Derrick Brown Quotes & Sayings
Enjoy the top 7 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by Derrick Brown.
Famous Quotes By Derrick Brown
It's not that I wait for you.
It's that my arms are doors I cannot close. — Derrick Brown
Stop ruining love by wanting it so bad. — Derrick Brown
I can not love you until you can love our beautiful waitress in the simple way that I do. — Derrick Brown
Go to other countries. Not a typical backpacking tour. Planned tour
means you will hang with Americans on bikes and flirt with drunk
Germans and someone will steal your Levi's in the hostel and a guy
from Poland will sock you in the face while bad techno plays
everywhere and you will learn nothing except that your face hurts and
not everyone showers. Get into other cultures and talk politics and
love. Meeting other people is the only way to know if you believe what
you believe cause it's been handed to you, or if it really rings true
in your heart.
Getting lost should be seen as a sweet chance to be found.
Remember, you belong everywhere. — Derrick Brown
The best relationships
fade out
and you're not even sure
when it ended. — Derrick Brown
When I am alone and my skull is ripsaw I want to jump into the womb of any bonfire, I want to leap into the ceiling fan head first, but I need that fan this coming summer. — Derrick Brown