Famous Quotes & Sayings

Hannah Arendt Quotes & Sayings

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Famous Quotes By Hannah Arendt

Hannah Arendt Quotes 354377

There are many great authors of the past who have survived centuries of oblivion and neglect, but it is still an open question whether they will be able to survive an entertaining version of what they have to say. — Hannah Arendt

Hannah Arendt Quotes 1367936

To expect truth to come from thinking signifies that we mistake the need to think with the urge to know. — Hannah Arendt

Hannah Arendt Quotes 207002

Totalitarian politics - far from being simply antisemitic or racist or imperialist or communist - use and abuse their own ideological and political elements until the basis of factual reality, from which the ideologies originally derived their strength and their propaganda value - the reality of class struggle, for instance, or the interest conflicts between Jews and their neighbors - have all but disappeared. — Hannah Arendt

Hannah Arendt Quotes 1406115

When we were told that by freedom we understood free enterprise, we did very little to dispel this monstrous falsehood. Wealth and economic well-being, we have asserted, are the fruits of freedom, while we should have been the first to know that this kind of happiness has been an unmixed blessing only in this country, and it is a minor blessing compared with the truly political freedoms, such as freedom of speech and thought, of assembly and association, even under the best conditions. — Hannah Arendt

Hannah Arendt Quotes 330667

The public sphere is as consistently based on the law of equality as the private sphere is based on the law of universal difference and differentiation. Equality, in contrast to all that is involved in mere existence, is not given us, but is the result of human organization insofar as it is guided by the principle of justice. We are not born equal; we become equal as members of a group on the strength of our decision to guarantee ourselves mutually equal rights. — Hannah Arendt

Hannah Arendt Quotes 204486

The saving grace of all really great gifts is that the persons who bear their burden remain superior to what they have done, at least as long as the source of creativity is alive. — Hannah Arendt

Hannah Arendt Quotes 2098173

Nobody is the author or producer of his own life story ... somebody began it and is its subject in the twofold sense, namely, its actor and sufferer ... but nobody is the author ... — Hannah Arendt

Hannah Arendt Quotes 1246591

Truthfulness has never been counted among the political virtues, and lies have always been regarded as justifiable tools in political dealings. — Hannah Arendt

Hannah Arendt Quotes 2131504

What are we going to say if tomorrow it occurs to some African state to send its agents into Mississippi and to kidnap one of the leaders of the segregationist movement there? And what are we going to reply if a court in Ghana or the Congo quotes the Eichmann case as precedent? — Hannah Arendt

Hannah Arendt Quotes 1396488

Every organization of men, be it social or political, ultimately relies on man's capacity for making promises and keeping them. — Hannah Arendt

Hannah Arendt Quotes 1743900

The conviction that everything that happens on earth must be comprehensible to man can lead to interpreting history by commonplaces. — Hannah Arendt

Hannah Arendt Quotes 1609989

Apart from such considerations - which as predictions are of little avail and less consolation - there remains the fact that the crisis of our time and its central experience have brought forth an entirely new form of government which as a potentiality and an ever-present danger is only too likely to stay with us from now on, just as other forms of government which came about at different historical moments and rested on different fundamental experiences have stayed with mankind regardless of temporary defeats - monarchies, and republics, tyrannies, dictatorships and despotism. — Hannah Arendt

Hannah Arendt Quotes 427500

Few girls are as well shaped as a good horse. — Hannah Arendt

Hannah Arendt Quotes 1819671

No doubt, wherever public life and its law of equality are completely victorious, wherever a civilization succeeds in eliminating or reducing to a minimum the dark background of difference, it will end in complete petrifaction and be punished, so to speak, for having forgotten that man is only the master, not the creator of the world. — Hannah Arendt

Hannah Arendt Quotes 367741

The extreme form of power is All against One, the extreme form of violence is One against All. — Hannah Arendt

Hannah Arendt Quotes 431729

Strengthened by the experiences of almost two decades in the various capitals, the Nazis were confident that their best "propaganda" would be their racial policy itself, from which, despite many other compromises and broken promises, they had never swerved for expediency's sake. — Hannah Arendt

Hannah Arendt Quotes 1009582

The ultimate end of human acts is eudaimonia, happiness in the sense of living well, which all men desire; all acts are but different means chosen to arrive at it. — Hannah Arendt

