Famous Quotes & Sayings

You Define Beauty Quotes & Sayings

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Top You Define Beauty Quotes

You Define Beauty Quotes By Shamcey Supsup

The standard of beauty is not definite. We define it. — Shamcey Supsup

You Define Beauty Quotes By Steve Maraboli

Maybe the reason nothing seems to be "fixing you" is because you're not broken. Let today be the day you stop living within the confines of how others define or judge you. You have a unique beauty and purpose; live accordingly. — Steve Maraboli

You Define Beauty Quotes By Jonathan MS Pearce

To me, it is far nobler to create my own meaning derived from that around me, using my critical faculties, than to accept unquestioningly the meaning that a superdeity has enforced upon me. The same with beauty and the universe around us. There is something worth dwelling on in that notion that we don't need for a god to cause and define that universe - that beauty, that spectacle - when we are appreciating it. Whether it be an incredibly complex yet symmetrical mathematical equation, a butterfly's wings or the expansive Hubble space telescope pictures of nebulae and clouds of space dust and gases, there is much to marvel at in the universe. It's even more marvelous that there is no painter at nature's easel. — Jonathan MS Pearce

You Define Beauty Quotes By Jewel

The truth is that no one can keep you captive. No one can keep you unhappy. No one can keep you abused. Our lives rise to the level we accept. I do believe we can rise from the screaming blood of our losses, of extreme pain, physically debilitating emotion, psychological neglect, and apathy, and not merely survive, but thrive. We do not need to let our histories or our losses define us except in the way we choose. We can use them as fuel to create real depth, beauty, connectedness, and compassion in our lives. Our stories can make us exceptional people, not damaged ones. If we choose to be truthful with ourselves. And if we choose to digest and release the pain rather than try to avoid it. This is how pain accumulates and creates more pain, leading to neurosis, pathology, and brittleness of spirit. — Jewel

You Define Beauty Quotes By Kathleen Y'Barbo

She was truly beautiful, though that was not what drew him to want to know more about her. This woman of wealth and privilege had something else about her - and inner beauty - which he couldn't quite define. — Kathleen Y'Barbo

You Define Beauty Quotes By Katherine Schwarzenegger

Learning to love my inner and outer beauty wasn't an easy road. I still don't always love the reflection I see in the mirror, but I have learned that my outer appearance does not define me. — Katherine Schwarzenegger

You Define Beauty Quotes By Dale Archer

Beauty is an asset, just like physical prowess, charisma, brains or emotional intelligence. The key with any gift is in the way that you use it. It doesn't define you as a person. Rather, it's an asset to be used judiciously and with an understanding of how it is just a small part of who you are. — Dale Archer

You Define Beauty Quotes By Alex Kerr

It is not, of course, only the Japanese who find flat sterile surfaces attractive and kirei. Foreign observers, too, are seduced by the crisp borders, sharp corners, neat railings, and machine-polished textures that define the new Japanese landscape, because, consciously or unconsciously, most of us see such things as embodying the very essence of modernism. In short, foreigners very often fall in love with kirei even more than the Japanese do; for one thing, they can have no idea of the mysterious beauty of the old jungle, rice paddies, wood, and stone that was paved over. Smooth industrial finish everywhere, with detailed attention to each cement block and metal joint: it looks 'modern'; ergo, Japan is supremely modern. — Alex Kerr

You Define Beauty Quotes By Bob Dylan

I define nothing. Not beauty, not patriotism. I take each thing as it is, without prior rules about what it should be. — Bob Dylan

You Define Beauty Quotes By Jane Brox

Time and task were both disorienting, for if you were to remove everything from our lives that depends on electricity to function, homes and offices would become no more than the chambers and passages of limestone caves- simple shelter from wind and rain, far less useful than the first homes at Plymouth Plantation or a wigwam. No way to keep out cold, or heat, for long. No way to preserve food, or to cook it. The things that define us, quiet as rock outcrops - the dumb screens and dials, the senseless clicks of on/off switches- without their purpose, they lose the measure of their beauty and we are left alone in the dark with countless useless things. — Jane Brox

