Alexander Brome Quotes & Sayings
Enjoy the top 5 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by Alexander Brome.
Famous Quotes By Alexander Brome

'Twas drink made me fall in love, And love made me run into debt, And though I have struggled and struggled and strove, I cannot get out of them yet. — Alexander Brome

What art thou, life, that we, must court thy stay?
A breath one single gasp must puff away!
A short-lived flower, that with the day must fade!
A fleeting vapor, and an empty shade!
A stream that silently but swiftly glides
To meet eternity's immeasured tides!
A being, lost alike by pain or joy?
A fly can kill it, or a worm destroy!
Impair'd by labor, and by ease undone,
Commenced in tears, and ended in a groan. — Alexander Brome

I have been in love, and in debt, and in drink, this many and many a year. — Alexander Brome

Something there is moves me to love, and I Do know I love, but know not how, nor why. — Alexander Brome