Hannah Arendt Quotes 915264

would-be totalitarian rulers usually start their careers by boasting of their past crimes and carefully outlining their future ones. The Nazis "were convinced that evil-doing in our time has a morbid force of attraction,"5 Bolshevik assurances inside and outside Russia that they do not recognize ordinary moral standards have become a mainstay of Communist propaganda, and experience has proved time and again that the propaganda value of evil deeds and general contempt for moral standards is independent of mere self-interest, supposedly the most powerful psychological factor in politics. — Hannah Arendt

Hannah Arendt Quotes 323747

Culture relates to objects and is a phenomenon of the world; entertainment relates to people and is a phenomenon of life. — Hannah Arendt

Hannah Arendt Quotes 575444

They must remember that they are constantly on the run, and that the world's reality is actually expressed by their escape. — Hannah Arendt

Hannah Arendt Quotes 250710

As far as the Jews were concerned, the transformation of the "crime" of Judaism into the fashionable "vice" of Jewishness was dangerous in the extreme. Jews had been able to escape from Judaism into conversion; from Jewishness there was no escape. A crime, moreover, is met with punishment; a vice can only be exterminated. — Hannah Arendt

Hannah Arendt Quotes 217897

The more dubious and uncertain an instrument violence has become in international relations, the more it has gained in reputation and appeal in domestic affairs, specifically in the matter of revolution. — Hannah Arendt

Hannah Arendt Quotes 1585422

It is because we know happiness that we want to be happy, and since nothing is more certain than our wanting to be happy (beatum esse velle), our notion of happiness guides us in determining the respective goods that then became objects of our desires. — Hannah Arendt

Hannah Arendt Quotes 1573142

Could the activity of thinking as such, the habit of examining whatever happens to come to pass or to attract attention, regardless of results and specific content, could this activity be among the conditions that make men abstain from evil-doing? — Hannah Arendt

Hannah Arendt Quotes 1584714

The human condition comprehends more than the condition under which life has been given to man. Men are conditioned beings because everything they come in contact with turns immediately into a condition of their existence. The world in which the vita activa spends itself consists of things produced by human activities; but the things that owe their existence exclusively to men nevertheless constantly condition their human makers. — Hannah Arendt

Hannah Arendt Quotes 1501687

Tools and instruments which can ease the effort of labor considerably are themselves not a product of labor but of work; they do not belong in the process of consumption but are part and parcel of the world of use objects. — Hannah Arendt

Hannah Arendt Quotes 1598668

Since the end of human action, as distinct from the end products of fabrication, can never be reliably predicted, the means used to achieve political goals are more often than not of greater relevance to the future world than the intended goals. — Hannah Arendt

Hannah Arendt Quotes 1607382

Nothing we use or hear or touch can be expressed in words that equal what is given by the senses. — Hannah Arendt

Hannah Arendt Quotes 1776491

The greater the bureaucratization of public life, the greater will be the attraction of violence. In a fully developed bureaucracy there is nobody left with whom one can argue, to whom one can represent grievances, on whom the pressures of power can be exerted. Bureaucracy is the form of government in which everybody is deprived of political freedom, of the power to act; for the rule by Nobody is not no-rule, and where all are equally powerless we have a tyranny without a tyrant. — Hannah Arendt

Hannah Arendt Quotes 1517422

Without being forgiven, released from the consequences of what we have done, our capacity to act would, as it were, be confined to one single deed from which we could never recover; we would remain the victims of its consequences forever, not unlike the sorcerer's apprentice who lacked the formula to break the spell. — Hannah Arendt

Hannah Arendt Quotes 1500647

Action, as distinguished from fabrication, is never possible in isolation; to be isolated is to be deprived of the capacity to act. — Hannah Arendt

Hannah Arendt Quotes 1462781

For abundance and endless consumption are the ideals of the poor: they are the mirage in the desert of misery. — Hannah Arendt

Hannah Arendt Quotes 1433335

The simultaneous decline of the European nation-state and growth of antisemitic movements, the coincident downfall of nationally organized Europe and the extermination of Jews, which was prepared for by the victory of antisemitism over all competing isms in the preceding struggle for persuasion of public opinion, have to be taken as a serious indication of the source of antisemitism. Modern — Hannah Arendt

Hannah Arendt Quotes 1426393

Metaphysical fallacies contain the only clues we have to what thinking means to those who engage in it. — Hannah Arendt

