Enjoy the top 1 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by Eric J. Wittenberg.
Famous Quotes By Eric J. Wittenberg
Buford didn't dress for respect, he earned it. He didn't try to get his name in the newspapers, instead he led with deeds that caused his men to follow his guidon with confidence and the full expectation of success. — Eric J. Wittenberg
Famous Quotes
We are not utopians, we do not "dream" of dispensing at once with all administration, with all subordination. These anarchist dreams, based upon incomprehension of the tasks of the proletarian dictatorship, are totally alien to Marxism, and, as a matter of fact, serve only to postpone the socialist revolution until people are different. No, we want the socialist revolution with people as they are now, with people who cannot dispense with subordination, control, and "foremen and accountants"." Author: Vladimir Ilyich Lenin