Danielle Steel Quotes & Sayings
Enjoy the top 100 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by Danielle Steel.
Famous Quotes By Danielle Steel

No man can take your freedom from you. They can limit your mobility, but that's about all they can do — Danielle Steel

There was something infinitely impressive about the man, tall, slender, gray-haired, blue-eyed, soft-spoken. He had the looks of the doctors one read about in women's novels. There was something so basically kind and gentle about him, yet something powerful as well. The aura of a highly trained racehorse always straining at the reins, aching to go faster, farther ... to do more ... to fight time ... to conquer odds beyond hope ... to steal back just one life ... one man ... one woman ... one child ... one more. And often he won. Often. But not always. And that irked him. More than that, it pained him. It was the cause for the lines beside his eyes, the sorrow one saw deep within him. It wasn't enough that he wrought miracles almost daily. He wanted more than that, better odds, he wanted to save them all, and there was no way he could. — Danielle Steel

I did it at night because I loved it. I never did it to make money, as a job. I just did it because I had to. — Danielle Steel

It's hard to make changes. Things get so comfortable and you don't want to move. Maybe it would do you good to be a little uncomfortable for a while, and do something different ... — Danielle Steel

Here." "Yeah," she said, as tears rolled down her cheeks again, "and you love Liz too. I could see it." She started to sob then and buried her face in his — Danielle Steel

I am endlessly busy, bringing up five young kids, and trying to keep up with the three older ones. I still spend most of my life driving car pools. — Danielle Steel

I'd love to be a writer one day — Danielle Steel

and French-braided hair, — Danielle Steel

An acceptance of life as it really was, rather than trying to force it to be what one wanted, and it never could be. — Danielle Steel

the future, Hugues — Danielle Steel

On a June day, a young woman in a summer dress steps off a Chicago-bound bus into a small midwestern town. She doesn't intend to stay. She is just passing through. Yet her stopping here has a reason and it is part of a story that you will never forget. — Danielle Steel

and all the people who were — Danielle Steel

I do everything for everyone to make their lives easier and better and then I don't know who I am, and they don't care. I'm the full-service wife and mom, — Danielle Steel

Life, a good life, a great life is about "Why not?" May we never forget it. — Danielle Steel

That terrible feeling that you're not good enough to be loved by the people you love most, and eventually by anyone else. — Danielle Steel

Sometimes we have to face the things that hurt us most. Maybe you won't heal till you do. You haven't yet." They both knew that was true. "You can't move ahead until you bury the past. — Danielle Steel

I think I'm very real as a person, and that comes across in my work. — Danielle Steel

their arrangement with — Danielle Steel

but neither of them seemed — Danielle Steel

that way, the models would be — Danielle Steel

Much more exotic life than I do. Where do you come up with — Danielle Steel

We're all given terrible trials sometimes, things that we think will break our spirit and kill us, and they make us stronger in the end. They seem like the cruelest blows, but in a funny way they're like compliments from God. — Danielle Steel

more serious of the twins, and Kezia was — Danielle Steel

She didn't want to let go of him, or the baby, but sometimes life made you give up what you loved most. — Danielle Steel

Long-distance relationships are another way of avoiding intimacy. — Danielle Steel

You see the magic in a fairy tale, you can face the future — Danielle Steel

I don't buy trends, because the pieces don't last and I wind up never wearing them. That's why I like to shop with my children; they'll always tell me the truth. — Danielle Steel

I'm still here. I have to go on. I have to give something back, to make my time here worth something. If not, the time I've been given here would have been totally wasted. And I don't think we have a right to do that. — Danielle Steel

He may not have been her Prince Charming, but he had definitely just exposed himself as Prince Shit. — Danielle Steel

another month. They would be back in the — Danielle Steel

She wanted to ask him how his — Danielle Steel

And the worst thing she had heard were the words he hadn't said, the fact that he hadn't loved her. — Danielle Steel

seemed silly to Faith. And offensive — Danielle Steel

I decided I would never do interviews again. — Danielle Steel

All rights reserved. No part of this book may — Danielle Steel

It just goes to show, never say never, or the next thing you know, you'll be doing what you said you never would, owning a dog you swore you didn't want and walking (or carrying) a tiny, totally enchanting little dog on a rhinestone-studded pink leash. — Danielle Steel

You can't have nine children and not be organized. Otherwise it just looks like Appalachia. — Danielle Steel

Part of being an adult, someone told me once, is accepting your parents as they are, with all their failings. — Danielle Steel

None of the agony it had caused her, the terror, or the heartbreak. But — Danielle Steel

THE MEETING GOT under way as soon as Marshall walked into the room. He looked dignified and serious, and he was wearing a dark suit. There were three men at the conference table, across from him, from a company in Boston that was not quite as large as UPI, but very close, and its growth rate had been remarkable in the past two years. It was well on its way to becoming the largest corporation in the country and outstripping all its competitors. And all it needed now was a powerful leader at its helm. And everyone at its base in Boston had agreed that Marshall Weston was the one. They had no idea if he would consider leaving UPI, and they doubted it after fifteen years, but they had come to California to try and convince him to do it. And he was listening raptly to what they said. It was their second meeting in two days, and they were going back to Boston that night. Marshall — Danielle Steel

It would be hard for me to overestimate the importance of reading. Nothing can expand the mind and heart like the magic al world of books. ... Our libraries are an essential resource for our children, our communities, and our future. — Danielle Steel

People are so obsessed with that these days. As long as you're healthy, what difference do a few pounds make? Crazy diets. Thirteen-year-old girls on magazine covers who wind up in hospitals because they're so anorexic. Real women don't look like that. And who wants them to? No one wants a woman who looks sick or like she;s been from a refugee camp. — Danielle Steel

