Bryan Fields Quotes & Sayings
Enjoy the top 28 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by Bryan Fields.
Famous Quotes By Bryan Fields

Are you sure you wouldn't rather hear a story you know already?" Martin gave me a look far older than his years. "No. I want to hear new stories. There are so many out there I haven't heard yet." Rose — Bryan Fields

He was right, and I could live with my choices without guilt. That also meant I could live without feeling guilty over not feeling guilty. I — Bryan Fields

In fact, I was just looking for news about you. Where have you been hiding?" "In your exercise room. I've been watching your bard-in-a-box and learning about your world. — Bryan Fields

Thank you for this honor. It was most unexpected, and I must say, undeserved. The only memorial I would ask of you is that you love your children, encourage them in following their dreams, and treat them as the treasures they are. Do this, and my sacrifice is well justified. Thank you." Thankfully, — Bryan Fields

You can always come home. That's why they call it home. It's the place you go where they have to take you in, no matter what. After all, 'It's love that makes a home, not walls'." Rose — Bryan Fields

Leaving millions dead or dying in your wake." The Unicorn nodded. "Billions, if all goes well. The survivors will need a leader. — Bryan Fields

The sad thing about miracles is that they're unique. They can't be explained, or shared, or duplicated. And they absolutely cannot be captured and made to perform on demand. If that day ever came, our world would die for lack of wonder. — Bryan Fields

He leaned toward me, and I realized his eyes looked forward, not to the side. Eyes to the front, the creature hunts. Eyes to the side, the creature hides. "Haven't you ever wanted to rule the world, Mr. Fraser?" I — Bryan Fields

Fireball doesn't need a search warrant. — Bryan Fields

When a Dragon, an Elf, and a Human walk into a bar, the Human is always going to be the punch line. — Bryan Fields

She wishes to know more about Earth and its people. So, please remember you are representing your entire world. — Bryan Fields

Rose pointed out their contract with Aiyliria only covered their world. Dragon lawyer talked to Elven lawyer and eventually a Dwarven banker got involved, but in the end Rose got the rights to publish the books on Earth and still had a bit of hoard left over. — Bryan Fields

I didn't want to admit my backup plan consisted of hoping we didn't need one. When — Bryan Fields

Adventures make great stories, but the day after really sucks. — Bryan Fields

I will never understand why you Humans weren't designed to recycle your body's water after filtering waste. It's just so much more efficient. — Bryan Fields

The difference between the quest for the Holy Grail and someone saying 'bring me a cup' is the flavor text and the number of stops involved. — Bryan Fields

Come on, think. If I were an immortal, ethereal Unicorn, where would I be parking my shiny-assed self?" "Right behind you, Mr. Fraser. — Bryan Fields

Harmony turned on whatever Dragons use for afterburners and swooped down. — Bryan Fields

I drew, doing my best to adjust for elevation and wind. Archery ranges don't offer 'shooting from Dragon-back' practice. Vikan — Bryan Fields

I'm starting to get a really bad feeling about how big these spiders are getting. Get ready for big game. — Bryan Fields

I raised my cup in salute. "We are out to save the world and we are riding Dragons. It's a Big Damn Quest and we are Big Damn Heroes." Ember — Bryan Fields

What the Hell is a meteor hammer?" "Big heavy steel ball on the end of a long chain." "Huh. Have you ever used it on a person?" Ember got very interested in her beverage. "Oh, no, Officer Miranda. No matter what my cheating skag of an ex-boyfriend says about the hail damage to his truck, I've never used it on anyone or anything that wasn't a legitimate practice target at my sifu's school." Ember — Bryan Fields

My rational mind was full of thoughts such as, 'what the Hell is in the air to cause the violet wavelengths to scatter instead of blue?' and 'the flowers, ivy, and decorative plants all have green leaves, so where do you get gold-leafed trees and red grass?' The rest of my mind was jumping up and down, shouting 'this is so cool!' My rational mind retreated to its cave to sulk. Miranda — Bryan Fields

Humans have never been welcome in the Dragon's capital city, Growl-Growl-Hiss-Growl-Snap Your Teeth Together, but Rose insisted on having Ember, Jake, Miranda, and I accompany her. — Bryan Fields

fan for ages - I even had her calendars in my office. Rose finally decided her style was, "as Elven as a mere Human is going to get" and signed off. — Bryan Fields