Ziglar Quotes & Sayings
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Top Ziglar Quotes

It is impossible to go as high as you are capable of going, if you are carrying the burden of hate, revenge and bitterness. — Zig Ziglar

The best recipe for happiness and contentment I've seen is this: dig a big hole in the garden of your thoughts and put into it all your disillusions, disappointments, regrets, worries, troubles, doubts, and fears. Cover well with the earth of fruitfulness. Water it from the well of contentment. Sow on top the seeds of hope, courage, strength, patience, and love. Then when the time for gathering comes, may your harvest be a rich and fruitful one. — Zig Ziglar

God sees everything at once and knows what you are called to do. Our part is not to play God, but to trust God - to believe that our single, solitary life can make a difference — Zig Ziglar

A pleasing personality helps you win friends and influence people. Add character to that formula, and keep those friends and maintain that influence. — Zig Ziglar

Mary Kay was the wholesome personification of the American dream. For women everywhere, she brought the impossible dream to life by making it a reality. She was a very wise lady. She was a people person. She was very sensitive to the importance of recognizing people. — Zig Ziglar

The only thing worse than training employees and losing them is to not train them and keep them. — Zig Ziglar

After every mistake, we need to understand that we can look back and learn-so that we can move forward with confidence and avoid making the same mistake again. — Zig Ziglar

The same God who created Rembrandt created you, and you are as precious in God's sight as Rembrandt or anyone else. — Zig Ziglar

When I discipline myself to eat properly, live morally, exercise regularly, grow mentally and spiritually, and not put any drugs or alcohol in my body, I have given myself the freedom to be at my best, perform at my best, and reap all the rewards that go along with it. — Zig Ziglar

Gratitude is the healthiest of all human emotions. The more you express gratitude for what you have, the more likely you will have even more to express gratitude for. — Zig Ziglar

The best way to raise positive children in a negative world is to have positive parents who love them unconditionally and serve as excellent role models. — Zig Ziglar

I win not because of my own efforts or my own goodness, but rather through the grace, love, and mercy of my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. He died so that I might win this game of life and live with Him forever. — Zig Ziglar

Even in tragedy, God through His Word offers hope for those who seek and believe. It starts with the promise of a better tomorrow, of life everlasting, of eternal peace. It's called faith, and it offers hope where none existed. — Zig Ziglar

There is only one thing worse than training employees and losing them,
and that's not training them and keeping them — Zig Ziglar

You can make positive deposits in your own economy every day by reading and listening to powerful, positive, life-changing content and by associating with encouraging and hope-building people. — Zig Ziglar

We all need a daily checkup from the neck up to avoid stinkin' thinkin' which ultimately leads to hardening of the attitudes. — Zig Ziglar

Always do the right thing, always be exciting, always be encouraging, and always be learning something new. — Zig Ziglar

I'm often asked, Which is more important
attitude or skill? The answer is that it's somewhat like asking which leg of a three-legged stool is most important. It is my complete conviction, based on a considerable amount of research, that if you have the right attitude, combined with the right skills, and build your attitude and your skills on a solid character base, you can enjoy long-lasting success. — Zig Ziglar

We do not stop working and playing because we grow old, we grow old because we stop working and playing. — Zig Ziglar

To reach your full potential, you have to set goals that will stretch you. You must not be afraid of taking risks. You must learn to recognize opportunities and have the courage to pursue them. You have to make better choices that will provide better results. Finally, you need to avoid the negative influences of other people and surround yourself with successful people who will encourage you to pursue your dreams. — Zig Ziglar

The message is clear. It is not what is happening 'out there.' It is what is happening between your ears. It's your attitude that counts. — Zig Ziglar

The hardening of the attitudes is the most deadly disease on the face of the earth. — Zig Ziglar

The main reason for people's lack of success is their willingness to give up what they want most of all, for what they want right now! — Zig Ziglar

There is no elevator to success, you have to take the stairs — Zig Ziglar

You don't have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great — Zig Ziglar

It was character that got us out of bed, commitment that moved us into action and discipline that enabled us to follow through. — Zig Ziglar

If you are always racing to the next moment, what happens to the one you're in. — Zig Ziglar

When you choose a habit, you also choose the end of that habit. — Zig Ziglar

Forgiveness takes the burden of hate, guilt, and bitterness off your back and, with a lighter load, you can climb higher and faster, and be much happier in the process. — Zig Ziglar

If you are selective about the things you choose to read, look at or listen to, then you are taking effective action against negative thinking. It's just like with a computer; if you change the input, you will change the output. — Zig Ziglar

A sincere compliment is one of the most effective tools to teach and motivate others. — Zig Ziglar

My first professional job was to sell heavy-duty waterless cookware. — Zig Ziglar

When you look at the possibilities instead of the problems, the future is filled with endless opportunities — Zig Ziglar

Be helpful. When you see a person without a smile, give him one of yours. ~ — Zig Ziglar

To respond is positive, to react is negative. — Zig Ziglar

You can get everything money will buy without a lick of character, but you can't get any of the things money won't buy: happiness, joy, peace of mind, winning relationships, etc., without character. — Zig Ziglar

