Famous Quotes & Sayings

You Make Work Fun Quotes & Sayings

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Top You Make Work Fun Quotes

You Make Work Fun Quotes By Lisa Lutz

If you haven't said 'I love you' to someone today, do it. You won't always be happy, but you should try to be. Don't be too afraid of germs. Those people have no fun. Remember to look around sometimes. You might see something you haven't seen before or at the very least avoid being hit by a flying object. Speaking of flying objects, don't spend your life looking for extraterrestrial life, unless you work for NASA. Remember that you always have to cooperate with someone. Life is an endless negotiation. Play fair. Stay out of jail. Don't live in the past. Eat breakfast. It really is the most important meal of the day. Try to make new friends, even when you think you're too old to do that ... And finally, remember this 'Yes' is always a better work than 'no'. Unless, of course, someone has just asked you to commit a felony. — Lisa Lutz

You Make Work Fun Quotes By Richie Norton

If you think it's funny to make fun of the "used car salesman," you better only buy new and never sell your car. Just sayin. — Richie Norton

You Make Work Fun Quotes By Joe Bastianich

I prioritize in life. I like to work, I do TV shows, I do a lot of Iron Man training. I enjoy kicking back on a good night and drinking wine until I go to bed, and having fun with my friends. You just have to make time for it and keep it balanced. — Joe Bastianich

You Make Work Fun Quotes By Mac Anderson

it's the driving force that you just can't ignore. It's what will make your new adventure seem more like fun, than work. It's the difference between wanting to start a business and craving it. — Mac Anderson

You Make Work Fun Quotes By Toni Morrison

She talked like that. But I understood what she meant. About having another you inside that isn't anything like you. Dorcas and I used to make up love scenes and describe them to each other. It was fun and a little smutty. Something about it bothered me, though. Not the loving stuff, but the picture I had of myself when I did it. Nothing like me. I say myself as somebody I'd seen in a picture show or a magazine. Then it would work. If I pictured myself the way I am it seemed wrong. — Toni Morrison

You Make Work Fun Quotes By Frederick Lenz

Think about these things and see if they make sense to you. You will find that work will no longer be a four-letter word. It will be a three-letter word: fun. — Frederick Lenz

You Make Work Fun Quotes By Aldous Huxley

A pity, he thought, as he signed his name. It was a masterly piece of work. But once you began admitting explanations in terms of purpose-well, you didn't know what the result might be. It was the sort of idea that might easily decondition the more unsettled minds among the higher castes-make them lose their faith in happiness as the Sovereign Good and take to believing, instead, that the goal was somewhere beyond, somewhere outside the present human sphere, that the purpose of life was not the maintenance of well-being, but some intensification and refining of consciousness, some enlargement of knowledge. Which was, the Controller reflected, quite possibly true. But not, in the present circumstance, admissible. He picked up his pen again, and under the words "Not to be published" drew a second line, thicker and blacker than the first; then sighed, "What fun it would be," he thought, "if one didn't have to think about happiness! — Aldous Huxley

You Make Work Fun Quotes By Tatsuhiko Takimoto

See, there's the pie chart. If you look, you can see clear as day that the happy times -- the times when you think "How fun! I'm glad I'm alive" -- don't make up even one tenth of life. I'm work this out properly with a calculator, so there's no mistake. — Tatsuhiko Takimoto

You Make Work Fun Quotes By Dennis Bakke

A special workplace has many ingredients. The feeling that you are part of a team, a sense of community, the knowledge that what you do has real purpose - all these things help to make work fun. But by far the most important factor is whether people are able to use their individual talents and skills to do something useful, significant, and worthwhile. — Dennis Bakke

You Make Work Fun Quotes By Leslie Le Mon

It's whatever you make of it, whatever you want to take away. Because like all of the best virtual realities, Disneyland interacts with its visitors. It becomes what we seek, and we contribute.
Disneyland can be as simple as a fun place to spend a couple of hours. Ride a roller coaster. Wave to Mickey. Eat an ice cream cone. Watch a parade.
And Disneyland can be deeply important, as sacred, as the irreplaceable home of our deepest values and dreams, everything that's best, bright and beautiful in the human spirit.
As always,Walt said it best 'Disneyland is a work of love. — Leslie Le Mon

