Famous Quotes & Sayings

Work Hard For Money Quotes & Sayings

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Top Work Hard For Money Quotes

Work Hard For Money Quotes By Birdman

I'm a hard worker, and everything with me is, if I work hard, I should get paid for it. Everything with me, I try to symbolize something flashy like jewelry or a car. The rubbing hands is a symbol of hustling, so it goes back to the money. — Birdman

Work Hard For Money Quotes By Julie Davis

Money solves a lot of problems and when you don't have money, you've got to do all this other stuff to solve the problem. It's very hard. I would love to have not necessarily a studio because then you lose so much control but I would love to have decent independent financing where I have the freedom and I have the money to do it right, to not be asking people to work for free or to work for half the rate and not ask those favors again and again because I now owe all these people back who've helped me. — Julie Davis

Work Hard For Money Quotes By Robert Kiyosaki

We go to school to learn to work hard for money. I write books and create products that teach people how to have money work hard for them. — Robert Kiyosaki

Work Hard For Money Quotes By Slick Rick

And when I smiled, 'Bing!' I almost blinded her.
She said, 'Great Scot, are you a thief?
Seems like you have a mouth full of gold teeth!'
Hahahaha, had to find that funny,
So I said, 'No child, I work hard for the money.
And calling me a thief? Please ... don't even try it,
Sit down, eat your slice of pizza, and be quiet.' — Slick Rick

Work Hard For Money Quotes By Bill O'Reilly

Hard work and discipline lead to economic success. Government handouts and unsupervised policies of pity only rob people of incentive. If tax money continues to be wasted, it becomes morally wrong for our government to confiscate huge percentages of income and property from Americans, even if they are wealthy. — Bill O'Reilly

Work Hard For Money Quotes By Charles Bukowski

The idea, of course, might be to let them know that writing needn't be hard work; the hard work is getting out of bed in the morning or at noon; the hard work is looking at people's faces in long supermarket lines; the hard work is working for somebody else who is making money using your life's hours and years. — Charles Bukowski

Work Hard For Money Quotes By Stefan Sagmeister

I can see my work as a job. I do it for money. I likely already look forward to the weekend on Thursdays. And I probably will need a hobby as a leveling mechanism. In a career, I'm definitely more engaged. But at the same time, there will be periods when I think, 'Is all that really hard work really worth my while?' — Stefan Sagmeister

Work Hard For Money Quotes By Lizabeth Scott

There's no point putting your heart and soul into a part when you know in advance it isn't worth the trouble. I'm not speaking as a dedicated actress. Enthusiasm and hard work are requisites for any job a person undertakes. I tried working just for money once and it made me almost physically ill. — Lizabeth Scott

Work Hard For Money Quotes By Gabriel Cousens M.D.

In our commitment to raise healthy, conscious children and create a healthy world, it is hard to understand how people can choose to spend money for something that not only does not work, but poisons humans and the environment. — Gabriel Cousens M.D.

Work Hard For Money Quotes By Laura Ingalls Wilder

You could buy a suckling pig with it, if you want to. You could raise it, and it would raise a litter of pigs, worth four, five dollars apiece. Or you can trade that half-dollar for lemonade, and drink it up. You do as you want, it's your money. — Laura Ingalls Wilder

Work Hard For Money Quotes By Charlie Huston

Money makes people stupid. They don't have to work as hard as people who don't have money. That's why the smart people who do have money mostly use it for one thing ...
They use it to make sure the people without it don't get any more. — Charlie Huston

Work Hard For Money Quotes By Howard Schultz

Years later, that image of my father -slumped on the family couch, his leg in a cast, unable to work or earn money, and ground down by the world-
is still burned into my mind.
Looking back now, I have a lot of respect for my dad.
He never finished high school, but he was an honest man who worked hard. — Howard Schultz

Work Hard For Money Quotes By Robert T. Kiyosaki

To spend your life living in fear, never exploring your dreams is cruel. To work hard for money, thinking that it will buy you things that will make you happy is also cruel. To wake up in the middle of the night terrified about paying bills is a horrible way to live. To live a life dictated by the size of a paycheck is not really living a life. Thinking that a job makes you secure is lying to yourself. That's cruel, and that's a trap I want you to avoid ... - rich dad poor dad — Robert T. Kiyosaki

Work Hard For Money Quotes By Manoj Bhargava

I have not cared for money, and I enjoy working. Money comes my way. People work hard so they get enough money. Or they work hard so they don't have to work hard later in life. But though I don't need money, I still work hard because I like what I am doing. — Manoj Bhargava

Work Hard For Money Quotes By Ronald Reagan

Any system that penalizes success and accomplishment is wrong. Any system that discourages work, discourages productivity, discourages economic progress, is wrong. If, on the other hand, you reduce tax rates and allow people to spend or save more of what they earn, they'll be more industrious; they'll have more incentive to work hard, and money they earn will add fuel to the great economic machine that energizes our national progress. The result: more prosperity for all - and more revenue for government. A few economists call this principle supply-side economics. I just call it common sense. — Ronald Reagan

Work Hard For Money Quotes By Abrar Ahmed Chowdhury

If hard work and knowledge were respected instead of facial beauty, money, and power; then the world could have changed for good. — Abrar Ahmed Chowdhury

Work Hard For Money Quotes By Robert Peate

Work or die' - this is the essence of slavery, of compulsion. And yet this is our world. Most of our world is enslaved but does not know it. Only the homeless are free, and for their freedom we sentence them to death. To refuse compulsion is to earn death, suffering, and calumny. It is not to refuse work - the homeless work very hard, endure many hardships we cannot imagine in our comfortable slavery. And yet we call our slavery freedom. We do not know what freedom means, yet. — Robert Peate

Work Hard For Money Quotes By John F. MacArthur Jr.

