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Henry Hazlitt Quotes & Sayings

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Famous Quotes By Henry Hazlitt

Henry Hazlitt Quotes 1191096

In practice [monetary management] is merely a high-sounding euphemism for continuous currency debasement. It consists of constant lying in order to support constant swindling. Instead of automatic currencies based on gold, people are forced to take managed currencies based on guile. Instead of precious metals they hold paper promises whose value falls with every bureaucratic whim. And they are suavely assured that only hopelessly antiquated minds dream of returning to truth and honesty and solvency and gold. — Henry Hazlitt

Henry Hazlitt Quotes 1408211

We are so accustomed to the miracle of private enterprise that we habitually take it for granted. But how does private industry solve the incredibly complex problem of turning out tens of thousands of different goods and services in the proportions in which they are wanted by the public? ... It solves these problems through the institutions of private property, competition, the free market, and the existence of money - through the interrelations of supply and demand, costs and prices, profits and losses. — Henry Hazlitt

Henry Hazlitt Quotes 1256060

The State, of course, is absolutely indispensable to the preservation of law and order, and the promotion of peace and social cooperation. What is unnecessary and evil, what abridges the liberty and threatens the true welfare of the individual, is the State that has usurped excessive powers and grown beyond its legitimate function - the super-State, the socialist State, the redistributive State, in brief, the ironically misnamed 'Welfare State.' — Henry Hazlitt

Henry Hazlitt Quotes 745986

What is put into the hands of B cannot be put into the hands of A. — Henry Hazlitt

Henry Hazlitt Quotes 396507

Ither immediately or ultimately every dollar of government spending must be raised through a dollar of taxation. Once we look at the matter. In this way, the supposed miracles of government spending will appear in another light. — Henry Hazlitt

Henry Hazlitt Quotes 1456208

The consequences of inflation are malinvestment, waste, a wanton redistribution of wealth and income, the growth of speculation and gambling, immorality and corruption, disillusionment, social resentment, discontent, upheaval and riots, bankruptcy, increased government controls, and eventual collapse. — Henry Hazlitt

Henry Hazlitt Quotes 1257994

A certain amount of taxes is of course indispensable to carry on essential government functions. Reasonable taxes for this purpose need not hurt production much. — Henry Hazlitt

Henry Hazlitt Quotes 1088833

Prices are determined by supply and demand, and demand is determined by how intensely people want a commodity and what they have to offer in exchange for it. — Henry Hazlitt

Henry Hazlitt Quotes 1827211

A man with a scant vocabulary will almost certainly be a weak thinker. The richer and more copious one's vocabulary and the greater one's awareness of fine distinctions and subtle nuances of meaning, the more fertile and precise is likely to be one's thinking. Knowledge of things and knowledge of the words for them grow together. If you do not know the words, you can hardly know the thing. — Henry Hazlitt

Henry Hazlitt Quotes 139847

Need is not demand. Effective economic demand requires not merely need but corresponding purchasing power. — Henry Hazlitt

Henry Hazlitt Quotes 79225

For it is the very commodities selected for maximum price-fixing that the regulators most want to keep in abundant supply. But when they limit the wages and the profits of those who make these commodities, without also limiting the wages and profits of those who make luxuries or semiluxuries, they discourage the production of the price-controlled necessities while they relatively stimulate the production of less essential goods. — Henry Hazlitt

Henry Hazlitt Quotes 230456

The solution to our problems is not more paternalism, laws, decrees, and controls, but the restoration of liberty and free enterprise, the restoration of incentives, to let loose the tremendous constructive energies of 300 million Americans. — Henry Hazlitt

Henry Hazlitt Quotes 1085162

Government provided free tuition tends more and more to produce a uniform conformist education, with college faculties ultimately dependent for their jobs on the government, and so developing an economic interest in profession and teaching a statist, pro-government, and socialist ideology. — Henry Hazlitt

