Carlos P. Romulo Quotes & Sayings
Enjoy the top 15 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by Carlos P. Romulo.
Famous Quotes By Carlos P. Romulo

Among the lessons learned in my lifetime is the ease with which corruption can enter high places in the mask of friendship. Sometimes the recipient is not aware of the barbed hook under the gift; often, he who gives may not know but be the unwitting agent of a craftier mind. — Carlos P. Romulo

I was convinced that luck was a matter of knowing what one wanted and then being willing to work to make the wish come true. — Carlos P. Romulo

A strengthened national spirit can provide the motive power to rise our people from the depths and ... pour new life and vigor in the national system.
The reinvigoration of the national spirit must take place in the grass roots, in every city, town and barrio in the Philippines, and it must start among our own people ... To be a worthy citizen of the world one must first prove himself to be a good Filipino. — Carlos P. Romulo

Brotherhood is the very price and condition of man's survival. — Carlos P. Romulo

All in all, it is a good life we are living, in a good world filled with good friends. — Carlos P. Romulo

Never forget, Americans, that yours is a spiritual country. Yes, I know you're a practical people. Like others, I've marveled at your factories, your skyscrapers, and your arsenals. But underlying everything else is the fact that America began as a God-loving, God-fearing, God-worshipping people. — Carlos P. Romulo

For my grandchildren . . . and all children - this book is written with hopes of the time to come, when no child shall lie down in terror or waken to hunger, but shall know himself as a being of unique value in a safer and kindlier world. — Carlos P. Romulo

Nations will rise and fall, but equality remains the ideal. The univeral aim is to achieve respect for the entire human race, not for the dominant few. — Carlos P. Romulo

I feel like a Gold surrounded by Silver! — Carlos P. Romulo

Our world is constantly in change and the great change is always toward freedom. When we speak of freedom we speak of equality. Nations will rise and fall but equality remains the ideal. — Carlos P. Romulo

There should be no inferiors and no superiors for true world friendship. — Carlos P. Romulo

I am a Filipino born to freedom, and I shall not rest until freedom shall have been added unto my inheritance - for myself and my children and my children's children - forever. — Carlos P. Romulo

Let us teach our people again to be proud that they are Filipinos. Let us teach them to realize anew that being a Filipino means having as rich and noble a heritage of language, culture, patriotism and heroic deeds as any nation on earth. Let us teach a steadfast faith in Divine Providence, a stable family institution, the unhampered enjoyment of civil liberties, the advantages of constitutional government, the potentials of a rich and spacious land. — Carlos P. Romulo

I am a Filipino, inheritor of a glorious past, hostage to the uncertain future. As such, I must prove equal to a two-fold task -- the task of meeting my responsibility to the past, and the task of performing my obligation to the future. — Carlos P. Romulo

OTHER lives may find their happiest moments infiltrated with tragedy, and their proudest touched with comedy. This had almost invariably been true of mine. My proudest hour found me, the newly elected president of the United Nations, perched atop three thick New York City telephone books given me in lieu of a cushion that I might see and be seen by the delegates below the podium. — Carlos P. Romulo