Hannah Arendt Quotes 1401793

Man's chief moral deficiency appears to be not his indiscretions but his reticence. — Hannah Arendt

Hannah Arendt Quotes 1398599

There are no dangerous thoughts; thinking it-self is dangerous. — Hannah Arendt

Hannah Arendt Quotes 1397117

Under conditions of terror, most people will comply but some people will not. — Hannah Arendt

Hannah Arendt Quotes 1895092

Life may contain the "essence" (what else could?); recollection, the repetition in imagination, may decipher the essence and deliver to you the "elixir"; and eventually you may even be privileged to "make" something out of it, "to compound the story." But life itself is neither essence nor elixir, and if you treat as such it will only play its tricks on you. — Hannah Arendt

Hannah Arendt Quotes 2172061

Even in the darkest of times we have the right to expect some illumination, and ... such illumination may well come less from theories and concepts than from the uncertain, flickering, and often weak light that some men and women, in their lives and their works, will kindle under almost all circumstances and shed over the time-span that was given them on earth ... — Hannah Arendt

Hannah Arendt Quotes 2147304

This inability to think created the possibility for many ordinary men to commit evil deeds on a gigantic scale, the like of which had never been seen before. The manifestation of the wind of thought is not knowledge but the ability to tell right from wrong, beautiful from ugly. And I hope that thinking gives people the strength to prevent catastrophes in these rare moments when the chips are down. — Hannah Arendt

Hannah Arendt Quotes 2098151

The space left to freedom is very small.ends are inherent in human nature and the same for all. — Hannah Arendt

Hannah Arendt Quotes 2074481

Although tyranny ... may successfully rule over foreign peoples, it can stay in power only if it destroys first of all the national institutions of its own people. — Hannah Arendt

Hannah Arendt Quotes 2061041

In other words, if a patent forgery like the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion" is believed by so many people that it can become the text of a whole political movement, the task of the historian is no longer to discover a forgery. Certainly it is not to invent explanations which dismiss the chief political and historical facts of the matter: that the forgery is being believed. This fact is more important than the (historically speaking, secondary) circumstance that it is a forgery. — Hannah Arendt

Hannah Arendt Quotes 2038420

The third world is not a reality, but an ideology. — Hannah Arendt

Hannah Arendt Quotes 2004270

We noted before that the passion of compassion was singularly absent from the minds and hearts of the men who made the American Revolution. — Hannah Arendt

Hannah Arendt Quotes 1990932

That was totally different from what the Danes did. When the Germans approached them rather cautiously about introducing the yellow badge, they were simply told that the King would be the first to wear it, and the Danish government officials were careful to point out that anti-Jewish measures of any sort would cause their own immediate resignation. It was decisive in this whole matter that the Germans did not even succeed in introducing the vitally important distinction between native Danes of Jewish origin, of whom there were about sixty-four hundred, and the fourteen hundred German Jewish refugees who had found asylum in the country prior to the war and who now had been declared stateless by the German government. — Hannah Arendt

Hannah Arendt Quotes 1954736

Our tradition of political thought had its definite beginning in the teachings of Plato and Aristotle. I believe it came to a no less definite end in the theories of Karl Marx. — Hannah Arendt

Hannah Arendt Quotes 1904653

There is, therefore, a temptation to return to an explanation which automatically discharges the victim of responsibility: it seems quite adequate to a reality in which nothing strikes us more forcefully than the utter innocence of the individual caught in the horror machine and his utter inability to change his fate. Terror, however, is only in the last instance of its development a mere form of government. In order to establish a totalitarian regime, terror must be presented as an instrument for carrying out a specific ideology; and that ideology must have won the adherence of many, and even a majority, before terror can be stabilized. The point for the historian is that the Jews, before becoming the main victims of modern terror, were the center of Nazi ideology. And an ideology which has to persuade and mobilize people cannot choose its victim arbitrarily. — Hannah Arendt

Hannah Arendt Quotes 1614450

Today we ought to add to these terms the latest and perhaps most formidable form of such dominion, bureaucracy or the rule by an intricate system of bureaux in which no men, neither one nor the best, neither the few nor the many can be held responsible and which could be properly called the rule by Nobody. — Hannah Arendt