Henry Hazlitt Quotes 1058919

If there is to be no loss whatever of dignity or self-respect in getting and staying on relief, then there can be no gain in dignity or self-respect in makings some sacrifices to keep off. — Henry Hazlitt

Henry Hazlitt Quotes 1418581

When each of us is free to work out his own economic destiny, within the framework of the market economy, the institution of private property, and the general rule of law, we will all improve our economic condition much faster than when we are ordered around by bureaucrats. — Henry Hazlitt

Henry Hazlitt Quotes 728505

Real wealth, of course, consists in what is produced and consumed: the food we eat, the clothes we wear, the houses we live in. — Henry Hazlitt

Henry Hazlitt Quotes 1624942

Would-be income guarantors ignore or despise the capitalistic system that makes their dreams dreamable and gives their redistribute-the-income proposals whatever plausibility they have. — Henry Hazlitt

Henry Hazlitt Quotes 1677070

The future of human liberty ... means the future of civilization. — Henry Hazlitt

Henry Hazlitt Quotes 1379060

There are millions receiving government payments who have come to consider them as an earned right, who of course find them inadequate, and who are outraged at the slightest suggestion of a critical re-examination of the subject. The political pressure for constant extension and increase of these benefits is almost irresistible. — Henry Hazlitt

Henry Hazlitt Quotes 590741

When providing employment becomes the end, need becomes a subordinate consideration. — Henry Hazlitt

Henry Hazlitt Quotes 1047888

Government welfarism, with its ever-increasing army of pensioners and other beneficiaries, is fatally easy to launch and fatally easy to extend, but almost impossible to bring to a halt - and quite impossible politically to reverse, no matter how obvious and catastrophic its consequences become. — Henry Hazlitt

Henry Hazlitt Quotes 600248

To try to cure unemployment by inflation rather than by adjustment of specific wage-rates is like trying to adjust the piano to the stool rather than the stool to the piano. — Henry Hazlitt

Henry Hazlitt Quotes 1586893

The analysis of our illustrations has taught us another incidental lesson. This is that, when we study the effects of various proposals, not merely on special groups in the short run, but on all groups in the long run, the conclusions we arrive at usually correspond with those of unsophisticated common sense. It would not occur to anyone unacquainted with the prevailing economic half-literacy that it is good to have windows broken and cities destroyed; that it is anything but waste to create needless public projects; that it is dangerous to let idle hordes of men return to work; that machines which increase the production of wealth and economize human effort are to be dreaded; that obstructions to free production and free consumption increase wealth; that a nation grows richer by forcing other nations to take its goods for less than they cost to produce; that saving is stupid or wicked and that squandering brings prosperity. — Henry Hazlitt

Henry Hazlitt Quotes 396965

The monetary managers are fond of telling us that they have substituted 'responsible money management' for the gold standard. But there is no historic record of responsible paper money management ... The record taken, as a whole is one of hyperinflation, devaluation and monetary chaos. — Henry Hazlitt

Henry Hazlitt Quotes 1274636

There is a second main factor that spawns new economic fallacies every day. This is the persistent tendency of men to see only the immediate effects of a given policy, or its effects only on a special group, and to neglect to inquire what the long-run effects of that policy will be not only on that special group but on all groups. It is the fallacy of overlooking secondary consequences. — Henry Hazlitt

Henry Hazlitt Quotes 1979439

Short-sighted and impatient efforts to wipe out poverty by severing the connection between effort and reward can only lead to the growth of a totalitarian state, and destroy the economic progress that this country has so dearly bought. — Henry Hazlitt

Henry Hazlitt Quotes 210681

What is really being lent is not money, which is merely the medium of exchange, but capital. — Henry Hazlitt

