Ellis Amburn Quotes & Sayings
Enjoy the top 1 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by Ellis Amburn.
Famous Quotes By Ellis Amburn

one night, they went down to the Village for dinner at an italian restaurant. most of the band had picked up young girls and had them hanging on their arms. janis was feeling lonesome and said, "goddamn, you guys have all these groupies and i don't have anybody."
turning to mark, the youngest person in the crowd, she ordered, "go out on the street there and find the first pretty boy you see and bring him to me."
aw, i dunno," mark said.
go ahead," janis said.
after a while, mark returned with a handsome, long-haired youth with a british accent. he was wearing a floor-length embroidered afghan wool coat. looking him over, janis nodded approvingly and said, "he's cute, mark!" turning to the young man, she said, "well! hi, honey! sit down! my name's janis joplin. have you ever heard of me?"
yeah," he said, "i've heard of you."
oh," she said, "what's your name?"
eric clapton. — Ellis Amburn