You Make Work Fun Quotes By Tim Burton

The problem with film is you never know when you're going to be able to make a film so you can't have people waiting around for you. Sometimes it's fun to work with the same people and work with new people and mix it up. — Tim Burton

You Make Work Fun Quotes By Lucy Punch

People ask why I always play crazy people and free spirits. I guess it is because I like to have fun. But I am more ambitious than your average free spirit. This job is hard enough that, without drive and hard work, you will never make it work. — Lucy Punch

You Make Work Fun Quotes By Hayden Panettiere

I think the writers give us different people to work with, different situation scenarios to be in and there's always that fun balance of, you know, trying to keep it light and, you know, light-hearted and put in the comedy while trying to make it into drama. — Hayden Panettiere

You Make Work Fun Quotes By Jon Gordon

I knew the kind of culture we needed to create and I defined it for the team. The seven responsibilities everyone had were to: Have fun, work hard, and enjoy the journey. Show respect for every person you have contact with in the organization. Put the team first. Successful teams have teammates that are unselfish and willing to put their individual goals behind the team's goals. Do your job. It is defined, but you must always be prepared for it to change (especially if you're a player). Appropriately handle victory and defeat, adulation and humiliation. Do not get too high in victory or too low in defeat. Be the same person every day. Understand that all organizational decisions aim to make the team better, stronger, and more efficient. Have a positive attitude. Use positive language (both verbal and body language). — Jon Gordon

You Make Work Fun Quotes By Robin Arthur Jessup

A stroke will change your life no doubt. But it's not the end. It can be a beginning . Life is different but its far from over..A stroke happens in your head but it doesn't have to dominate your thoughts. You're stronger than that stroke.. Get pissed, work hard at recovery, Have fun , Make a plan to move forward!, Work on a prjoect read a book or anything with in your ability stay safe. Above all don't turn away family and friends they love you.. And love yourself too. It really makes a difference.. I've been thru this.too. God bless! — Robin Arthur Jessup

You Make Work Fun Quotes By David Carradine

Tarantino is the coolest damn guy; he's just so much fun to work with. He might be the best director I've ever worked with. He just seems to know how to do it and he knows how to make you feel good about it. He's having so much fun you start having fun. You can't help it. — David Carradine

You Make Work Fun Quotes By Larry H. Miller

I have a three-legged milk stool in my office perched on top of a cabinet. It is a great symbol for how to succeed in business. There are three legs: Take care of the customer, have a little fun, make a little money. If you don't do that, it doesn't work, but if you do, it comes together easily. — Larry H. Miller

You Make Work Fun Quotes By Mandy Patinkin

The great fun for me is these collaborators. I'm nothing by myself. Being with these people, whether it's the 'Homeland' cast or stage collaborators, they make you everything you are. They make you come to work. They make you be alive. — Mandy Patinkin

You Make Work Fun Quotes By Garrison Keillor

It was a pleasure to have somebody else be the boss. It wouldn't have been nearly as much fun any other way. He's been around and made a lot of movies and he's a great straightforward person to work for. And it was a pleasure to see other people to pick up characters that you've sketched out loosely on paper and make them into something fascinating. — Garrison Keillor

You Make Work Fun Quotes By Frederick Lenz

Don't just sit there. Go do something and don't expect that it's going to be fun unless you make it fun. You have got to work on things. That is when you are happy. — Frederick Lenz

You Make Work Fun Quotes By Mary Elizabeth Winstead

I think these are such different films that it's hard to compare, because with Quentin we were all just like, it was like a party every day, you know, it was like that film was just like silly, it was just really for fun, it was really, it wasn't, you know, to make a huge impact. I t was just we wanted to have fun and go to work every day and do a fun movie. And this is like huge, I mean, this is like huge studio film, there's a ton of action, it's like really hard work. — Mary Elizabeth Winstead

You Make Work Fun Quotes By Tony Randall

Marilyn Monroe was no fun to work with. She would report to work around 5:00 in the evening. You've been in make-up since 8:30 in the morning waiting for her. — Tony Randall

