Cindy Gerard Quotes & Sayings
Enjoy the top 53 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by Cindy Gerard.
Famous Quotes By Cindy Gerard

Here's the deal. I get to marry you. You get to become a Garrett - although, considering what you're marrying into, I'm not certain that's much of an incentive.
Dallas to Amy — Cindy Gerard

And for a moment there, despite the bruising, despite the snarled dirty hair, despite her sunburned skin and the suffering in her eyes that she refused to let defeat her, she was one of the prettiest things he'd ever seen.
~Dallas and Amy~ — Cindy Gerard

The door to the situation room door opened, drawing her attention to a tall, lean man with eyes as sharp as razors.
The sound of a metal chair scraping on the tile floor filled the room as Reed shot to his feet, stood at attention, and saluted crisply.
The man stopped, scowled, and heaved a heavy sigh. "All right you clown. At ease. It hasn't been that long since I've been here."
"Just showing my respect, sir," Reed said with a smart-ass grin. "It's not often we're fortunate enough to be in the company of such greatness. — Cindy Gerard

Okay," he said, his breath hitching, his hands shaking like hell as he pried her arms from around his neck and set her away.
Deep breath. Another. "Okay. Just ... um. Okay. Christ. Christ, Darcy, I want you so bad I'm afraid I'm going to hurt you. — Cindy Gerard

The little imp had gone Brazilian.
Damn him for a sinner but the thoughts that zinged through his mind would make the roof of a church cave in on him.
Thoughts like: She better have done that with me in mind because I'm not letting anyone with a set of balls near her ever again.
Thoughts like: Mine. Mine and mine. — Cindy Gerard

That cowboy had heartbreak written all over him and she'd be damned if she knew why every time he blew into town she ended up naked before he ended up gone. Reed always ended up gone. — Cindy Gerard

There are definite advantages to single beds." He sat up abruptly and arranged her legs around his waist. "Makes cuddling mandatory. — Cindy Gerard

Scarface, Boxer, and Rambo. She couldn't have gotten Winkin', Blinkin', and Nod? she wondered with a desperate kind of hysteria. Moe, Larry, and Curly? The Three Amigos? Rambo tugged a length of rope out of his hip pocket, handed his rifle to Boxer and grabbed her wrist. — Cindy Gerard

Very slowly, she peeked around the tree trunk. Saw a slim, petite figure, flanked by two very large, very dangerous-looking soldier of fortune types picking their way through the bodies and the rubble.
Oh, God. It was Amy.
"Get away from her," Jenna ordered, stepping out from behind the conifer, wielding the iron pan like a club.
Both men stopped. Glanced at her. Glanced at each other over Amy's head.
"What?" The biggest one grunted out a surly laugh. "Or you'll souffle us?"
Okay. She was definitely going after him first. — Cindy Gerard

She flew into his arms. Held on tight as he swung her off her feet and hugged her so hard it hurt. She didn't care. She didn't want him to ever let go. — Cindy Gerard

Bipolar and paranoid. Throw in schizophrenic and you've hit the trifecta. They have padded rooms for people like you. Some of them even come with a view. — Cindy Gerard

Damn" Johnny muttered watching her go. "It might not be love, but it sure is fun. — Cindy Gerard

I don't think sleeping with you is going to solve anything," she said, stopping at the guest bedroom door.
"I don't really care what you think. — Cindy Gerard

Men. < ... > They're idiots. It's like they all take a vow of stupidity or something. — Cindy Gerard

Damn," Crystal sputtered, looking up from the dictionary in disbelief. "Oenophlygia: the state of being dunk. It really is a word".
Johnny gloated unabashedly. "Just wouldn't listen, would you? Just couldn't stand that I might be way ahead of the game. Word to the wise," he added with a superior smirk. "Don't mess with a man of my experience in that arena. — Cindy Gerard