Henry Hazlitt Quotes 1451226

There may have been somewhere, as a few eighteenth-century philosophers dreamed, a group of peaceful men who got together one evening after work and drew up a Social Contract to form the state. But nobody has been able to find an actual record of it. Practically all the governments whose origins are historically established were the result of conquest-of one tribe by another, one city by another, one people by another. Of course there have been constitutional conventions, but they merely changed the working rules of governments already in being. — Henry Hazlitt

Henry Hazlitt Quotes 1172846

There can be little doubt that many egalitarians are motivated at least partly by envy. — Henry Hazlitt

Henry Hazlitt Quotes 1476274

The crying need today is not for more laws, but for fewer. The world must be saved from its saviors. If the friends of liberty and law could have only one slogan it should be: Stop the remedies! — Henry Hazlitt

Henry Hazlitt Quotes 1885112

Eternal vigilance is the price of an open mind. — Henry Hazlitt

Henry Hazlitt Quotes 1474804

Just as there is no technical improvement that would not hurt someone, so there is no change in public taste or morals, even for the better, that would not hurt someone. — Henry Hazlitt

Henry Hazlitt Quotes 1402649

Government can't give us anything without depriving us of something else. — Henry Hazlitt

Henry Hazlitt Quotes 2015957

There is no more certain way to deter employment than to harass and penalize employers. There is no more certain way to keep wages low than to destroy every incentive to investment in new and more efficient machines and equipment. — Henry Hazlitt

Henry Hazlitt Quotes 2255297

In an exchange economy everybody's money income is somebody else's cost. Every increase in hourly wages, unless or until compensated by an equal increase in hourly productivity, is an increase in costs of production. An increase in costs of production, where the government controls prices and forbids any price increase, takes the profit from marginal producers, forces them out of business, means a shrinkage in production and a growth in unemployment. Even where a price increase is possible, the higher price discourages buyers, shrinks the market, and also leads to unemployment. If a 30 percent increase in hourly wages all around the circle forces a 30 percent increase in prices, labor can buy no more of the product than it could at the beginning; and the merry-go-round must start all over again. — Henry Hazlitt

Henry Hazlitt Quotes 2080544

In order that one industry might grow or come into existence, a hundred other industries would have to shrink. — Henry Hazlitt

Henry Hazlitt Quotes 2106724

It has been frequently said that many of the world's greatest inventions were due to accident. In a sense this is true. But the accident was prepared for by previous hard thinking. It would never have occurred had not this thinking taken place. — Henry Hazlitt

Henry Hazlitt Quotes 1494685

One of the worst results of the retention of the Keynesian myths is that it not only promotes greater and greater inflation, but that it systematically diverts attention from the real causes of our unemployment, such as excessive union wage-rates, minimum wage laws, excessive and prolonged unemployment insurance, and overgenerous relief payments. — Henry Hazlitt

Henry Hazlitt Quotes 1412242

I have spoken of analogy as a constructive method. This, however, should be used only for suggestion, for it is most dangerous. Often we use an analogy and are quite unaware of it. Thus many social and political thinkers have called society an "organism," and have proceeded to deal with it as if it were a large animal. They have thought not in terms of the actual phenomena under consideration, but in terms of the analogy. In so far as the terms of the analogy were more concrete than those of the phenomena, their thinking has been made easier. But no analogy will ever hold good throughout, and consequently these thinkers have often fallen into error. — Henry Hazlitt

Henry Hazlitt Quotes 2122796

When personal incomes are taxed 50, 60 or 70 percent. People begin to ask themselves why they should work six, eight or nine months of the entire year for the government, and only six, four or three months for themselves and their families. If they lose the whole dollar when they lose, but can keep only a fraction of it when they win, they decide that it is foolish to take risks with their capital. — Henry Hazlitt

Henry Hazlitt Quotes 2139190

When people who earn more than the average have their 'surplus', or the greater part of it, seized from them in taxes, and when people who earn less than average have the deficiency , or the greater part of it, turned over to them in hand-outs and doles, the production of all must sharply decline; for the energetic and able who lose their incentive to produce more than the average, and the slothful and unskilled lose their incentive to improve their condition. — Henry Hazlitt

