Federico Pena Quotes & Sayings
Enjoy the top 6 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by Federico Pena.
Famous Quotes By Federico Pena

Its important not to focus so much on the statistics, but [on people's] perceptions. — Federico Pena

I have flown ValuJet, ValuJet is a safe airline, as is our entire aviation system. — Federico Pena

The critics don't build great cities — Federico Pena

Many trees planted around a home reduce the need for air conditioning. — Federico Pena

I do not underestimate the difficulty of the challenge that global climate change presents to us. It will take a significant effort and the best talent and technology we have to solve the problem. — Federico Pena

We have to get out of the mind-set of saying, "No matter how hard we try, we will have accidents," and into "We will not have accidents." — Federico Pena