Binnie Kirshenbaum Quotes & Sayings
Enjoy the top 5 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by Binnie Kirshenbaum.
Famous Quotes By Binnie Kirshenbaum

Jerusalem Maiden is a page-turning and thought-provoking novel. Extraordinary sensory detail vividly conjures another time and place; heroine Esther Kaminsky's poignant struggle transcends time and place. The ultimate revelation here: for many women, if not most, 2011 is no different than 1911, but triumph is nonetheless possible. — Binnie Kirshenbaum

I leave off mid-sentence, and then can finish it the next day with less anxiety expended than for a new thought. — Binnie Kirshenbaum

Everyone does deserve a second chance, although we don't often get one, and even when we do get a second chance, we're likely to make the same mistake again. The things we learn later rather than sooner tend to result from harsh lessons, but mostly we learn nothing at all. — Binnie Kirshenbaum

The moral of the story is this: sometimes, to do nothing, to do nothing at all, is the sorriest thing ever. — Binnie Kirshenbaum