Henry Hazlitt Quotes 2251025

The art of economics consists in looking not merely at the immediate but at the longer effects of any act or policy; it consists in tracing the consequences of that policy not merely for one group but for all groups. — Henry Hazlitt

Henry Hazlitt Quotes 1621196

The tendency of welfare spending in the United States has been to increase at an exponential rate. — Henry Hazlitt

Henry Hazlitt Quotes 1795490

The envious are not satisfied with equality; they secretly yearn for superiority and revenge. In the French Revolution of 1848, a woman coal-heaver is said to have remarked to a richly dressed lady: 'Yes, madam, everything's going to be equal now; I shall go in silks and you'll carry coal.' — Henry Hazlitt

Henry Hazlitt Quotes 1789848

The only way we can get rid of this desire to cling to our prejudices, is thoroughly to convince ourselves of the superiority of the truth; to leave not the slightest doubt in our own minds as to the value of looking with perfect indifference on all questions; to see that this is more advantageous than believing in that opinion which would benefit us most if true, more important than "being consistent," more to be cherished than the comfortable feeling of certainty. — Henry Hazlitt

Henry Hazlitt Quotes 1781238

Each of us must also sell something, even if for most of us it is our own services rather than goods, in order to get the purchasing power to buy. — Henry Hazlitt

Henry Hazlitt Quotes 1752801

There are methods numberless, and some problems will require methods all their own.
But what is important is that every problem should be dealt with by as many methods as possible.
Doubtless you have used, at some time or other in the course of your thinking, nearly every one of the methods I have so far suggested. But the point is not that you have never used these methods at all,but that you have not used them often enough. You were unaware what method you were using. Consequently you used it only occasionally. You used it only when you stumbled on it accidentally. To formulate methods is to bring them to your attention, so that you may use them always, thoroughly, correctly, consistently. — Henry Hazlitt

Henry Hazlitt Quotes 1752741

Full employment - very full employment; long, weary, back-breaking employment - is characteristic of precisely the nations that are most retarded industrially. — Henry Hazlitt

Henry Hazlitt Quotes 1721612

Some champions of ever-greater governmental power and spending invent the theory that the taxpayers, left to themselves, spend the money they have earned very foolishly, on all sorts of trivialities and rubbish, and that only the bureaucrats, by first seizing it from them, will know how to spend it wisely. — Henry Hazlitt

Henry Hazlitt Quotes 1711312

It is significant that while there is a word "profiteer" to stigmatize those who make allegedly excessive profits, there is no such word as "wageer" - or "losseer. — Henry Hazlitt

Henry Hazlitt Quotes 1816273

We can clarify our thinking if we put our chief emphasis where it belongs - on policies that will maximize production. — Henry Hazlitt

Henry Hazlitt Quotes 1484201

If you follow this method with all problems - i.e., thinking a thing out for yourself before looking up what others have thought - you will soon improve your thinking surprisingly. — Henry Hazlitt

Henry Hazlitt Quotes 1881370

Multiculturalism means your kid has to learn some wretched tribal dirge for the school holiday concert instead of getting to sing 'Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer.' — Henry Hazlitt

Henry Hazlitt Quotes 1605348

In a free enterprise system, with an honest and stable money, there is dominantly a close link between effort and productivity, on the one hand, and economic reward on the other. Inflation severs this link. Reward comes to depend less and less on effort and production, and more and more on successful gambling and luck. — Henry Hazlitt

Henry Hazlitt Quotes 1882431

New taxes are so unpopular that most 'social' handout schemes are originally enacted without enough increased taxation to pay for them. The result is chronic government deficits, paid for by the issuance of additional paper money. — Henry Hazlitt

Henry Hazlitt Quotes 1598871

When your money is taken by a thief, you get nothing in return. When your money is taken through taxes to support needless bureaucrats, precisely the same situation exists. — Henry Hazlitt