I have too many flaws to be perfect. But i have too many blessings to be ungrateful. — Zig Ziglar

There are no traffic jams on the extra mile. — Zig Ziglar

Effort is the key, but direction and loyalty are paramount. — Zig Ziglar

It is true that integrity alone won't make you a leader, but without integrity you will never be one. — Zig Ziglar

I believe it's important that we use names of endearment that reflect a special feeling for the individual involved. — Zig Ziglar

The first step to getting what you want is to have the courage to get rid of what you don't. — Zig Ziglar

If you want to achieve your goals, help others achieve theirs. — Zig Ziglar

Just remember, when you should grab something, grab it; when you should let go, let go. — Zig Ziglar

The one thing coaches cannot tolerate ... is the individual who grows arrogant because he excelled at a lower level and believes he has nothing else to learn. — Zig Ziglar

I opened two gifts this morning. They were my eyes. — Zig Ziglar

Always remember that your present situation is not your final destination. The best is yet to come. — Zig Ziglar

You need a plan to build a house. To build a life, it is even more important to have a plan or goal. — Zig Ziglar

When you change your thinking, you change actions, when you change your action you change your future. — Zig Ziglar

Everyone, including you, just naturally feels better when exposed to a cheerful, optimistic individual, regardless of the nature or length of the contact. — Zig Ziglar

Once you have accepted yourself, it's so much easier to accept other people and their points of view. — Zig Ziglar

We cannot start over, but we can begin now, and make a new beginning — Zig Ziglar

You gotta have goals! — Zig Ziglar

Success and happiness are not destinations, they are exciting, never-ending journeys. — Zig Ziglar

Time well spent results in more money to spend, more money to save, and more time to vacation. — Zig Ziglar

One of the main reasons people fail to reach their full potential is because they are unwilling to risk anything. They are fearful of losing, failing, or getting hurt and just want to do the things they believe will keep them safe. — Zig Ziglar

Go as far as you can see and you will see further. — Zig Ziglar

Do not tell me how hard you work. Tell me how much you get done. - James J. Ling — Zig Ziglar

When you make a promise, keep it. — Zig Ziglar

The chief cause of failure and unhappiness is trading what you want most for what you want right now — Zig Ziglar

It will be disastrous when a leader or manager shows up with one attitude one day and treats people with a different attitude the next day. — Zig Ziglar

I have no way of knowing whether or not you married the wrong person. But I do know that if you treat the wrong person like the right person, you could well end up having married the right person after all. It is far more important to BE the right kind of person than it is to marry the right person. — Zig Ziglar

Every sale has five basic obstacles: no need, no money, no hurry, no desire, no trust. — Zig Ziglar

The fear of loss is greater than the desire for gain. — Zig Ziglar

Until you are happy with who you are, you will never be happy with what you have. — Zig Ziglar

You don't have to be great to start, you have to start to be great. — Zig Ziglar

important and vision is critical, but — Zig Ziglar

Most people consider me an optimist because I laughingly state that I would take my last two dollars and buy a money belt. — Zig Ziglar

Never make a promise without a plan. — Zig Ziglar

Never blame anyone in your life. Good people give you happiness. Bad people give you experience. Worst people give you a lesson. And best people give you memories. — Zig Ziglar

I'm an expert in higher level math. You + God = Enough — Zig Ziglar

If you wait until all the lights are 'green' before you leave home, you'll never get started on your trip to the top. — Zig Ziglar

Since belief determines behavior, doesn't it make sense that we should be teaching ethical, moral values in every home and in every school in America? — Zig Ziglar

The major difference between the big shot and the little shot is the big shot is just a little shot who kept on shooting. — Zig Ziglar

Success is not a destination, it's a journey. — Zig Ziglar

Kids go where there is excitement. They stay where there is love. — Zig Ziglar

Passion - and humor will permit all of us to do some marvelous things. — Zig Ziglar

Andy Andrews is the best speaker I have ever seen. — Zig Ziglar

Many people who want to be great aren't willing to do the work to make it possible! — Zig Ziglar

When we can identify a problem and face the problem with confidence and enthusiasm, the solution is on the way. — Zig Ziglar

True success has more components than one sentence or idea can contain. — Zig Ziglar

You do not determine your success by comparing yourself to others, rather you determine your success by comparing your accomplishments to your capabilities. — Zig Ziglar

Problems - God's method of revealing himself to anyone who is interested. — Zig Ziglar

I read for the 'ah-ha's,' the information that makes a light bulb go off in my mind. I want to put information in my mind that is going to be the most beneficial to me, my family and my fellow man - financially, morally, spiritually, and emotionally. — Zig Ziglar

You are the determining factor in your future. Don't let others be your judge and jury with their pity and negative thoughts or feeling. Know that you are here for a reason. Recognize, develop, and use the resources you do have. Others see the surface; you know your heart. — Zig Ziglar

Success is like a ladder and no one has ever climbed a ladder with their hands in their pockets. — Zig Ziglar

I'm so optimistic, I'd go after Moby Dick in a rowboat and take the tartar sauce with me. — Zig Ziglar

Motivation needs to be a part of your own life for you to be effective in conveying it to others. — Zig Ziglar