David Griswold Quotes & Sayings
Enjoy the top 1 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by David Griswold.
Famous Quotes By David Griswold

I am, and that is all I know at times,
My being shaped by forces known and not.
But whereas words are made to bend to rhymes,
My feet are bound to steps that I have wrought.
I feel myself expanding into this
Beautiful niche I could not see before
But I always sensed-and now I cannot miss
Myself: I am unlimited and more
Is opening to me, the more I open
To this sweet fear, like falling from a cloud,
My heart's inertia clear and calm, unspoken
But heard. It says to me: "You are allowed."
And I am free at last to feel this way
To take this step: to wonder, love and stray. — David Griswold