Giovanna Fletcher Quotes & Sayings
Enjoy the top 22 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by Giovanna Fletcher.
Famous Quotes By Giovanna Fletcher

I think it's funny how life can lead you down certain paths which you wouldn't have taken otherwise. — Giovanna Fletcher

It's funny to think that Christmas - a time known for its joyful togetherness - can be the loneliest time of the year for some. — Giovanna Fletcher

Nothing does have a sound. A very loud one that is unnervingly full of suspense for something to come along and fill it. — Giovanna Fletcher

Forever only lasts for as long as it's allowed to, until something else steps in and stops it from existing. Although — Giovanna Fletcher

Love makes life worth living, not money — Giovanna Fletcher

I love the arrival of a new season - each one bringing with it its own emotion: spring is full of hope; summer is freedom; autumn is a colourful release, and winter brings an enchanting peace. It's hard to pick which one I enjoy the most - each time the new one arrives, I remember its beauty and forget the previous one whose qualities have started to dim. — Giovanna Fletcher

I hope you're enjoying it, though, duck, and not wasting all your time and energy in a thankless job. You've got to make the most of life and not let these little opportunities pass you by. Before you know it you'll be old and wrinkly like me and wishing you'd done more. Just make sure you're happy. — Giovanna Fletcher

Loving someone is something you can do from afar, admiring someone and appreciationg their existence in your life - but in love's different. It's all-cosnuming to the point where being away from taht person seems unbearable. There's no stopping that feeling... ~ Ben — Giovanna Fletcher

I hoped with every ounce of my being that he would have the pleasure of knowing love and heartache in the way that I did. It might sound strange me wanting my five-year-old son to experience heartache, but without it I wouldn't have met his mother - a wonderful woman who taught me just how uncomplicated falling in love can be when it is with the right person, as well as highlighting the notion that timing is everything. If I had met her earlier in life I've no doubt that I'd have made a complete mess of the whole thing. I wouldn't have been ready to receive her love or to give the love I'd spent year accumulating. — Giovanna Fletcher

I'm not afraid of storms, for I'm learning how to sail my ship — Giovanna Fletcher

There's only so long you can live in a fantasy world before the reality comes along to sharply put you back in your place. — Giovanna Fletcher

Back at home I spent so much time on my own, but never once felt lonely. Here, even though I see hundreds more people each day, I've never felt lonelier. — Giovanna Fletcher

The fear of getting close to someone in case they leave me — Giovanna Fletcher

Because school, no matter how insignificant and annoying it may seem as we get older and can't wait to get away, sets us on our life's path. It's plants ideas for us to thrive upon, teaches us where we want to go and who we want to be - feeding us the notion that our dreams are limitless, that we can do anything if we believe in it enough and truly set our minds to it. But, best of all, it encourages us to seek friendships of others, to learn to lean on them for support and to console them in return. After all, it's the people you meet along the way who really make a lasting impression and who will, if your lucky, stick with you for the rest of your life. — Giovanna Fletcher

Well, there's nothing like trying to fool yourself into believing something that's a blatant lie. — Giovanna Fletcher

There is no happiness like that of being loved by your fellow creatures, and feeling that your presence is an addition to their comfort. — Giovanna Fletcher

With Maddy in my life I felt whole. She added a magical sparkle that I'd never want to live without. And so I told her, with those three little squeezes. I had no agenda, no hidden plan or desire for anything to change between us - my only thought was to relieve myself of those feelings by communicating them in the only way felt I could.
Three squeezes of love.
From me.
To her. — Giovanna Fletcher

Honestly, you would have thought she'd be happy to have me, her premenstrual-screaming-raging-teenage-daughter-who-is-lovely-to-everyone-else-but-the-actual-devil-at-home, out of the house for a little bit. But it appeared not having me at home caused her just as much stress as having me there did. — Giovanna Fletcher

Outside the streets are buzzing with excitement and i'm not a part of it — Giovanna Fletcher

I had become awkward and tried my best to avoid everyone. I hated attention, people asking me questions or putting me in the spotlight; I preferred to blend into the background unnoticed. I felt safer that way — Giovanna Fletcher