J.F. Kelly Quotes & Sayings
Enjoy the top 14 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by J.F. Kelly.
Famous Quotes By J.F. Kelly

Women enjoy sex as much as men...if they were totally satisfied in sexual encounters, they would welcome them. — J.F. Kelly

Women need to assert their rights in the bedroom too - many women have done so in the workplace; many women have done so in house chores and parenting, but women's rights are sorely lacking in the bedroom. — J.F. Kelly

In the purest sensual and intimate act of lovemaking, there is a give and take, and both partners actively choose among and agree to the expressions. In reciprocal lovemaking, a woman is equally satisfied and drives the experience just as much as her man. — J.F. Kelly

Every person has the right to be loved in the way she/he wants to be loved. Making love is not something you do to someone; making love is something you share. — J.F. Kelly

I was brought up to think that women were inhibited, but they sure are not with me. I guess I am lucky or there is something about me that makes them feel totally comfortable, open, and expressive. I don't mind; it feels good and the rest unfolds naturally. — J.F. Kelly

Men need to realize that women take longer to get aroused and satisfied - sometimes 6 -8 times longer. Make the journey pleasurable. — J.F. Kelly

If women were totally satisfied with their sexual and lovemaking experiences, women would welcome the lovemaking experience as much as men. — J.F. Kelly

Each of us has a heart, a soul, and feelings. Each of us desires to be wanted, to be appreciated, and to be loved. The enchantment in life is to discover and spend time with another person who knows that and expresses it. In this context, the liberation of our naked bodies in the act of lovemaking is what gives us ultimate pleasure. — J.F. Kelly

BDSM is not liberating nor does it promote equality between men and women. — J.F. Kelly

Lovemaking only really works and is satisfying when each person in the sexual and lovemaking act wants it and actively participates. — J.F. Kelly

Lovemaking takes time!
It is a myth for lovemaking to be quick and smooth. To find pleasure in each other, both men and women need to take time to explore each other with their hands; their lips and they need to be open to each other in a mutual, consensual, and non-judgmental style.
sure — J.F. Kelly

Intimacy and lovemaking - intertwined, meshed, and one becoming the other - are what I strive to achieve each time I am presented with the opportunity to enjoy a lovemaking experience. — J.F. Kelly

During the year of 2015 stay grounded. How? Each night before you go to sleep, write a word/expression capturing a positive state of mind on a sheet of paper. Fold the paper in a V and prop it on your nightstand beside your bed so you will see it the first thing in the morning.
When you wake up, look at the word, put the word into your mind and feel it/express it throughout the day, no matter what happens to you that day. Examples are: appreciation, look for the positive in others and events; happy, worthiness, creative, cheerful, forgiving, gratitude, letting go of your ego and focus on others, selfless, love, kindness, etc. — J.F. Kelly

Most women prefer lovemaking with romance, appreciation, respect, and caring with plenty of foreplay, satisfaction, and afterglow. — J.F. Kelly