Hannah Arendt Quotes 1877898

Since no one is capable of forming his own opinion without the benefit of a multitude of opinions held by others, the rule of public opinion endangers even the opinion of those few who may have the strength not to share it. This is one of the reasons for the curiously sterile negativism of all opinions which oppose a popularly acclaimed tyranny. [ ... ] public opinion, by virtue of its unanimity, provokes a unanimous opposition and thus kills true opinions everywhere. — Hannah Arendt

Hannah Arendt Quotes 1850235

Out of the slaughter of some 20,000 Communards, out of military defeat and economic collapse, what had in fact emerged was a regime whose capacity for government had been doubtful from its inception. So much, indeed, was this the case that within three years a society brought to the brink of ruin was clamoring for a dictator. — Hannah Arendt

Hannah Arendt Quotes 1805661

It is as though mankind had divided itself between those who believe in human omnipotence (who think that everything is possible if one knows how to organize masses for it) and those for whom powerlessness has become the major experience of their lives. On — Hannah Arendt

Hannah Arendt Quotes 1121337

To act, in its most general sense, means to take an initiative, to begin ... to set something into motion. — Hannah Arendt

Hannah Arendt Quotes 1775413

Every thought is strictly speaking an after-thought. — Hannah Arendt

Hannah Arendt Quotes 1743603

What imperialists actually wanted was expansion of political power without the foundation of the body politic. Imperialist expansion had been touched off by a curious kind of economic crisis, the overproduction of capital and the emergence of "superfluous" money, the result of oversaving, which could no longer find productive investment within national borders. For the first time, investment of power did not pave the way for investment of money, since uncontrollable investments in distant countries threatened to transform large strata of society into gamblers, to change the whole capitalist economy from a system of production to a system of financial speculation, and to replace the profits of production with profits in commissions. The decade immediately before the imperialist era, the seventies of the last century, witnessed an unparalleled increase in swindles, financial scandals, and gambling in the stock market. — Hannah Arendt

Hannah Arendt Quotes 1733878

Generally speaking, violence always arises out of impotence. It is the hope of those who have no power ... — Hannah Arendt

Hannah Arendt Quotes 1676003

Predictions of the future are never anything but projections of present automatic processes and procedures, that is, of occurrences that are likely to come to pass if men do not act and if nothing unexpected happens; every action, for better or worse, and every accident necessarily destroys the whole pattern in whose frame the prediction moves and where it finds its evidence. — Hannah Arendt

Hannah Arendt Quotes 1665040

We all carry fault within. — Hannah Arendt

Hannah Arendt Quotes 463645

What we call isolation in the political sphere, is called loneliness in the sphere of social intercourse.Isolation and loneliness are not the same"...."While isolation concerns only the political realm of life, loneliness concerns life as a whole. Totalitarian government, like all tyrannies, certainly could not exist without destroying the public realm of life, that is, without destroying, by isolating men, their political capacities.But totalitarian domination as a form of government is not content with this isolation and destroys private life as well. it bases its self on loneliness, on the experience of not belonging to the world at all, which is the most radical and desperate experiences of man — Hannah Arendt

Hannah Arendt Quotes 765668

For an ideology differs from a simple opinion in that it claims to possess either the key to history, or the solution for all the "riddles of the universe," or the intimate knowledge of the hidden universal laws which are supposed to rule nature and man. — Hannah Arendt

Hannah Arendt Quotes 724216

Whenever equality becomes a mundane fact in itself, without any gauge by which it may be measured or explained, then there is one chance in a hundred that it will be recognized simply as a working principle of a political organization in which otherwise unequal people have equal rights; there are ninety-nine chances that it will be mistaken for an innate quality of every individual, who is "normal" if he is like everybody else and "abnormal" if he happens to be different. — Hannah Arendt

Hannah Arendt Quotes 716055

Whatever can be taken away from a lasting enjoyment for its own sake cannot possibly be the proper object of desire. — Hannah Arendt

Hannah Arendt Quotes 714178

The climax of terror is reached when the police state begins to devour its own children, when yesterday's executioner becomes today's victim. — Hannah Arendt

Hannah Arendt Quotes 640904

When all are guilty, no one is; confessions of collective guilt are the best possible safeguard against the discovery of culprits, and the very magnitude of the crime the best excuse for doing nothing. — Hannah Arendt

Hannah Arendt Quotes 582047

The end of rebellion is liberation, while the end of revolution is the foundation of freedom. — Hannah Arendt

Hannah Arendt Quotes 549327

Wherever the relevance of speech is at stake, matters become political by definition, for speech is what makes man a political being. — Hannah Arendt