You Make Work Fun Quotes By Colleen Haskell

Comedy is so fun. I don't know how these people can make movies and work on them for four months and they're these sob stories. I don't know how emotionally you get through that. — Colleen Haskell

You Make Work Fun Quotes By Don Tapscott

Don't have work-life balance - at least in the sense of trying to escape from work so you can have a life. Work should be fun - so make work enjoyable and satisfying for everyone - among other reasons because it pays off. — Don Tapscott

You Make Work Fun Quotes By LaMarcus Aldridge

The best part about being a Blazer is the fans. The fans here are so loyal it feels like a college team with how close the fans and players are. They have such a great passion for the team that it makes it fun to be a part of and makes you want to work harder to make the team successful. — LaMarcus Aldridge

You Make Work Fun Quotes By Nick Offerman

Doing voice work is more like recording music that people are going to listen to. You're creating an oral experience using whatever bells and whistles you have in your voice, and you can shut your eyes and use your imagination and nobody's going to see if the faces you make don't match the voices you make. That's a lot of fun. — Nick Offerman

You Make Work Fun Quotes By Karen Marie Moning

There aren't many crimes in my book. Not many sins either. But top on both of those lists is killing time. Have fun with it, make something cool, play video games, work hard if you feel like it, but do something. Killed time is an abortion, life that never gets lived, gone, just gone. — Karen Marie Moning

You Make Work Fun Quotes By Lady Gaga

It sometimes makes people feel better about themselves, you know, to put other people down, or make fun of them, or maybe make mockery of their work and that doesn't make me feel good at all. — Lady Gaga

You Make Work Fun Quotes By Miesha Tate

Make sure you are doing something you love to do when working out. Nobody likes to work, so when you do choose a workout, make it something you enjoy doing. You won't stick with it if you hate it and if it feels like work. Find something fun. — Miesha Tate

You Make Work Fun Quotes By Mandy Hale

Or was the "something" that had changed ... me? There comes a moment in every relationship when taking up permanent residence in the gray area between what is and what isn't is no longer enough. When the need for clarity surpasses the need to make things work. When you start to realize that the constant limbo of an undefined relationship isn't as fun as it was when the music first started. When you have to seek your own closure, because the other person cannot or will not give it to you. — Mandy Hale

You Make Work Fun Quotes By Alexander Kjerulf

Seriously: Do you want to spend your working life simply being satisfied? When you look back on 50 years spent in business, do you want to be able to say, "Well, I was satisfied"?? No! Make happiness your goal. As in, "Let's make this a workplace where people are happy to work." As in, "I've been working for 50 years now, and it absolutely rocks! To me work is challenging, stimulating and just plain fun. — Alexander Kjerulf

You Make Work Fun Quotes By Antoine Fuqua

Not harder than it should be, no. We're about the business, we're about the work. It's all about the work, always. We have fun and laugh and there're days that are more intense than others, but we're there to make it better. He's always going to try and make it better, I'm always going to try and make it better. So you accept anything, you accept whatever it takes to get it up on the screen and make it worthy. — Antoine Fuqua

You Make Work Fun Quotes By Guy Clark

Most of the really good songs are dead true ... It had to have happened to have the song be there. Every time I've tried to make stuff up it just kind of falls flat. So the majority of my work is something that happened to me, I saw happen to someone else, or a friend of mine told me happened. There is a certain amount of theatrical and poetic license. People are supposed to like it, that's why you're doing it. It's supposed to be fun. It's not brain surgery, it's heart surgery. They're just songs. — Guy Clark

You Make Work Fun Quotes By Gillian Flynn

I realized I'd be stuck doing all the hard stuff," she reasoned. "All the diapers and doctors' appointments and discipline, and you'd just breeze in and be Fun Daddy. I'd do all the work to make them good people, and you'd undo it anyway, and they'd love you and hate me. — Gillian Flynn

