Frances Xavier Cabrini Quotes & Sayings
Enjoy the top 11 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by Frances Xavier Cabrini.
Famous Quotes By Frances Xavier Cabrini

The world is poisoned with erroneous theories, and needs to be taught sane doctrines, but it is difficult to straighten what has become crooked. — Frances Xavier Cabrini

The impressions of childhood are never obliterated. — Frances Xavier Cabrini

In other countries they speak of nobility and courtesy, in London they practise it. — Frances Xavier Cabrini

Mary is the Mysterious Book of Predestination to glory. — Frances Xavier Cabrini

Did a Magdalene, a Paul, a Constantine, an Augustine become mountains of ice after their conversion? Quite the contrary. We should never have had these prodigies of conversion and marvelous holiness if they had not changed the flames of human passion into volcanoes of immense love of God. — Frances Xavier Cabrini

I travel, work, suffer my weak health, meet with a thousand difficulties, but all these are nothing, for this world is so small. To me, space is an imperceptible object, as I am accustomed to dwell in eternity. — Frances Xavier Cabrini

I will go anywhere and do anything in order to communicate the love of Jesus to those who do not know Him or have forgotten Him. — Frances Xavier Cabrini

We must pray without tiring, for the salvation of mankind does not depend upon material success ... but on Jesus alone. — Frances Xavier Cabrini

They who pray with faith have fervour and fervour is the fire of prayer. This mysterious fire has the power of consuming all our faults and imperfections, and of giving to our actions, vitality, beauty and merit. — Frances Xavier Cabrini

Prayer is powerful! It fills the earth with mercy, it makes the Divine clemency pass from generation to generation; right along the course of the centuries wonderful works have been achieved through prayer. — Frances Xavier Cabrini

If you are in danger, if your hearts are confused, turn to Mary; she is our comfort, our help; turn towards her and you will be saved. — Frances Xavier Cabrini