Hannah Arendt Quotes 530269

Our Last Will and Testament, providing for the only future of which we can be reasonably certain, namely our own death, shows thatthe Will's need to will is no less strong than Reason's need to think; in both instances the mind transcends its own natural limitations, either by asking unanswerable questions or by projecting itself into a future which, for the willing subject, will never be. — Hannah Arendt

Hannah Arendt Quotes 481220

The relatively new trouble with mass society is perhaps even more serious, but not because of the masses themselves, but because this society is essentially a consumers' society where leisure time is used no longer for self-perfection or acquisition of more social status, but for more and more consumption and more and more entertainment ... To believe that such a society will become more "cultured" as time goes on and education has done its work, is, I think, a fatal mistake. The point is that a consumers' society cannot possibly know how to take care of a world and the things which belong exclusively to the space of worldly appearances, because its central attitude toward all objects, the attitude of consumption, spells ruin to everything it touches. — Hannah Arendt

Hannah Arendt Quotes 478546

To sum up: politically speaking, it is insufficient to say that power and violence are not the same. Power and violence are opposites; where the one rules absolutely, the other is absent. — Hannah Arendt

Hannah Arendt Quotes 770324

The strength of even the strongest individual can always be overpowered by the many, who often will combine for no other purpose than to ruin strength precisely because of its peculiar independence. — Hannah Arendt

Hannah Arendt Quotes 446634

This kind of understanding - seeing the world (as we rather tritely say today) from the other fellow's point of view - is the political kind of insight par excellence. If we wanted to define, traditionally, the one outstanding virtue of the statesman, we could say that it consists in understanding the greatest possible number and variety of realities - not of subjective viewpoints, which of course also exist but which do not concern us here - as those realities open themselves up to the various opinions of citizens; and, at the same time, in being able to communicate between the citizens and their opinions so that the commonness of this world becomes apparent. — Hannah Arendt

Hannah Arendt Quotes 429801

Violence can destroy power; it is utterly incapable of creating it. — Hannah Arendt

Hannah Arendt Quotes 418260

During the few minutes it took Kovner to tell of the help that had come from a German sergeant, a hush settled over the courtroom; it was as though the crowd had spontaneously decided to observe the usual two minutes of silence in honor of the man named Anton Schmidt. And in those two minutes, which were like a sudden burst of light in the midst of impenetrable, unfathomable darkness, a single thought stood out clearly, irrefutably, beyond question--how utterly different everything would be today in this courtroom, in Israel, in Germany, in all of Europe, and perhaps in all countries of the world, if only more such stories could have been told. — Hannah Arendt

Hannah Arendt Quotes 416475

Every political structure, new or old, left to itself develops stabilizing forces which stand in the way of constant transformation and expansion. Therefore all political bodies appear to be temporary obstacles when they are seen as part of an eternal stream of growing power. — Hannah Arendt

Hannah Arendt Quotes 405343

Thought and action must never part company. — Hannah Arendt

Hannah Arendt Quotes 361647

Men always want to be terribly influential, but I see that as somewhat external. Do I imagine myself being influential? No. I want to understand. And if others understand
in the same sense that I have understood
that gives me a sense of satisfaction, like feeling at home. — Hannah Arendt

Hannah Arendt Quotes 328447

There exists in our society widespread fear of judging ... [B]ehind the unwillingness to judge lurks the suspicion that no one is a free agent, and hence doubt that anyone is responsible or could be expected to answer for what he has done ... Who has ever maintained that by judging a wrong I presuppose that I myself would be incapable of committing it? — Hannah Arendt

Hannah Arendt Quotes 182649

Action painting has to do with self-creation or self-definition or self-transcendence; but this dissociates it from self-expression, which assumes the acceptance of the ego as it is, with its wound and its magic. — Hannah Arendt

Hannah Arendt Quotes 152137

On the contrary, anyone speaking or writing about concentration camps is still regarded as suspect; and if the speaker has resolutely returned to the world of the living, he himself is often assailed by doubts with regard to his own truthfulness, as though he had mistaken a nightmare for reality. — Hannah Arendt

Hannah Arendt Quotes 926936

In other words, neither oppression nor exploitation as such is ever the main cause for resentment; wealth without visible function is much more intolerable because nobody can understand why it should be tolerated. Antisemitism reached its climax when Jews had similarly lost their public functions and their influence, and were left with nothing but their wealth. — Hannah Arendt