You Make Work Fun Quotes By Jennifer Rardin

Cole!" Cassandra smacked him on the shoulder.
"Wha-?" When he opened his mouth all you could see was half-chewed goo.
"How old are you?" I demanded. I threw shrimp at him and it got stuck in his tangle of wig hair. Bergman fished it out, wiped it off, and put it back on the serving dish.
"Now, thats disgusting," said Cassandra.
"Children!" Vayl's voice boomed in our ears, loud and sudden enough to make us all jump guiltily. "I trust you are all preforming actual work right now."
"Chill out, Vayl," I replied. "Bergman is just conducting and experiment to see how vampires respond to ingesting brown hair dye."
"That makes me curious, Vayl," said Cole in a sticky, goodie-between-the-gums voice that reminded me of Winnie the Pooh after a major honey binge. "Have you ever colored your hair? You know blonds have more fun."
"Not when they are in the hospital. — Jennifer Rardin

You Make Work Fun Quotes By Spider Robinson

It took me better than a quarter century to learn, the hard way, that hard work at something you want to be doing is the most fun that you can have out of bed ... to learn that the smart man finds ways to make everything he does be work; to learn that "leisure" time is truly pleasurable (indeed tolerable) only to the extent that is its subconscious grazing for information with which to infuse newer, better work. — Spider Robinson

You Make Work Fun Quotes By Elizabeth Camden

Well, yes," she said, looking equal parts amused and bewildered. "But it's the truth! I love my work, and that counts for something, doesn't it?" Those government bureaucrats would trample Sophie to pieces if she couldn't stand up for herself. He walked around the counter until he was standing directly opposite her. "Come on, Sophie! Stand up straight and look me in the eye. Tell me that you are the master and commander of that climate observatory. That there is no one in the state of New York who can operate that office with more efficiency than you. Make me believe it!" "Shhh . . . your grandfather is taking a nap," she said, but she was giggling and at least seemed to be considering his point. It was going to be a challenge to prop her up enough so she could land a position at one of these newfangled observatories, but a fun one. "Let's hear it. Dazzle me with your rhetorical brilliance. — Elizabeth Camden

You Make Work Fun Quotes By Anna Kendrick

To me, accessorizing is the most fun part of an outfit. While I don't think you can't rely on accessories to make a dress that isn't working work, I do love jewelry and handbags more than anything. — Anna Kendrick

You Make Work Fun Quotes By Cassie Mae

We're going to be married and hardly touch each other and have to work and work and never have any fun and we're just going to be okay with it because that's how life is and that's how relationships go, but I don't want that. I want our marriage to be ... fun. I love joking around while we fool around. I want to hold hands everywhere we go. I want to make out in the back of a movie theater, steal kisses in coffee shops, have sex over every inch of our apartment or house or wherever we live. And I'm scared marriage will change the fun part of our relationship. The part that keeps us young, keeps us in love, and I'm terrified you'll wake up when you're fifty and realize you're stuck with the decision you made when you were twenty-seven, and we haven't touched in months, we don't go out. I just want to know when that happens ... that you'll still ... you'll still love me. — Cassie Mae

You Make Work Fun Quotes By John Lanchester

He had a simple maxim for all competitive or adversarial situations: work out what the other party least wants you to do, and then do it. Relieving your feelings was fun, but the best course of action was to make things as difficult as possible for the person trying to make things difficult for you. — John Lanchester

You Make Work Fun Quotes By Iliza Shlesinger

We've all been there, onstage. You say something you don't mean, you make fun of something on accident but ... This wasn't that. This wasn't crowd work. This was a rehearsed set. This was pointed. — Iliza Shlesinger

You Make Work Fun Quotes By Charlotte McKinney

I can really stir up a conversation. Every time I go to a meeting or a casting, I try to make it as light and funny as I can. I'm always making really awkward jokes. You have to make life fun and not take it too seriously. I may look like I'm very serious and into my work, but if you knew me, I'm just a jokester. — Charlotte McKinney

You Make Work Fun Quotes By Dean Koontz

Have fun, entertain yourself with your work, make yourself laugh and cry with your own stories, make yourself shiver in suspense along with your characters. If you can do that, then you will most likely find a large audience; but even if a large audience is never found, you'll have a happy life. — Dean Koontz

You Make Work Fun Quotes By Dave Barry

I always wanted to write when I was a kid; it just never occurred to me that you could have a job that didn't involve any actual work ... I felt it would be fun to have a job like that where you could make stuff up and be irresponsible and get paid for it. — Dave Barry