Don't worry about it. The right thing will come at the right time. — Danielle Steel

Love is quite violent. It is so painful at times, so devastating. And there is nothing worse or better. We find the highs and lows equally unbearable. But then again, the absence of them is more so. — Danielle Steel

Phrased it. The state sends him to prison, and the church gives you an apology in the — Danielle Steel

It's all about fate and destiny, and opening the right door at the right time, and having the guts to walk through it. It's amazing how everything changes in the blink of an eye. — Danielle Steel

You had help. He made you sick, or think you were, so he could control you. What does it say in the Bible, something about you'll get back the years the locust hath eaten? That's true for both of us. We lost a lot, but look what we have now. — Danielle Steel

People are much more inclined to believe and say bad things about you if you're famous. — Danielle Steel

I've shut myself inside these walls, and I'm going to be a very lonely old lady if I'm not careful. — Danielle Steel

A man who really likes you and cares about you won't care about your weight one way or another. — Danielle Steel

had an affair." She was — Danielle Steel

Motherhood is not for the faint-hearted. Frogs, skinned knees, and the insults of teenage girls are not meant for the wimpy. — Danielle Steel

I grew up with my father, so I know more about cars than most women. — Danielle Steel

I'm probably the most uptight, conservative person you'll meet. I'm very religious. — Danielle Steel

I'm not the enemy, they are. I hear them. You're not good enough so no one could ever love you. Come here," he said, pulling her into his arms and looking into her huge blue eyes that were the same color as his own. "I love you. You are lovable. They're idiots. And I love everything about you, just the way you are. Now that's my message to you. It's not theirs. It's mine. You are the most lovable woman I've ever known." As he said it, he kissed her, and tears of relief slid down her cheeks, and she sobbed in his arms. He had just told her everything she had waited to hear all her life, and had never heard before. — Danielle Steel

One and everything's a mess, and one of my — Danielle Steel

Never settle for less than your dreams, somewhere, sometime, someday, somehow, you'll find them — Danielle Steel

I don't just want to catch some guy and have a bunch of kids. I want to make something of myself. — Danielle Steel

Anyway. He plays the same old stuff every time. I'll have Charlie let him — Danielle Steel

got involved in class-action suits that went on for years. He — Danielle Steel

But she felt like she had to earn him, and she hadn't. Not yet. And maybe never, she admitted to herself. — Danielle Steel

her, and it seemed wiser not to see each — Danielle Steel

It's hard being visible, so I've made myself invisible. — Danielle Steel

I never wanted to settle for 'good enough.' I wanted 'great' or nothing. — Danielle Steel

I had learned firsthand that tragedy and disappointment can strike any of us at any time. — Danielle Steel

the essence of prayer is not to think a lot, but to love a lot. — Danielle Steel

there, at the casino. He's a very spiritual — Danielle Steel

A bad review is like baking a cake with all the best ingredients and having someone sit on it. — Danielle Steel

They just had to be patient. Destiny would bring them what they needed, yet again. — Danielle Steel

Do you sit home like the Virgin Mary waiting for Prince Charming to come along? Or do you go out with Prince not-so-charming and at least get out of the house and have some fun while you wait for the right guy to come along? — Danielle Steel

I move between San Francisco and Paris ... I have a wonderful beach house in California. — Danielle Steel

It's been very hard, after being mostly a mom, to develop an adult life of my own. And not being married anymore, I have to come up with challenges. — Danielle Steel

up shells, and waded at the water's edge, — Danielle Steel

sank, at the realization of what had really — Danielle Steel

There were no guarantees in life, only promises and whispers. — Danielle Steel

Sometimes, I think one should only live in the present. The past is only a heavy burden to carry with you. And yet ... it's so hard to let them go ... to forget ... to move ahead ... — Danielle Steel

Usually, Marilyn Norton loved the hot weather, but she was having a tough time with it, nine months pregnant, with her due date in two days. She was expecting her second child, another boy, and he was going to be a big one. She could hardly move in the heat, and her ankles and feet were so swollen that all she had been able to get her feet into were rubber flip-flops. She was wearing huge white shorts that were too tight on her now, and a white T-shirt of her husband's that outlined her belly. She had nothing left to wear that still fit, but the baby would arrive soon. She was just glad that she had made it to the first day of school with Billy. He had been nervous about his new school, and she wanted to be there with him. — Danielle Steel

Nothing is forever, but there's a continuing stream of people who go through our lives and continue with us ... Nothing just stops and stays ... But it flows on ... Like a river ... — Danielle Steel

The usual way - through a long series of rejections, revising my manuscripts, and kept trying again and again. Finally I was fortunate enough to find a good agent. — Danielle Steel

Be at ease with him. What they shared had none of the pain or the passion or — Danielle Steel

If you let anything infringe on your writing time, it will. And you won't get the writing done. Taking one day off can cost me five days of getting back in the mood. Going out to lunch can cost me anywhere from five hours to three days. And for me it's not worth it. For my own sense of well-being I have to finish my work before I can play. — Danielle Steel

a break at lunchtime. She hated — Danielle Steel

Means. And her small, chic penthouse apartment — Danielle Steel

She's all right now. We just want to get her — Danielle Steel

established her own interior design firm years — Danielle Steel

For the moment, my life is a little schizophrenic. — Danielle Steel

Not all forms of abuse leave bruises. — Danielle Steel

What's ready? Was Steinback ready? Hemingway? Shakespeare? Dickens? Jane Austen? They just did it, didn't they? — Danielle Steel

Sing Me no songs tell me no tales cry me no tears, but remember me kindly. — Danielle Steel

objects that couldn't be — Danielle Steel