You Define Beauty Quotes By Faith Hill

I define a diva as a woman who possesses courage, beauty, style, and confidence. Based on that definitions, I've probably got a bit more work to do. — Faith Hill

You Define Beauty Quotes By Anuradha Bhattacharyya

In all my paintings, the animal is at the centre. Surrounding it are the things that define the animal. This is how beauty is characterized. You need to characterize beauty by association.
I have learned to worship beauty. Not ordinary beauty but that in its stormiest nature. — Anuradha Bhattacharyya

You Define Beauty Quotes By Ruth Ozeki

We place such crazy importance on physical appearance in our image-obsessed culture, on youth and beauty to define our sense of self-worth, that aging, by default, becomes a kind of defect, something secret and corrosive and shameful. — Ruth Ozeki

You Define Beauty Quotes By Debasish Mridha

Not your appearance, but your humility and power of love define your beauty. — Debasish Mridha

You Define Beauty Quotes By Thomas Aquinas

Characteristics which define beauty are wholeness, harmony and radiance. — Thomas Aquinas

You Define Beauty Quotes By Siddhartha Mukherjee

If we define "beauty" as having blue eyes (and only blue eyes), then we will, indeed, find a "gene for beauty." If we define "intelligence" as the performance on only one kind of test, then we will, indeed, find a "gene for intelligence." The genome is only a mirror for the breadth or narrowness of human imagination. — Siddhartha Mukherjee

You Define Beauty Quotes By Lauren Miller

Brokenness is just like beauty; it's something we wear and carry, and if we let it define us, it will. But we are not our beauty or our brokenness, because souls are not made of beauty or brokenness. Souls are made of something permanent. Souls are made of truth. — Lauren Miller

You Define Beauty Quotes By Paul E. Miller

God is a person, and his universe reflects his personhood. The closer something is to the character of God, the more it reflects him and the less it can be measured. Things such as integrity, beauty, hope, and love are all in the same category as prayer. You can tell their presence and even describe them, but you can't define them, simply because they are too close to God's image. — Paul E. Miller

You Define Beauty Quotes By Teri Hatcher

The decisions that we write off as momentary, insignificant, incidental, everyday encounters are exactly when we have a chance to define ourselves. To find beauty. To engage the world around us. To create memories. — Teri Hatcher

You Define Beauty Quotes By Jeffrey Moussaieff Masson

When we do it, it is for art. When they [animals] do it, it is for competition. Both may be true. What is disturbing and irrational is the decision to explain human behavior in spiritual terms of a sense of beauty, and animal behavior in mechanistic terms of demonstrating fitness. The object, yet again, seems to be to define humans as higher and unique. — Jeffrey Moussaieff Masson

You Define Beauty Quotes By Forrest Curran

Some we proudly display on our arms, while others we shyly conceal. Tattoo the moments of sorrow as well as the moments of splendor and beauty. Tattoo in an acknowledgment and tribute to home, and tattooing your beliefs that define who you are. Whether we intended to or not, every moment of our lives are tattooed to our heart. — Forrest Curran

You Define Beauty Quotes By Ashe Vernon

Your ribcage never meant to hurt you.
Your windpipe doesn't know how to be pretty,
but she knows how to howl -
and here, I'd like to take a moment
to submit a formal apology to my soft parts
because they kept me warm
when I was trying to freeze to death,
and I hated them for it. An apology
for a starvation that went deeper than my skin.
One for the strongest skeleton I will ever own
and how I kept using the word girl against it.
Or how I turned words like beautiful into shapes
I could contort myself into. I didn't mean
to compare myself to faces I can't have.
Or spend years trying to carve myself,
like Michelangelo's angels, from the marble -
forgetting what it is to be skin instead of stone.
I let myself be afraid. I was taught to be.
When you learn you are only as good
as your beauty routine, you forget
how to define yourself by anything else. — Ashe Vernon