Driven, damaged and dangerous, FBI agent Mercy Gunderson is one of the best female leads to come down the pike since Eve Dallas. Lori Armstrong delivers the goods with MERCILESS. — Cindy Gerard

White on rice. Green on grass. Sheets on a bed. Him on her. — Cindy Gerard

Jesus, would you look at him. Hair too long and too blond. Eyes too sexy and too blue. Body too buff, ego in danger of liftoff. Standing there in his tight fitted jeans, painted-on T-shirt, and snakeskin boots, he looked like God's guilty gift. Trouble was, he knew it. — Cindy Gerard

This is so my favorite time of day to make house calls," Mendoza announced from the backseat of Wyatt's SUV as they cruised the Soyopango gangland territory. "Nothing says sneak attack like waltzing in under the cover of the noon-fucking-sun. — Cindy Gerard

She dug around in her bag, found what she was looking for, and brought the little stuffed dog back to bed with her. Childish, yeah. She didn't care. He was soft and cuddly-unlike Jones-and she had a need for soft and cuddly right now. She'd like to meet a woman who could breeze through a shotgun blast and not need something to hold on to. Even if it was just an old stuffed pup.( ... )She swallowed hard,then caught her breath when he opened his eyes, turned his head on the pillow toward her. He searched her face in the dark.
"Come here," he whispered.
When she hesitated, he reached for her. "The dog can come, too. — Cindy Gerard

She'd given it two good years. The problem was, Don had only given it one. — Cindy Gerard

Go to bed," he ordered. "Go to bed... and stay there. — Cindy Gerard

Because they're probably long gone. Are you hurt?" Gabe asked with enough urgency that she realized he must have felt shiver in delayed reaction to the hole in the door.
"No. No, I'm okay. What a about you? Are you hurt?"
"Only if you count the fact that you damned near ripped off my plumbing groping around for my phone."
She made a sound of exasperation. "Now? You pick now to become a comedian?"
"It's all about timing," he whispered back. — Cindy Gerard

I'm not Lois Lane and you are neither Superman nor Clark Kent," she fired back. "It's crazy for you to go anywhere in this condition, and if you had the sense God gave a rock, you'd stay put."
Gabe stopped in his tracks. "Did you just compare me to a rock?"
She snorted. "I have the utmost respect for rocks. They're hard, they're heavy. They make good paperweights. — Cindy Gerard

Marry me, princess. I'll give you my kingdom - small potatoes that it is. — Cindy Gerard

Mi Corazon. Mi alma. Son tuyos." My heart. My soul. They are yours, he whispered against the generous curve of her breast as a million sensations, all of them hot, all of them rich, all of them straddling the razor-sharp edge of pain, ripped through his loins like a flash fire and stripped him of everything but consciousness.
"Tuyo. Todo que tengo es tuyo." Yours. Everything I have is yours. — Cindy Gerard

The man lived like a monk.
And made love like a sinner. — Cindy Gerard

He knew he wasn't going anywhere that didn't take him to her. — Cindy Gerard

Amy, listen to me. What I do. The choices I make. They're mine. Only mine. The consequences of those decisions - mine.
"Mine," he repeated when she sighed heavily. "No one else's."
Silence. Only the warm wetness of her tears dampening his shirt.
It broke his heart. — Cindy Gerard

I guess the answer would be yes."
"Got to love that word." He kissed her so sweetly then, it brought tears to her eyes. "Got it in you to say it again?"
And then he did the unthinkable. He went down on one knee. — Cindy Gerard

Do things to me, Luke. Do things that will make us forget everything going on outside this room. — Cindy Gerard

When he reached her, he touched a hand to her face. Smiled. "Important. That's one word. Everything. That's another. Loved," he said, adding the most important word of all. "God, Darcy, you are so loved. — Cindy Gerard

