E.J. Squires Quotes & Sayings
Enjoy the top 15 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by E.J. Squires.
Famous Quotes By E.J. Squires

Don't believe the ugly. It's not true. The only fatal thing is to give up."
"If you can't let go of the past, you'll never be anything but a slave to it. — E.J. Squires

President Volkov say there's no such thing as a homosexual person but that homosexuality is a — E.J. Squires

Biking up the same mile-and-a-half long asphalt hill is so much harder when I know that at the end of the journey I'll either be an outlaw, or I'll be dead. — E.J. Squires

Looks like you suck at volleyball just as much as you do at making late night phone calls. — E.J. Squires

No time like the immediate, for tomorrow we may be dead, serving life and God's people no longer. It's in now we must take action to become the heroes of the morn'. — E.J. Squires

It is easy to blame the person responsible for the crime, to hate them and despise them, but when we sit idly by and watch evil happen right before our very eyes and become bound to the person by hate, we become co-conspirators of the wrong. — E.J. Squires

So many people suffer because they choose to suffer. Pain comes to us all, but suffering is a choice. — E.J. Squires

Though we can never be fully pure in body, we can be fully pure in heart. Half black, half white, half evil, half good, we are all the same, struggling to find our path in this seemingly never-ending chasm of darkness. And may we one day reach the light we so eagerly seek, knowing that the freedom from darkness may only come when we shine our own light upon others. — E.J. Squires

Looking down at my feet, he laughs a little, and then says, "Don't turn your toes outward like in ballet." I turn my toes straight forward. It feels awkward. Now make a fist and keep your hand close to your face." He shows me how. "You want your weight to be on the balls of your feet, not in your heels." "That's the only thing that comes naturally to me." I'm getting frustrated. This is hard work. — E.J. Squires

Passing him with frightening speed, I see him sailing downward with his open parachute. "It won't open!"
"Pull harder!"
Looking down, I estimate that at this speed it will only be a matter of seconds before I collide with the black lava rocks below. They rigged it! is all I can think. President Volkov won. I lost. I failed Gemma. I failed Nicholas. I failed myself.
All of a sudden, someone rams into me from behind and hooks his arms and legs around my body. I look back and see Cory. "You're crazy!" I scream as we spin out of control.
"I know!" He smiles like he really is, but he feeds off of this kind of insanity. "Hold on!"
The ground is so close and I can see the green grass and smell the scent of it mixed with the sulfur. He helps me turn around and I lock my arms around his thick shoulders, my legs around his firm hips. We'll die together, and he doesn't seem to care one bit. He really is insane! — E.J. Squires

Mai whispers, "Why did she have to leave? When she was there, I knew where I had her; she was safe."
"You of all people," Nicholas says, "should know that freedom is more important than being safe. — E.J. Squires

When our souls join, they burn with more fervor than the sun, they move more than the strongest of the winds and give life, like the fountain of eternal living waters. — E.J. Squires