You Define Beauty Quotes By Walter Pater

Beauty, like all other qualities presented to human experience, is relative; and the definition of it becomes unmeaning and useless in proportion to its abstractness. To define beauty not in the most abstract, but in the most concrete terms possible, not to find a universal formula for it, but the formula which expresses most adequately this or that special manifestation of it, is the aim of the true student of aesthetics. — Walter Pater

You Define Beauty Quotes By Andrea Dworkin

Standards of beauty describe in precise terms the relationship that an individual will have to her own body. They prescribe her mobility, spontaneity, posture, gait, the uses to which she can use her body. They define precisely the dimension of her physical freedom and psychological development, intellectual possibility, and creative potential is an umbilical one. — Andrea Dworkin

You Define Beauty Quotes By Sam Storms

I simply define glory as the beauty of God unveiled. Glory is the resplendent radiance of His power and His personality. Glory is all of God that makes God God, and shows Him to be worthy of our praise and our boasting and our trust and our hope and our confidence and our joy. — Sam Storms

You Define Beauty Quotes By Ursula K. Le Guin

The Tao Te Ching is partly in prose, partly in verse; but as we define poetry now, not by rhyme and meter but as a patterned intensity of language, the whole thing is poetry. I wanted to catch that poetry, its terse, strange beauty. Most translations have caught meanings in their net, but prosily, letting the beauty slip through. And in poetry, beauty is no ornament; it is the meaning. It is the truth. We have that on good authority. — Ursula K. Le Guin

You Define Beauty Quotes By William Shakespeare

Sin of self-love possesseth all mine eye,
And all my soul, and all my every part;
And for this sin there is no remedy,
It is so grounded inward in my heart.
Methinks no face so gracious is as mine,
No shape so true, no truth of such account,
And for myself mine own worth do define,
As I all other in all worths surmount.
But when my glass shows me myself indeed,
Beared and chopp'd with tann'd antiquity,
Mine own self-love quite contrary I read;
Self so self-loving were iniquity.
'Tis thee (myself) that for myself I praise,
Painting my age with beauty of thy days. — William Shakespeare

You Define Beauty Quotes By Akiane Kramarik

I define spirituality as a search for love, beauty, happiness and wisdom. Spirituality is a journey that we never finish. — Akiane Kramarik

You Define Beauty Quotes By Jennie Runk

The biggest thing for women to keep in mind is you can't ever let someone define beauty for you. Look in the mirror and say that this is my definition of perfection. — Jennie Runk

You Define Beauty Quotes By Alyscia Cunningham

Many people define beauty as skin deep, but I've found the beauty in physical and superficial changes that continue throughout the life of a woman. — Alyscia Cunningham

You Define Beauty Quotes By Nick Cave

And I wish that I was made of stone
So that I would not have to see
A beauty impossible to define
A beauty impossible to believe
A beauty impossible to endure
The blood imparted in little sips
The smell of you still on my hands
As I bring the cup up to my lips
No God up in the sky
No devil beneath the sea
Could do the job that you did, baby
Of bringing me to my knees — Nick Cave

You Define Beauty Quotes By Shannon L. Alder

I will never be someone's last choice, second option, narcissistic supply, doormat, ego booster, sidekick, secret, last time or after thought. I am a Daughter of God that stands for truth. I know my beauty, my talents, my accomplishments, what I have to offer and who leads my life purpose: my Heavenly Father. But, most of all I know my value and I will never let any man define my worth. — Shannon L. Alder

You Define Beauty Quotes By James Frey

If there is beauty, there is ugliness. If there is good, there is bad. Being and nonbeing and difficult and easy and high and low and long and short and before and after and need, depend, create and define each other. — James Frey

