Enjoy the top 2 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by David S. Reynolds.
Famous Quotes By David S. Reynolds
Passionate intimacy between people of the same sex was common in pre - Civil War America. The lack of clear sexual categories (homo-, hetero-, bi-) made same-sex affection unself-conscious and widespread. — David S. Reynolds
Never trust the innocent — David S. Reynolds
Famous Quotes
She mounted the steps and took hold of the heavydoor knocker. It was shaped like a pair of angel's wings, and when she let it fall, she could hear the sound of echoing like the tolling of a huge bell. A moment later the door was yanked open, and Isabelle Lightwood stood on the threshlod, her eyes wide with shock. "Clary?" Clary smiled weakly. "Hi Isabelle." Isabelle leaned against the doorjamb, her expression dismal. "Oh, crap." Author: Cassandra Clare