Henry Hazlitt Quotes 1591501

Competition always tends to bring about the most economical and efficient method of production. Those who are most successful in this competition will acquire more capital to increase their production still further; those who are least successful will be forced out of the field. So capitalist production tends constantly to be drawn into the hands of the most efficient. — Henry Hazlitt

Henry Hazlitt Quotes 1524213

demand and supply are merely two sides of the same coin. They are the same thing looked at from different directions. Supply creates demand because at bottom it is demand. The supply of the thing they make is all that people have, in fact, to offer in exchange for the things they want. — Henry Hazlitt

Henry Hazlitt Quotes 1813507

The whole gospel of Karl Marx can be summed up in a single sentence: Hate the man who is better off than you are. Never under any circumstances admit that his success may be due to his own efforts, to the productive contribution he has made to the whole community. Always attribute his success to the exploitation, the cheating, the more or less open robbery of others. Never under any circumstances admit that your own failure may be owing to your own weakness, or that the failure of anyone else may be due to his own defects - his laziness, incompetence, improvidence, or stupidity. — Henry Hazlitt

Henry Hazlitt Quotes 320886

The dilemma is this. In the modern world knowledge has been growing so fast and so enormously, in almost every field, that the probabilities are immensely against anybody, no matter how innately clever, being able to make a contribution in any one field unless he devotes all his time to it for years. If he tries to be the Rounded Universal Man, like Leonardo da Vinci, or to take all knowledge for his province, like Francis Bacon, he is most likely to become a mere dilettante and dabbler. But if he becomes too specialized, he is apt to become narrow and lopsided, ignorant on every subject but his own, and perhaps dull and sterile even on that because he lacks perspective and vision and has missed the cross-fertilization of ideas that can come from knowing something of other subjects. — Henry Hazlitt

Henry Hazlitt Quotes 600110

The superior freedom of the capitalist system, its superior justice, and its superior productivity are not three superiorities, but one. The justice follows from the freedom and the productivity follows from the freedom and the justice. — Henry Hazlitt

Henry Hazlitt Quotes 598216

The best prices are not the highest prices, but the prices that encourage the largest volume of production and the largest volume of sales. The best wage rates for labor are not the highest wage rates, but the wage rates that permit full production, full employment and the largest sustained payrolls. The best profits, from the standpoint not only of industry but of labor, are not the lowest profits, but the profits that encourage most people to become employers or to provide more employment than before. — Henry Hazlitt

Henry Hazlitt Quotes 595655

The progress of civilization has meant the reduction of employment, not its increase. It is because we have become increasingly wealthy as a nation that we have been able virtually to eliminate child labor, to remove the necessity of work for many of the aged and to make it unnecessary for millions of women to take jobs. — Henry Hazlitt

Henry Hazlitt Quotes 590173

A hundred welfare programs, spending more and more billions, lead to chronic budget deficits, which lead to increased paper-money issues, which lead to higher prices. — Henry Hazlitt

Henry Hazlitt Quotes 581356

The essential function of the State is to maintain peace, justice, law, and order, and to protect the individual citizen against aggression, violence, theft, and fraud. — Henry Hazlitt

Henry Hazlitt Quotes 565421

Government-to-government aid rests on socialistic assumptions and promotes socialism and stagnation, whereas private foreign investment rest on capitalist assumptions and promotes private enterprise and maximum economic growth. — Henry Hazlitt

Henry Hazlitt Quotes 545991

Yet it ought to be clear that a minimum wage law is, at best, a limited weapon for combatting the evil of low wages, and that the possible good to be achieved by such a law can exceed the possible harm only in proportion as its aims are modest. The more ambitious such a law is, the larger the number of workers it attempts to cover, and the more it attempts to raise their wages, the more likely are its harmful effects to exceed its good effects. — Henry Hazlitt

