Famous Quotes & Sayings

Allan Rufus Quotes & Sayings

Enjoy the top 7 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by Allan Rufus.

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Famous Quotes By Allan Rufus

Allan Rufus Quotes 394220

Note To Self!
I will stay calm and relaxed no matter what confronts me today, tomorrow and everyday forth! — Allan Rufus

Allan Rufus Quotes 119913

He who takes his eyes off the goal has a good chance of not scoring!" - Allan Rufus -
learningcentre (dot)transformationcoach(dot)help/wp — Allan Rufus

Allan Rufus Quotes 464405

If you are holding hands with others, you can't hold a gun! — Allan Rufus

Allan Rufus Quotes 1224728

The Master's Sacred Knowledge.
Love is the treasure you should seek!
The greatest treasure to be found
is in your heart.
It is a place where you have stored
your riches over the eons of time.
It is a place nobody else can go,
only you!
BUT, you can only reach it
by going into the heart centre.
Not many people discover their treasure,
as they are always looking
outside for it in material objects,
whereas it is inside and eternal
and of an etheric nature.
Love is that treasure! — Allan Rufus

Allan Rufus Quotes 1581066

Love is magical, it changes and brightens up your world! — Allan Rufus

Allan Rufus Quotes 1796173

Love is the magic glue
that holds us together! — Allan Rufus

Allan Rufus Quotes 2078892

Your inner strength is your outer foundation — Allan Rufus