Famous Quotes & Sayings

Zarth Jourdain Quotes & Sayings

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Top Zarth Jourdain Quotes

Zarth Jourdain Quotes By Samuel Taylor Coleridge

How deep a wound to morals and social purity has that accursed article of the celibacy of the clergy been! Even the best and most enlightened men in Romanist countries attach a notion of impurity to the marriage of a clergyman. And can such a feeling be without its effect on the estimation of the wedded life in general? Impossible! and the morals of both sexes in Spain, Italy, France, and. prove it abundantly. — Samuel Taylor Coleridge

Zarth Jourdain Quotes By Leo Tolstoy

It was only at her prayers that she felt able to think calmly and clearly either of Prince Andrey or Anatole, with a sense that her feelings for them were as nothing compared with her feel of worship and awe of God. — Leo Tolstoy

Zarth Jourdain Quotes By Ryan Hemsworth

I just love having little vocal snippets like laughs and coughs, not necessarily stuff that has huge significance, just little human qualities. — Ryan Hemsworth

Zarth Jourdain Quotes By Vilmos Zsigmond

We used hand-held cameras 50 years ago. It wasn't something new. Sometimes we used a tripod, or we'd have a tracking shot, and sometimes - like when a character was being chased - we used a hand-held camera because it was right for the scene. In those cases, it helped the mood; it created immediacy and a feeling for the viewer that they were in the scene and in the moment. — Vilmos Zsigmond

Zarth Jourdain Quotes By Marin Mersenne

Music is made particularly and principally to charm the spirit and the ear, and to enable us to pass our lives with a little sweetness amidst all the bitterness that we encounter here. — Marin Mersenne

Zarth Jourdain Quotes By Bill Gurley

Silicon Valley is way more correlated with Nasdaq than anyone admits. — Bill Gurley

Zarth Jourdain Quotes By Innocent Mwatsikesimbe

It is when life pushes you down that you learn to get up and go higher. — Innocent Mwatsikesimbe

Zarth Jourdain Quotes By Charles Bukowski

I emit, I hiss a rather tired and gentle word like "shit", then tear this page from the machine. it's your. — Charles Bukowski

Zarth Jourdain Quotes By William P. Leahy

What I think we can do is help individuals understand the church teaching, but also maybe help the church understand the viewpoint of lay men and women about what they want in regard to priests, or how do they want the hierarchy to deal with them? — William P. Leahy

Zarth Jourdain Quotes By Darrel Ray

While [female genital mutilation] may have not originated with Islam, it has become an integral part of the religious practice in many regions tied to notions of male dominance and control of female sexuality. — Darrel Ray

Zarth Jourdain Quotes By Alexa Chung

I think it's every girl's dream, a little bit, to be a model because it seems from the outside to be a glamorous industry and I was really into fashion, and I remember just being excited and wanting to be part of that. — Alexa Chung