Henry Hazlitt Quotes 423973

The quickest way to detect error in analogy is to carry it out as far as it will go - and further. Every analogy will break down somewhere. Any analogy if carried out far enough becomes absurd. — Henry Hazlitt

Henry Hazlitt Quotes 367618

The same reasoning applies to civilian government officials whenever they are retained in excessive numbers and do not perform services for the community reasonably equivalent to the remuneration they receive. — Henry Hazlitt

Henry Hazlitt Quotes 358052

all government expenditures must eventually be paid out of the proceeds of taxation; that inflation itself is merely a form, and a particularly vicious form, of taxation. Having — Henry Hazlitt

Henry Hazlitt Quotes 610216

This is perhaps as good a place as any to point out that what distinguishes many reformers from those who cannot accept their proposals is not their greater philanthropy, but their greater impatience. The question is not whether we wish to see everybody as well off as possible. Among men of good will such an aim can be taken for granted. The real question concerns the proper means of achieving it. And in trying to answer this we must never lose sight of a few elementary truisms. We cannot distribute more wealth than is created. We cannot in the long run pay labor as a whole more than it produces. — Henry Hazlitt

Henry Hazlitt Quotes 279153

The capitalist system has lifted mankind out of mass poverty. It is this system that in the last century, in the last generation, even in the last decade, has acceleratively been changing the face of the world, and has provided the masses of mankind with amenities that even kings did not possess or imagine a few generations ago. — Henry Hazlitt

Henry Hazlitt Quotes 244377

What men do not know about they take for granted. Knowledge furnishes problems, and the discovery of problems itself constitutes an intellectual advance. — Henry Hazlitt

Henry Hazlitt Quotes 182004

Once the idea is accepted that money is something whose supply is determined simply by the printing press, it becomes impossible for the politicians in power to resist the constant demands for further inflation. — Henry Hazlitt

Henry Hazlitt Quotes 169632

Saving" in short, in the modern world, is only another form of spending. — Henry Hazlitt

Henry Hazlitt Quotes 137365

Here we shall have to say simply that all government expenditures must eventually be paid out of the proceeds of taxation; that inflation itself is merely a form, and a particularly vicious form, of taxation. — Henry Hazlitt

Henry Hazlitt Quotes 135592

Economics is haunted by more fallacies than any other study known to man. This is no accident. The inherent difficulties of the subject would be great enough in any case, but they are multiplied a thousandfold by a factor that is insignificant in, say, physics, mathematics or medicine - the special pleading of selfish interests. — Henry Hazlitt

Henry Hazlitt Quotes 132399

The most frequent fallacy by far today, the fallacy that emerges again and again in nearly every conversation that touches on economic affairs, the error of a thousand political speeches, the central sophism of the "new" economics, is to concentrate on the short-run effects of policies on special groups and to ignore or belittle the long-run effects on the community as a whole. — Henry Hazlitt

Henry Hazlitt Quotes 123029

The only real cure for poverty is production. — Henry Hazlitt

Henry Hazlitt Quotes 106748

The government never lends or gives anything to business that it does not take away from business. — Henry Hazlitt

Henry Hazlitt Quotes 908018

The only way government bureaucrats know of keeping prosperity going is to inflate some more - to increase the deficit or to pump more money into the system. — Henry Hazlitt

Henry Hazlitt Quotes 1309550

The real solution to the problem of poverty consists in finding how to increase the employment and earning power of the poor. — Henry Hazlitt

Henry Hazlitt Quotes 1285406

Inflation is a form of tax, a tax that we all collectively must pay. — Henry Hazlitt

Henry Hazlitt Quotes 1239563

It should be immediately clear that this could be brought about more directly and honestly by a reduction in unworkable wage rates. But the more sophisticated proponents of inflation believe that this is now politically impossible. Sometimes they go further, and charge that all proposals under any circumstances to reduce particular wage rates directly in order to reduce unemployment are "antilabor." But what they are themselves proposing, stated in bald terms, is to deceive labor by reducing real wage rates (that is, wage rates in terms of purchasing power) through an increase in prices. — Henry Hazlitt