What happened?" Wyatt asked Crystal, and stood back so the two of them could come inside out of the oppressive heat.
"Why are you asking her?" Reed thumped past him. "I'm the one on crutches."
"She'll tell me the truth," Wyatt said. "You'll just give me some bullshit story that will end with 'You should see the other guy'."
"You wound me, bro" [Reed]
"He tore his ACL the day before yesterday trying to do a stunt on a skateboard." [Crystal]
"Mendoza dared him." [Luke Colter]
"No one held a gun to the fool's head" [Mendoza] — Cindy Gerard

I generally find subtlety a waste of time. — Cindy Gerard

Which is your bad shoulder?"
His brows knit together. "The left," he said carefully.
She slugged him in the right.
He staggered. Steadied himself. Grinned. "Is that like some weird Wyoming mating ritual thing I should know about?"
"Damn you," she cried, flying into his arms. Finally. "Damn you, damn you, damn you!"
He wrapped his arms around her, held her tight. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry I was such a coward. — Cindy Gerard

He hugged her hard. I love you. My life is so much better with you in it than out of it. — Cindy Gerard

Live for something rather than die for nothing.
- George Patton — Cindy Gerard

Show up here." "Let's go then," she said on a breathy sigh. "Not yet." The music thrummed, rising to a loud crescendo, and so did Fiona's pulse, pounding in her ears while Scorpio's fingertip grazed the lace edging of her panties. — Cindy Gerard

Okay, I'm guessing you're gonna give us the bad news first because there's no good news? — Cindy Gerard

He wasn't a romantic. Had never thought himself as sentimental. But he wanted this one last kiss.
"Well", he said, his voice hoarse and grainy, "we'll always have Peru. — Cindy Gerard

Amy sat back and grinned. "You just smiled." That was definitely something else she could get used to.
Of course, he frowned immediately. "I smile. — Cindy Gerard

Be careful in the company of monsters that you don't become one. — Cindy Gerard

Hey, Tink," Reed called to his wife. He'd given up on the poker game and was cradling the little pink handle that was Mariah Savage in his arms. "Look how cute she is. I think I want one. S'pose we can stop by Walmart and pick up one just like her.?"
Chrystal glanced up from her cards and gave her husband a look.
"Three o'clock feedings. Smelly diapers. Responsability."
"Oh. Right. I'd have to grow up. — Cindy Gerard

Now let's try that again. Ask my wife nice, and maybe I'll let you sleep in the same bed as your teeth tonight. — Cindy Gerard

Bastards have pissed me off," Reed snarled, out of breath, as he backed into the open armory door. "They hit me in the face."
Lang grabbed Reed's jaw, turned his face toward him. "It's just a scratch."
It's just my fucking face," Reed sputtered. "It needs to look good on a book jacket when I write my memoirs someday. — Cindy Gerard

Ah, well." He smiled-another one of those devastatingly intoxicating smiles that did unreasonable things to her body temperature and respiration.
With a nod and a respectful, "Ma'am," he left her in the middle of the room.
Feeling like she'd been hit by a tank. — Cindy Gerard

Go away. I told you, I'm not interested."
She looked from his lap to his face.
"Your nose is growing too. — Cindy Gerard

He understood that she needed some time to get used to "them." He didn't. He knew exactly what was happening, and he didn't need another week, another month, another year, to get things in perspective.
He loved her. It was that plain. That simple. — Cindy Gerard

Nose to nose with her, he gave her his best bad dog snarl. You've forgotten who and what you're dealing with here, princess. So let me jar your memory. I'm not on your father's short list of men you can bring home to dinner. I'm not a nice man. So if all you're looking for is sex ... just keep this up and you're liable to get it. And don't expect some polite little in-and-out and 'oh darling, that was lovely.' You come to my bed, I'm going to fuck you, and there won't be anything polite about it. — Cindy Gerard

Without illusions. I love you because you are
fallible and because your poor misguided testosterone-corrupted brain has you doing cartwheels
trying not to be. I love you because of all you are and because of all you're not. And because, no
matter what, you are all the man I'll ever need. — Cindy Gerard