Aaron Cometbus Quotes & Sayings
Enjoy the top 6 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by Aaron Cometbus.
Famous Quotes By Aaron Cometbus

Sometimes a place to work, or a place to relax--even if only for an hour--is all you need. That, and good friends. Without those things, the city will break you into a million tiny pieces. But what in the world could be harder to find? — Aaron Cometbus

What point was there in living if you didn't at least try to be as cool as your heroes?
p. 6, Double Duce — Aaron Cometbus

Berkeley should be a haven for everyone, yet we should be wary of predators and thugs who drain our energy and take advantage of the institutions we've helped to create and sustain. — Aaron Cometbus

Maybe I had found true love. Not that true love is a bitter, rotten dead monkey in a box. But then again, maybe. — Aaron Cometbus

Some things are like that - they strike you as repugnant for instinctive reasons, probably having to do with your culture and the way you were raised. The French word "gauche" comes to mind, but I preferred the Hebrew word "treyf." Literally, it means not kosher, but I also use it to describe things like cars, bars, strip clubs, guns, dogs, rock-n-roll, and football games. Things that are treyf, you avoid, not because you hate them per se, but because in avoiding them you keep yourself from becoming like the people you hate. — Aaron Cometbus

Trying to build my dreams with what I have now, it's like building a forty-five story house with thirty-four bricks. (DoubleDuce.) — Aaron Cometbus