Alexander Strauch Quotes & Sayings
Enjoy the top 23 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by Alexander Strauch.
Famous Quotes By Alexander Strauch

Good shepherds love their sheep and spare no effort when leading them to green pastures and clear water. — Alexander Strauch

If Paul did not love the Corinthians, he would walk away from them and let them flounder in their own cesspool of sin. Instead, he is proactive. He confronts, warns, writes, visits, and even humbles himself before them (2 Cor. 2:5-10; 12:21). — Alexander Strauch

Amy Carmichael once said, Those who think too much of themselves don't think enough. — Alexander Strauch

John Oman warns, unless the pulpit is the place where you are the humblest in giving God's message, it is certain to be the place where you are vainest in giving your own. — Alexander Strauch

If money could motivate the merchants of England to cross death-defying oceans and enter the interior of China at great personal risk of the loss of life, could not the love of Christ motivate the missionaries to do the same for the sake of the gospel? — Alexander Strauch

This is in no way to imply that love ignores or condones sin. Love covers a multitude of sins, not all sins. At times, love requires exposure and discipline of sin for the welfare of an individual as well as the church. Love knows when to cover and when to expose for the purpose of redemption and restoration. — Alexander Strauch

Here is a Christian so committed to the well-being of other Christians, especially new Christians, that he is simply burning up inside to be with them, to help them, to nurture them, to feed them, to stabilize them, to establish an adequate foundation for them. Small wonder, then, that he devotes himself to praying for them when he finds he cannot visit them personally.4 — Alexander Strauch

When we would consider the love of God in Christ, we are as one approaching the ocean: he casts a glance on the surface, but the depths he cannot sound. - R. C. C. — Alexander Strauch

As Anthony Thiselton puts it, The opposite of love is not correction but indifference. — Alexander Strauch

Jesus taught that the great and first commandment is to love God completely, totally, and unreservedly
with all one's heart, with all one's soul, and with all one's mind (Matt. 22:37-38; Mark 12:28-34). The sum of all God's commandments and all religious service is love for God. It is the believer's first priority. It is the reason we were created. Nothing in life is more right, more fulfilling, and more rewarding than loving God our Creator and Savior. — Alexander Strauch

The work of feeding and tending sheep is hard work, arduous work, and love for the sheep alone will not do it; you must have a consuming love for the Great Shepherd, the Lord Jesus Christ. — Alexander Strauch

Braggarts build themselves up, jealous people tear others down, but only loving people build others up. — Alexander Strauch

Paul's prayer is the product of his passion for people. His unaffected fervency in prayer is not whipped-up emotionalism but the overflow of his love for brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus. — Alexander Strauch

Love covers all kinds of offenses, hurts, annoyances, disappointments, and sins that we all suffer because of others. Only love has the power to freely and repeatedly forgive, to truly seek to understand people's weaknesses and complexities, to put things into proper perspective, and to put a blanket over other people's faults. — Alexander Strauch

We must understand that the local church isn't a country club or a casual self-help group. It is God's holy temple, a congregation of redeemed saints and priests who are consecrated to God. It is God's lighthouse in a dark world. It is the pillar and support of the truth. — Alexander Strauch

The pagan Caecilius criticized the Christians because hardly have they met when they love each other ... Indiscriminately they call each other brother and sister. — Alexander Strauch

Leaders who think that growth in grace comes by knowing the Word of God without doing it will produce congregations of passive Christians which resemble human beings that eat too much and exercise too little. — Alexander Strauch

In every congregation, spiritual problems and physical needs exist for which the only solution is believing, persistent prayer. — Alexander Strauch

As we grow in disciplined, self-sacrificing love, so we will grow in intercessory prayer. Superficially fervent prayers devoid of such love are finally phony, hollow, shallow.5 — Alexander Strauch

When pride comes, then comes dishonor, but with the humble is wisdom (Prov. 11:2; — Alexander Strauch

What is both surprising and depressing is the sheer prayerlessness that characterizes so much of the Western church. It is surprising, because it is out of step with the Bible that portrays what Christian living should be; it is depressing, because it frequently coexists with abounding Christian activity that somehow seems hollow, frivolous, and superficial.10 — Alexander Strauch

Instructing people to obey Christ's commands is part of the Great Commission. It's not enough to teach the facts about Christ, we are to teach, exhort, and train disciples to obey and live according to the commands of Christ. — Alexander Strauch