You Define Beauty Quotes By Madelyn Moon

I had to determine for myself what it means to be beautiful if I ever wanted to accept my own unique beauty. This is my challenge to you: Define beauty for yourself, and I promise, your outlook on the world around you, as well the world within you, will change forever. — Madelyn Moon

You Define Beauty Quotes By Bronowski

When Coleridge tried to define beauty, he returned always to one deep thought; beauty, he said, is unity in variety! Science is nothing else than the search to discover unity in the wild variety of nature, - or, more exactly, in the variety of our experience. Poetry, painting, the arts are the same search, in Coleridge's phrase, for unity in variety. — Bronowski

You Define Beauty Quotes By Frank J. Oteri

Since hearing beauty in something is essentially a positive response and hearing ugliness is negative, might it ultimately be more difficult for an open-minded listener to define ugliness than it is to define beauty? — Frank J. Oteri

You Define Beauty Quotes By Walter Pater

Many attempts have been made by writers on art and poetry to define beauty in the abstract, to express it in the most general terms, to find some universal formula for it. — Walter Pater

You Define Beauty Quotes By Shauna Niequist

We've been told that productivity is all, that rushing is an imperative, that going and doing and pushing define us. But God made a world of extraordinary beauty, and sometimes the most productive, most important thing we can do is slow ourselves down enough to see it, hear it, smell it, taste it, enter into it. When I stand before the cutting board, knife in hand, it's just another way, really, of praying. — Shauna Niequist

You Define Beauty Quotes By Henry Makow

While men define themselves by deeds, women simply "are" beauty, grace, faith and goodness. Men tend to be rational and objective, women subjective, intuitive and emotional. — Henry Makow

You Define Beauty Quotes By Jean Toomer

Muriel seeks happiness and beauty. Dan informs her that life is a balance between the two, between suffering and laughter, beauty and ugliness. 'There is no such thing as happiness. Life bends joy and pain, beauty and ugliness, in such a way that no one may isolate them. No one should want to. Perfect joy, or perfect pain, with no contrasting element to define them, would mean a monotony of consciousness, would mean death. Not happy, Muriel. Say that you have tried to make them CREATE. — Jean Toomer

You Define Beauty Quotes By Steve Maraboli

When you judge a woman by her appearance, it doesn't define her, it defines you. Ladies, never allow yourself to be defined by someone's inability to appreciate your unique beauty. — Steve Maraboli

You Define Beauty Quotes By Thomas Moore

Let me define a garden as the meeting of raw nature and the human imagination in which both seek the fulfillment of their beauty. Every sign indicates that nature wants us and wishes for collaboration with us, just as we long for nature to be fulfilled in us. If our original state was to live in a garden, as Adam and Eve did, then a garden signals our absolute origins as well as our condition of eternity, while life outside the garden is time and temporality. — Thomas Moore

You Define Beauty Quotes By Kourtney Kardashian

Now that I have a daughter, I've been thinking about how I'll define beauty to her. I watched a video of Kendall when she was three, and she was putting on makeup. I don't know how I feel about that. But my daughter already watches me do it. When do you let them start wearing it? I don't know yet. — Kourtney Kardashian

You Define Beauty Quotes By Lady Gaga

You define beauty for yourself, society doesn't define your beauty. Your spirit and your faith defines your beauty. — Lady Gaga

You Define Beauty Quotes By Cyma Rizwaan Khan

They say there's so much beauty in the world, but I don't see it. Perhaps that's my problem. Am I crazy for having major depressive disorder, or is the rest of the population crazy for not having it? How do you even define sanity? Is it the will to live another day in spite of a lifetime of failures? Or is it the desire to keep going after you've lost everything you really, truly cared about? — Cyma Rizwaan Khan

You Define Beauty Quotes By Israelmore Ayivor

Don't depend on someone else's plumages to define your beauty. You have brighter and beautiful feathers. Just fly with them! — Israelmore Ayivor

