Enrique Iglesias Quotes & Sayings
Enjoy the top 65 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by Enrique Iglesias.
Famous Quotes By Enrique Iglesias

We all feel love, and that might sound kind of corny, but I really feel that's what joins musicians together around the world. — Enrique Iglesias

I love what I do, and I think I've appreciated it more throughout the years, but just to keep on traveling, keep on doing shows, and hopefully making better albums. That's always my goal. — Enrique Iglesias

My best personality trait that I think I'm very approachable. And my worst is that I can be moody. — Enrique Iglesias

I mean, I do consider that my music is pop because Ive been influenced by pop music my whole life; I grew up in the States and 80s pop music was my biggest influence. — Enrique Iglesias

There hasn't been one moment in my career where I felt I didn't have any control over the creative aspects of my records. — Enrique Iglesias

I wouldn't change anything. I've made mistakes, but thanks to those mistakes, I've learned. — Enrique Iglesias

I want to thank my fans for their support and love all these years, thank you Miami. Thank you Latin America. Thank you Mexico. Thank you world ! — Enrique Iglesias

I'm a good person, but with many defects. — Enrique Iglesias

Realistically, English is a universal language; it's the number one language for music and for communicating with the rest of the world. — Enrique Iglesias

My grandfather's 86 and he's having a baby. Man, I hope when I'm 86 I can have babies. — Enrique Iglesias

I was happier before, when I lead a normal life. — Enrique Iglesias

I really want to fall in love. — Enrique Iglesias

My motivations are thinking I can write better songs, that the concerts can be better. — Enrique Iglesias

I don't care what people say. My music's, my music. — Enrique Iglesias

If you're buying an album because of the face on it, you're stupid. — Enrique Iglesias

Would you dance, if I asked you to dance? Would you run, and never look back? Would you cry, if you saw me crying? And would you save my soul tonight? — Enrique Iglesias

I am really passionate about sports in general - especially water sports. — Enrique Iglesias

My relationships have been well publicised in the past but I am just a normal guy, really. — Enrique Iglesias

I prefer love over sex. — Enrique Iglesias

I had a normal childhood. There were women, but it wasn't like Hefner's Playboy Mansion. If it was, I'd still be living at home! — Enrique Iglesias

I care about politics just like any other citizen. I'm against the war in Iraq, or any type of war. — Enrique Iglesias

Really, the F word in a song - it should be the least of the worries of parents these days. — Enrique Iglesias

When theres love theres good sex. — Enrique Iglesias

I know it sounds corny, but when you follow your dreams, it happens. And if it's music, take it seriously. — Enrique Iglesias

Yeah, exactly, you can talk about politics in music, you can talk about something else, but that's always going to change, and love is never going to change. — Enrique Iglesias

My inspiration are the woman, friendship, and loneliness. — Enrique Iglesias

I can be you hero baby.
I can kiss away the pain.
I will stand by you forever.
You can take my breath away — Enrique Iglesias

I'm not a heartthrob. I hate that word. — Enrique Iglesias

I mean, if you turn on the radio, love is 90 percent of the music. — Enrique Iglesias

The one thing I've learned in the last ten years is that successful artists don't get paid to write and sing songs, they get paid for the psychological roller coaster they're going to have to ride. That's the hard work. — Enrique Iglesias

My tennis skills are okay. — Enrique Iglesias

The one thing about music is that there are no rules. — Enrique Iglesias

First of all, I'm not a heartthrob. If you saw me in high school, you wouldn't say I'm a heartthrob. Having a hit song, the minute you're famous, you're a heartthrob. I know you don't believe me, but I honestly don't consider myself a heartthrob. — Enrique Iglesias

There are days that I wake up and I complain, and when I complain I pinch myself and say, 'that's for complaining.' Not many people can do what they really like in life. — Enrique Iglesias

When I'm in love, I wake up happy. — Enrique Iglesias

Love is one of my main inspirations. — Enrique Iglesias

It was good, it was bad. But it was real, and that's all you have. — Enrique Iglesias

I don't sleep much. It takes me a long time to fall asleep. I'm a bit of an insomniac but, when I fall asleep, I don't ever want to wake up. — Enrique Iglesias

The Backstreet Boys ... they really do have good music! — Enrique Iglesias

I'm quite grounded. — Enrique Iglesias

The only thing I have no control over is the politics that goes on within the record company. It's always been the same, but it's far tougher now, because record companies are run by financial people; before, they were run by creative people. — Enrique Iglesias

If you can't,can't be yourself what are you living for? If you can't, can't be yourself you're gonna lose it all — Enrique Iglesias

[Doing a bilingual album] helped artistically because whenever I got bored of writing in English, I would write in Spanish. It's always cool when you have the choice. — Enrique Iglesias

It surprises me what the girls are capable of doing for me. — Enrique Iglesias

You should do whatever language you feel is the perfect language for you to sing in and then try to strive to do the best. — Enrique Iglesias

I don't like being lied to, so I only lie about the stupid things. White lies, basically. — Enrique Iglesias

Oh, you know record companies ... at the end of the day, it's business. If you analyse it, you're just a piece of meat. The minute you go bad, it's: 'Next!'. — Enrique Iglesias

If they would have told me when I was just 18 that I was going to have a career that would last so long, I'd have said it was impossible, that it was crazy that that could happen in my life, so I'm happy to be here. To be able to go out on stage every day. — Enrique Iglesias

The power of music in Spanish is so strong, that I couldn't stay away from it any longer. — Enrique Iglesias

I've worked a lot during the night. But I don't sleep in the day either. — Enrique Iglesias

One person cannot change the world. But you can become the world for someone. A warm, bright, and peaceful world. If everyone can be such a world to one person, one will become ten people, and then a hundred. The world will be full of happy people then. — Enrique Iglesias

The way I look at it, I'd rather make my own mistakes than have people make them for me. — Enrique Iglesias

I always respect a woman. — Enrique Iglesias

It's the one thing we can all relate to no matter what religion, what color, what nationality: we can all relate to sex and love. — Enrique Iglesias

In school, kids never really looked at me a different way because I think it was a different generation; they didnt really know who my father was. — Enrique Iglesias

And people coming up asking for autographs, there's only one time when it kind of bothers me: when I'm eating. — Enrique Iglesias

Yes, I have made a woman cry. — Enrique Iglesias

I want to clarify it: I'm not against marriage, marriage is great if you want to get married. A lot of my friends are happily married. I don't think walking down the aisle and [having] a legal document can make a difference. That doesn't mean you love someone more or you respect them more - you can be with someone perfectly well without being married. — Enrique Iglesias

I'm so proud of who I am and where I come from and who my father is. — Enrique Iglesias

If you come from Spain, you have to play football. — Enrique Iglesias