Henry Hazlitt Quotes 1176716

The envious are more likely to be mollified by seeing others deprived of some advantage than by gaining it for themselves. It is not what they lack that chiefly troubles them, but what others have. — Henry Hazlitt

Henry Hazlitt Quotes 1150526

For every alleged benefit that the politicians confer upon us, they must necessarily deprive us of something else. — Henry Hazlitt

Henry Hazlitt Quotes 1117658

It is as foolish to try to preserve obsolescent industries as to try to preserve obsolescent methods of production: this is often, in fact, merely two ways of describing the same thing. — Henry Hazlitt

Henry Hazlitt Quotes 1117262

Government planning always involves compulsion. — Henry Hazlitt

Henry Hazlitt Quotes 1071126

From a strictly economic point of view, buying gold in a major inflation and holding it probably presents the least risk of capital loss of any investment or speculation. — Henry Hazlitt

Henry Hazlitt Quotes 1053343

Taxation for public housing destroys as many jobs in other lines as it creates in housing. — Henry Hazlitt

Henry Hazlitt Quotes 1316897

And in terms of welfare, of course, the loss suffered will be much greater than the loss in merely arithmetical terms, because the psychological losses of those who are unemployed will greatly outweigh the psychological gains of those with a slightly higher income in terms of purchasing power. — Henry Hazlitt

Henry Hazlitt Quotes 890155

There are men regarded today as brilliant economists, who deprecate saving and recommend squandering on a national scale as the way of economic salvation; and when anyone points to what the consequences of these policies will be in the long run, they reply flippantly, as might the prodigal son of a warning father: "In the long run we are all dead." And such shallow wisecracks pass as devastating epigrams and the ripest wisdom. — Henry Hazlitt

Henry Hazlitt Quotes 884365

What inflation really does is to change the relationships of prices and costs. — Henry Hazlitt

Henry Hazlitt Quotes 852633

If we look at it now from the consumer's point of view, we find that he can buy less with his money. Because he has to pay more for sweaters and other protected goods, he can buy less of everything else. The general purchasing power of his income has therefore been reduced. — Henry Hazlitt

Henry Hazlitt Quotes 840468

Libertarians are learning to their sorrow that big businessmen cannot necessarily be relied upon to be their allies in the battle against extension of governmental encroachments. — Henry Hazlitt

Henry Hazlitt Quotes 814439

Contrary to a popular impression, profits are achieved not by raising prices, but by introducing economies and efficiencies that cut costs of production. — Henry Hazlitt

Henry Hazlitt Quotes 744434

Government-to-government foreign aid promotes statism, centralized planning, socialism, dependence, pauperization, inefficiency, and waste. It prolongs the poverty it is designed to cure. Voluntary private investment in private enterprise, on the other hand, promotes capitalism, production, independence, and self-reliance. — Henry Hazlitt

Henry Hazlitt Quotes 682362

Unions, though they may for a time be able to secure an increase in money wages for their members, partly at the expense of employers and more at the expense of nonunionized workers, cannot, in the long-run and for the whole body of workers, increase real wages at all. — Henry Hazlitt

Henry Hazlitt Quotes 677403

There will not be a "surplus" of capital until the most backward country is as well equipped technologically as the most advanced, until the most inefficient factory in America is brought abreast of the factory with the latest and finest equipment, and until the most modern tools of production have reached a point where human ingenuity is at a dead end, and can improve them no further. As long as any of these conditions remains unfulfilled, there will be indefinite room for more capital. — Henry Hazlitt

Henry Hazlitt Quotes 657084

The notion that we can dismiss the views of all previous thinkers surely leaves no basis for the hope that our own work will prove of any value to others. — Henry Hazlitt