Andrew Grey Quotes & Sayings
Enjoy the top 8 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by Andrew Grey.
Famous Quotes By Andrew Grey

Anyone who thinks women have a monopoly on gossip has never been to a gay bar. Those queens will rip you to shreds. — Andrew Grey

Is that why you said all that stuff earlier-because you were trying to protect me? Because if it was, I'll tell you it was the sweetest kindest thing, and if you ever do it again, I'll smack you upside the head until your ears ring 'Jingle Bells — Andrew Grey

It's empty. Duane swore harsh enough to make a sailor blush, calling into question not only the suspect's parentage, but that somehow duck's were involved. — Andrew Grey

For God's sake, get down off the cross - someone else needs the wood." He grinned widely. "I always wanted to be able to use that." "Smartass," I retorted. "Well, Christ on the cross didn't groan as much as you are. — Andrew Grey

I know you've told me you love me, but what do I mean to you?" Dirk was quiet for a long time, and Lee wondered what Dirk was going to say. "Everything." Dirk answered, and Lee realized that sometimes a single word said it all. — Andrew Grey

Cooking without wine is like sex alone. You may get the job done, but you don't really care once it's over. — Andrew Grey

Geoff told me once that part of being gay is the journey to accept who you are. It's often not an easy journey, but once you make it, you're stronger and happier because of it. — Andrew Grey

Scars are simply modern battle wounds. Sometimes the enemy happens to be inside us. — Andrew Grey