Hilaria Alexander Quotes & Sayings
Enjoy the top 3 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by Hilaria Alexander.
Famous Quotes By Hilaria Alexander

The wine must have done its job, because I am relaxed and finally at ease. Yes, it's definitely the wine. Otherwise I wouldn't have started singing out of the blue in a million years. — Hilaria Alexander

Hey!" I wave my index finger in his face, "No shitting on pop music. Everyone needs some light, fun, sexy pop music. It's summer, and that right there, is the perfect summer song. It's hot."
"You're right, it is hot," he says, scanning my body with his eyes. — Hilaria Alexander

I don't need to read the whole book, Prudence, to know how I feel about it. I knew you were the one ever since I read the first chapter.. — Hilaria Alexander