David Keith Quotes & Sayings
Enjoy the top 9 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by David Keith.
Famous Quotes By David Keith

I'm a working actor so I never really pick a film because of a genre, and I don't really turn them down because of genre. Anything that's unlike the picture I just finished is always more interesting. — David Keith

From sixth grade on I was a real Pillsbury doughboy. Overweight, long hair, thick glasses. — David Keith

I'd really love to play a real-life country and western singer. — David Keith

Fame means so little about somebody when you come right down to it. — David Keith

I love just lying on the floor at home watching games with my dad. No pressures, just being me. — David Keith

Today global spending on clean energy technologies is almost $300 billion per year - about a hundred times the direct cost of stratospheric aerosol geoengineering. — David Keith

I'd worked with Mel Harris before, I love working with her, she's great. — David Keith

I don't want to leave people thinking they've merely seen another actor using his same bag of tricks and fake charm. — David Keith

I'm a father myself for the first time in my life, and I had very very loving parents. — David Keith