You Make Work Fun Quotes By Patrick Warburton

You don't make a fortune doing cartoons. It's a lot of fun, it keeps you busy, and it's better than a kick in the pants, absolutely. But doing voiceover work doesn't make you rich. It just doesn't. — Patrick Warburton

You Make Work Fun Quotes By Lailah Gifty Akita

Don't allow the demands of work load; make you lose touch with life. — Lailah Gifty Akita

You Make Work Fun Quotes By Jeff Ross

People are roasting each other at parties, at work events, around the fire. It's so fun. People are busting each other's chops, and it's a sign of affection, truly. It's a true test of love and friendship: can you make a man laugh at himself? So what makes a good burn? Go after targets you love and respect. And hit 'em hard. — Jeff Ross

You Make Work Fun Quotes By Antony John

They need to practice harder," he said. 'If they're really going to do this, they need to work much harder.'
'They will," I assured him. 'But they got better, right?'
Baz laughed. 'Are you going to stand in front of them during their gigs too? If so, make sure you get equal billing. People will pay a lot to see the girl with the broom. — Antony John

You Make Work Fun Quotes By Bill Maris

Venture funds get beaten up for not investing in important things. Okay, if you want venture funds to invest in important things, then don't penalize or make fun of them when those important things don't work. — Bill Maris

You Make Work Fun Quotes By Prince Fielder

You've got to have some fun before games or you make the season too long. We don't start work until seven o'clock. If you're game-ready at three, it's not good for you. This is the only way I know how to do it. — Prince Fielder

You Make Work Fun Quotes By Warren Buffett

Talking to Time Magazine a few years back, Peter Drucker got to the heart of things: "I will tell you a secret: Dealmaking beats working. Dealmaking is exciting and fun, and working is grubby. Running anything is primarily an enormous amount of grubby detail work . . . dealmaking is romantic, sexy. That's why you have deals that make no sense. — Warren Buffett

You Make Work Fun Quotes By Margot Robbie

I always have more fun when I stay in hostels - you just meet so many more people. A hotel makes sense when you're doing work things, but travelling, you don't really get a feel for a place if you're in a hotel. I find it seems to make it all feel like everywhere else. — Margot Robbie

You Make Work Fun Quotes By Habeeb Akande

All work and no play will make you sad and grey! — Habeeb Akande

You Make Work Fun Quotes By Yogi Berra

I love baseball, I really do. I always told my Dad, I'm not gonna make it working ... I like to play ball too much. Which I did. I played hard. You gotta work at this game. You really do. And its fun doing it if you do it the right way. — Yogi Berra

You Make Work Fun Quotes By A-Trak

We have to wake up early and make songs everyday. I run my record label. You work at hours where your body isn't designed to work. But it's fun. — A-Trak

You Make Work Fun Quotes By Aaron Spelling

It's been a straight strip, I must tell you, I've enjoyed it all the way. If I'm saying things to make it sound like it's hard, hard work, it's not. It's beautiful work. It's fun work. It's everything you'd ever want to do. — Aaron Spelling

You Make Work Fun Quotes By Sophia Loren

Being beautiful can never hurt, but you have to have more. You have to sparkle, you have to be fun, you have to make your brain work if you have one. — Sophia Loren

You Make Work Fun Quotes By Sanchita Pandey


Life is a 'stage'
Every day is a book's new page.
The most of life you should make,
Every difficulty, as an opportunity,
you must take.

What you make out of life: gain or loss,
The choice is finally yours.
Always be in the NOW
For everything in life, be in WOW!

Life's a precious gift from God to you,
One good deed every day, you should do.
Perform your duties and your work,
and you shall surely invite Lady Luck.
Stay positive and have loads of fun
Have a cheerful life in the long run!
Be like the trees, and shine like the Sun
Help everyone, expecting nothing in return.

Life is a gift, make the most out of it
Stay happy, healthy, kind and fit
So that your 'play' is remembered
Reminisced as a 'Hit'!
(Poem Composed by Sangeet Pandey) — Sanchita Pandey