Dennis Liggio Quotes & Sayings
Enjoy the top 25 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by Dennis Liggio.
Famous Quotes By Dennis Liggio

I'll say that for all the good things, all the great things, the super wow things it can do, the heart is kind of an asshole. The strongest feelings we have are never when things are stable, never when things are solid, never when we can handle things. The sharpest feelings are when things are either super good or super bad, as if the heart only ever wants to add gasoline to a fire. And the heart has all the subtlety of a freight train. It's going to hit you, and it's going to hit you hard. — Dennis Liggio

I looked down both ends of the alley. To my left, two men had entered the alley. Their tense body language made me think they meant malice. Plus, what the hell were they doing walking like badasses down an alley when it was pouring rain? — Dennis Liggio

At this point I'd take my chances with nearly anyone if they got me off the batting cage. Even if this was the Sparkly Vampire Rescue & World Domination League, I was still getting in the damn helicopter. — Dennis Liggio

When I entered the kitchen, the lid of the cookie jar flew off and a cookie flung itself at me. Luckily I caught the cookie in my hand and seconds later discovered that ghost-propelled chocolate chip cookies were still delicious. I wondered if we could find a way to implement and market ghost-propelled cookie jars. The convenience factor was off the charts. Want a cookie? "Ghost, cookie me!" A cookie would fly towards you, dripping with malice, and you could pluck it from the air to feed your face. — Dennis Liggio

The possibilities were as endless as the Midnight Creature Feature and I had zero leads on what was actually happening. — Dennis Liggio

Unfortunately, when a flat footed Elder God wants to harass you, there's not a lot you can do but sit there and take it. — Dennis Liggio

I don't know how it got to this, but I'm in a war. There's no chance for diplomacy. They want me dead and I don't think I can run from this. Not after what they've done to me. So if this is a war, then I'm going to take the fight to them. I'll raid their lair and I'll kill as many as I can. There seem to be endless numbers of them, but they've got to have a limit. Tonight we'll find out if there are more of them than there is fight in me. — Dennis Liggio

I now had to walk everywhere rather than just deciding to go places. I admit I was disappointed about that part, since being a ghost had made me quite lazy. Stupid living people with their walking and stepping! — Dennis Liggio

Was this the stupidest thing I had ever done? Maybe, maybe not. Top ten, at least. — Dennis Liggio

Oh, y'know, magic stuff is full of weird vibrations!" said Dane. "Makes your palm sweat, gives you that pins and needles sensation when you hold it! Maybe something running up your arm." He paused. "Something that isn't a spider or a bug. Something running up your arm that's an invisible sensation. But not an invisible spider. Like an invisible feeling that's pins and needly. Maybe more needles than pins."
"Are you sure that's not a heart attack?" said Jaya. — Dennis Liggio

They never see anything - not even the cultists who weren't ritually blinded. — Dennis Liggio

I'm too old for amusingly neurotic misunderstandings. — Dennis Liggio

When you see zombies, they're typically in a horde. A big group close together, as if they were just holding hands before you saw them and they quickly let go. — Dennis Liggio

A ghost doesn't just move normally. They have this freaky way of zipping across the room. You see the ghost, you blink, and then it's suddenly behind you or up in your face and you scream and dig your nails into your boyfriend's knee and the he has marks there for like a week and I hope you're putting out for all that goddamn pain you put him through when you were the one who picked the movie even when you knew it was going to be scary. — Dennis Liggio

It was built way back in the Sixties, and with that long lifespan, that capacity year-in year-out, and the inevitable deaths[6], you would think the dorm was haunted. However, from my own experience, it was only ever haunted by the Ghost of the Half Eaten Pizza From a Week Ago or the Spirit of the Guys Two Doors Down Who Think Towels Under the Door Prevents Everybody From Knowing They're Smoking Pot. Real ghosts would have made the place more interesting. — Dennis Liggio

When will people reach a state of enlightenment where they realize it's so much better to dislike people for individual reasons, rather than their arbitrary grouping, a cultural background, or the color of their skin? — Dennis Liggio

I watched as that dark blob walked out into traffic, then was violently struck by a car. Yup, that's me. I was somewhat proud of humanity when I saw that a few people immediately came over to me to see if I was okay, rather than stealing my wallet or completely ignoring me. — Dennis Liggio

You don't get the name of the Goat with a Thousand Young without getting around. — Dennis Liggio

You have a death ray so when your enemies invade your secret lair, you pull out it out and you can swing it back and forth in a swath of doom, obliterating all your enemies while laughing maniacally! — Dennis Liggio

I have the whole team just around the block! One call and they'll ride in here like cavalry! Riding on... robots! Giant robots! Well, not giant robots, like in Egan, but... but... big enough robots! — Dennis Liggio

was sitting in my detective office in R'lyeh. My partner Dagon sat at the desk across from me. We had been doing the detective thing for a couple of strange aeons now. — Dennis Liggio

He said a ritual, right?" asked Becky. "Maybe he's part of one of those doomsday cults where you have to cut off your wang and wear a track suit. They always think the world is going to end for no good reason. — Dennis Liggio

Death ray?" scoffed Victor. "Death ray? Everyone thinks that inventors just have death rays just sitting around. 'Oh you're an inventor? Have you made a death ray yet?' 'How's the inventing going? What's your death ray like?' I'm sick of it. — Dennis Liggio

Respect got men murdered. Only stupid men die for anything other than money and freedom. — Dennis Liggio