Beta Metani'Marashi Quotes & Sayings
Enjoy the top 12 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by Beta Metani'Marashi.
Famous Quotes By Beta Metani'Marashi

You can gain knowledge from school but you can't get motivation, knowledge & education can't get you anywhere without motivation. — Beta Metani'Marashi

A good friend is the one who stand up for you and not the one who sells you out — Beta Metani'Marashi

I don't mind being around those who need help and want to be helped, but I don't like to be around those who are unhappy and negative all of time,because they drain you down. — Beta Metani'Marashi

A good friend is the one who is there for you, when everyone has turn their back on you — Beta Metani'Marashi

In today's society, s not what you know, but is who you know. — Beta Metani'Marashi

There are two thinks that make people rich!
Enheritated or Educated. Remember education don't come with out motivation! — Beta Metani'Marashi

Love is like a flower who needs sun and flower to grow, or it will die — Beta Metani'Marashi

As a parent is our job to teach our children wrong from right, but when they grow up we don't give up. don't say I did my job "I taught them well enough so I trust them completely." Remember children are like apples in the basket, if one bad apple is in the basket it will rotten the whole basket of apples" as you can see our job is not done our job just started, teen age children need as much love and support as toddlers doo. — Beta Metani'Marashi

A person who is not happy with their self, dont expect them to be happy with you. — Beta Metani'Marashi

It is easy to be a good parent to a good child, but what makes a good parent, is dealing and being there for a difficult child, that is a real good parent! — Beta Metani'Marashi

Tradita BEveryone need love, as love needs us, love and lonely don't work together, unles you are in love with your self — Beta Metani'Marashi