Hannah Arendt Quotes 1346931

One must think with the body and the soul or not think at all. — Hannah Arendt

Hannah Arendt Quotes 1262035

Conscience is the anticipation of the fellow who awaits you if and when you come home. — Hannah Arendt

Hannah Arendt Quotes 1238886

The good things in history are usually of very short duration, but afterward have a decisive influence on what happens over long periods of time. — Hannah Arendt

Hannah Arendt Quotes 1230309

This is the precept by which I have lived: Prepare for the worst; expect the best; and take what comes. — Hannah Arendt

Hannah Arendt Quotes 147813

Politically, the weakness of the argument has always been that those who choose the lesser evil forget very quickly that they chose evil. — Hannah Arendt

Hannah Arendt Quotes 1083642

It is in the very nature of things human that every act that has once made its appearance and has been recorded in the history of mankind stays with mankind as a potentiality long after its actuality has become a thing of the past. — Hannah Arendt

Hannah Arendt Quotes 1078780

It was not, however, to these Fascist groups, numerically unimportant as they were, that the Third Republic owed its collapse. On the contrary, the plain, if paradoxical, truth is that their influence was never so slight as at the moment when the collapse actually took place. What made France fall was the fact that she had no more true Dreyfusards, no one who believed that democracy and freedom, equality and justice could any longer be defended or realized under the republic. — Hannah Arendt

Hannah Arendt Quotes 1076662

The more effective the chauvinistic propaganda, the easier it was to persuade public opinion of the necessity for a supranational structure which would rule from above and without national distinctions by a universal monopoly of power and the instruments of violence. — Hannah Arendt

Hannah Arendt Quotes 1062183

For legends attract the very best in our times, just as ideologies attract the average, and the whispered tales of gruesome secret powers behind the scenes attract the very worst. — Hannah Arendt

Hannah Arendt Quotes 1020156

It is highly unlikely that we, who can know, determine, and define the natural essences of all things surrounding us, which we are not, should ever be able to do the same for ourselves
this would be like jumping over our own shadows. — Hannah Arendt

Hannah Arendt Quotes 1358550

For no matter what learned scientists may say, race is, politically speaking, not the beginning of humanity but its end, not the origin of peoples but their decay, not the natural birth of man but his unnatural death. — Hannah Arendt

Hannah Arendt Quotes 883884

It is in the nature of all party systems that the authentically political talents can assert themselves only in rare cases, and it is even rarer that the specifically political qualifications survive the petty maneuvers of party politics with its demands for plain salesmanship. — Hannah Arendt

Hannah Arendt Quotes 867943

Even though we have lost yardsticks by which to measure, and rules under which to subsume the particular, a being whose essence is a beginning may have enough of origin within himself to understand without preconceived categories and to judge without the set of customary rules which is morality. — Hannah Arendt

Hannah Arendt Quotes 840631

Lacking the truth, [we] will however finds instants of truth, and these instants are in fact all we have available to us to give some order to this chaos of horror. — Hannah Arendt

Hannah Arendt Quotes 820037

there is no class that cannot be wiped out if a sufficient number of its members are murdered. — Hannah Arendt

Hannah Arendt Quotes 816184

All political institutions are manifestations and materializations of power; they petrify and decay as soon as the living power of the people ceases to uphold them. — Hannah Arendt

Hannah Arendt Quotes 803893

Persecution of powerless or power-losing groups may not be a very pleasant spectacle, but it does not spring from human meanness alone. What makes men obey or tolerate real power and, on the other hand, hate people who have wealth without power, is the rational instinct that power has a certain function and is of some general use. Even — Hannah Arendt

Hannah Arendt Quotes 803812

What is the subject of our thought? Experience! Nothing else! — Hannah Arendt

Hannah Arendt Quotes 798341

Mass propaganda discovered that its audience was ready at all times to believe the worst, no matter how absurd, and did not particularly object to being deceived because it held every statement to be a lie anyhow. — Hannah Arendt

Hannah Arendt Quotes 772362

The mob was only a means to strengthen their position, to give their voices a greater resonance. Obviously they neither could nor wanted to organize the mob, and would dismiss it once their aim was achieved. But they discovered that antisemitic slogans were highly effective in mobilizing large strata of the population. — Hannah Arendt