You Define Beauty Quotes By Elizabeth Brundage

Just the word beautiful was seductive - but what did it really mean? Beauty was a soft word that ached with possibility, pliant as dough. You could not presume to define it, she realized, because the very idea of beauty and all it represented was a subjective thing - in the eye of the beholder - but that wasn't really true anymore. — Elizabeth Brundage

You Define Beauty Quotes By Krista Tippett

beginners when it came to inner landscapes of beauty that would anchor and nourish them on the inside, beyond work, in the intimate spaces that in the end define us all. — Krista Tippett

You Define Beauty Quotes By Edgar Allan Poe

I would define, in brief, the poetry of words as the rhythmical creation of beauty. — Edgar Allan Poe

You Define Beauty Quotes By Helen Keller

What does this beauty or than music mean to you? You cannot see the waves rolling up the beach or hear their roar. What do they mean to you?' In the most evident sense they mean everything. I cannot fathom or define their meaning any more than I can fathom or define love or religion or goodness. — Helen Keller

You Define Beauty Quotes By Angelica Hopes

Size doesn't define your beauty and intelligence. Appearance doesn't measure the goodness of your heart and the hidden joy of your soul. — Angelica Hopes

You Define Beauty Quotes By Hermann Weyl

Symmetry, as wide or as narrow as you may define its meaning, is one idea by which man through the ages has tried to comprehend and create order, beauty and perfection. — Hermann Weyl

You Define Beauty Quotes By John Robbins

We have a sickness in our society. If you say that somebody is a 'success', isn't it that usually what you mean is that they've made a lot of money, or have a lot of money? ... Whrereas I would define a successful human being - - if you think twice about it, and question that assumption, you know, wouldn't that actually be somebody who brings out the best in other people? Someone who gives - - adds beauty to the lives of others, in some way? John Robbins - author of 'The Good Life — John Robbins

You Define Beauty Quotes By Scott Weiland

Music, as many people have said, is the universal language. Of course points are made which make you think about things, but ultimately it makes you feel. And that's why people remember more songs that have meant something during their life than films. They start to define periods in your life, and that's kind of the beauty of it. — Scott Weiland

You Define Beauty Quotes By Edward Bulwer-Lytton, 1st Baron Lytton

What a rare gift, by the by, is that of manners! how difficult to define, how much more difficult to impart! Better for a man to possess them than wealth, beauty, or talent; they will more than supply all. — Edward Bulwer-Lytton, 1st Baron Lytton

You Define Beauty Quotes By Rachel Hamilton

How dare the world define beauty. God defined beauty when he made you! You are beautiful, you are a true beauty just the way you are! — Rachel Hamilton

You Define Beauty Quotes By Jean Toomer

Happy, Muriel? No, not happy. Your aim is wrong. There is no such thing as happiness. Life bends joy and pain, beauty and ugliness, in such a way that no one may isolate them. No one should want to. Perfect joy, or perfect pain, with no contrasting element to define them, would mean a monotony of consciousness, would mean death. — Jean Toomer

You Define Beauty Quotes By Dennis Prager

Our scientific age demands that we provide definitions, measurements, and statistics in order to be taken seriously. Yet most of the important things in life cannot be precisely defined or measured. Can we define or measure love, beauty, friendship, or decency, for example? — Dennis Prager

You Define Beauty Quotes By Justina Chen

Maybe we don't have the same definition of about what's beautiful. So define it. Define true beauty. — Justina Chen

You Define Beauty Quotes By Yasmin Mogahed

As Muslim women, we have been liberated from this silent bondage. We don't need society's standard of beauty or fashion, to define our worth. We don't need to become just like men to be honored, and we don't need to wait for a prince to save or complete us. Our worth, our honor, our salvation, and our completion lie not in the slave. But, in the Lord of the slave. — Yasmin Mogahed