders, trunk, pelvis, and most of the raft. Nearly half the fish had come clear of the water, and it slid forward and down in a belly-flopping motion, grinding the mass of flesh and bone and rubber. The boy's legs were severed at the hips, and they sank, spinning slowly, to the bottom." Author: Peter Benchley