David Joy Quotes & Sayings
Enjoy the top 11 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by David Joy.
Famous Quotes By David Joy

Some souls aren't worth saving, I thought. There're some souls that even the devil wants no part of. — David Joy

It wasn't here or there that had ever been scary. It was the middle ground, that long desolate space between, that scared the hell out of me. — David Joy

Eventually all of that pain and anger just sort of fades away, and all we're left with is growing old and forgetting. — David Joy

There was a place where all light tends to go, and I reckon that was heaven. — David Joy

Only the middle ground of this wicked world mattered, the vast gap that stretched between, and those who were born with enough grit to brave it. — David Joy

It's funny how it only takes one person taking the time to show you they care for all that bad shit to not seem so bad for a moment. It's not like the demons go anywhere. What haunts you is still right there when you go back under, but that one gesture from one person can bring you to the surface for a second or two. And for a very long time, all I'd really needed was to come up for air. — David Joy

Hope and faith are loaded guns. Everything I had ever been taught told me things that were too good to be true usually are. It was a silly thought to think that I could get out of these hills. It was a silly thought to think that the life I was born into was something that could be so easily left behind. Some were destined for bigger things, far off places and such. But some of us were glued to this place and we live out what little bit of life we were given until we were just another body buried on uneven ground. — David Joy

I did wonder what happened when we died, though, and I'd wondered about it for most of my life. Thinking that nothing happened, that there was absolutely nothing following all of this pain, seemed just as silly as magic. No, there had to be something. — David Joy

The conversations of men had always been muddy rivers, the surface's roiling a reflection of what's buried, but the bottom some mysterious thing that would always be hidden. — David Joy

I'd never had anyone ask me to let them in. Inside was a place most folks wouldn't have ever wanted to glimpse, much less be a part of, but Maggie had always been banging on the door. Maggie had always been trying her damnedest to take part of the weight off me, and I'd never let her. I couldn't let her then, and I wasn't sure that I could let her now, but the one thing that was for certain was that I'd carried that weight for too long. I'd carried it until I was almost broken, and the only thing that had ever come along and offered to fix any of it, whether she held that power or not, was her. — David Joy

Light never shined on a man like me and that was certain. In a lot of ways, that made men like Daddy the lucky ones to have only ever known the darkness. Knowing only darkness, a man doesn't have to get his heart broken in search of the light. I envied him for that. — David Joy