When all our needs are met and all is well in our lives, we tend to take credit for what we have, to feel that we carry our own loads. We work hard to earn the money we need to buy food and clothes, pay our rent or mortgage. But even the hardest-working individual owes all he earns to God's provision. Moses reminded Israel that God "is giving you power to make wealth" (Deut. 8:18). — John F. MacArthur Jr.

Work Hard For Money Quotes By Matt Dillon

It seems to be that more and more people are asking you to work for nothing on films, and that's unfortunate because you have to make a living. On the other hand, I don't do a better job because I get paid a lot of money. I'm never like, 'I'm not going to work as hard because I'm not getting paid as much.' — Matt Dillon

Work Hard For Money Quotes By Vic Oliver

If a man is after money, he's money mad; if he keeps it, he's a capitalist; if he spends it, he's a playboy; if he doesn't get it, he's a never-do-well; if he doesn't try to get it, he lacks ambition. If he gets it without working for it; he's a parasite; and if he accumulates it after a life time of hard work, people call him a fool who never got anything out of life. — Vic Oliver

Work Hard For Money Quotes By Israelmore Ayivor

Work on your ideas with the little money you have. Share your ideas with positive people who will help you carry them through. Never give up on your ideas. Be positively minded and pay the cost involved in accomplishing your dreams! — Israelmore Ayivor

Work Hard For Money Quotes By Mahendra Singh Dhoni

If you play cricket for India, money is bound to come, and with IPL in and match money of the Ranjhi trophy, I think money is there. There's no good reason why you should not work hard, because at the end of the day, you want to play for your country. — Mahendra Singh Dhoni

Work Hard For Money Quotes By Donald J. Trump

The more government takes in taxes, the less incentive people have to work. What coal miner or assembly-line worker jumps at the offer of overtime when he knows Uncle Sam is going to take sixty percent or more of his extra pay? ... Any system that penalizes success and accomplishment is wrong. Any system that discourages work, discourages productivity, discourages economic progress, is wrong. If, on the other hand, you reduce tax rates and allow people to spend or save more of what they earn, they'll be more industrious; they'll have more incentive to work hard, and money they earn will add fuel to the great economic machine that energizes our national progress. The result: more prosperity for all - and more revenue for government.4 — Donald J. Trump

Work Hard For Money Quotes By Janet Malcolm

In the common perception, there is something unseemly about young people getting rich. Getting rich is supposed to be the reward for hard work, preferably arriving when you are too old to enjoy it. And the spectacle of young millionaires who made their bundle not from business or crime but from avant-garde art is particularly offensive. The avant-garde is supposed to be the conscience of the culture, not its id. — Janet Malcolm

Work Hard For Money Quotes By Luis D. Ortiz

I'm in love with my job and money comes with that. I do what I can, and in life and in general, you're rewarded for hard work. — Luis D. Ortiz

Work Hard For Money Quotes By Sofia Vergara

I like business, and the truth is I save way more than I spend. I invest. I plan for the future. I have a special eye for opportunities and work harder than anyone might expect. — Sofia Vergara

Work Hard For Money Quotes By Tom Freston

I always hustled to make money and pay for school. I was never afraid of hard work. — Tom Freston

Work Hard For Money Quotes By David Suzuki

My parents survived the Great Depression and brought me up to live within my means, save some for tomorrow, share and don't be greedy, work hard for the necessities in life knowing that money does not make you better or more important than anyone else. So, extravagance has been bred out of my DNA. — David Suzuki

Work Hard For Money Quotes By Hope Powell

If you want to make it as a sportsperson - Become knowledgeable in the sport you want to participate in. Think about the sport and what it can offer in its entirety. You shouldn't want to become a professional sportsperson because of the money. There's a lot more to gain from being involved in sport. Work hard to get what you want. If it's your ambition, go for it. You don't have to be the best in the world to make it as an elite athlete. You need to be a grafter and be prepared to sacrifice. — Hope Powell

Work Hard For Money Quotes By Seth Klarman

Successful investors like stocks better when they're going down. When you go to a department store or a supermarket, you like to buy merchandise on sale, but it doesn't work that way in the stock market. In the stock market, people panic when stocks are going down, so they like them less when they should like them more. When prices go down, you shouldn't panic, but it's hard to control your emotions when you're overextended, when you see your net worth drop in half and you worry that you won't have enough money to pay for your kids' college. — Seth Klarman

Work Hard For Money Quotes By A.D. Aliwat

Where wealth and status are concerned, shit isn't supposed to be hard. Ivies are known for "grade inflation" - though there is a lot of work, the reward for a mediocre job at completing it is still usually an A. In any given corporation, the higher the role and pay, the less that person actually does. CEOs who get fired for sucking at their jobs and losing a shit-ton of money are often given multi-million dollar "golden parachutes." It was kinda the same with this frat; we were the best, so we did the least. — A.D. Aliwat

Work Hard For Money Quotes By Steven Herrick

I work hard in the orchard, not for the money anymore, but for something I can't explain. Something worth more than money. — Steven Herrick

Work Hard For Money Quotes By Steven Erikson

Why not worship money? At least its rewards are obvious and immediate . But no, that was simplistic. Letherii worship was more subtle, its ethics bound to those traits and habits that well served the acquisition of wealth. Diligence, discipline, hard work, optimism, the personalization of glory. And the corresponding evils: sloth, despair and the anonymity of failure. The world was brutal enough to winnow one from the other and leave no room for doubt or mealy equivocation. — Steven Erikson

Work Hard For Money Quotes By John McCarthy

Alas few socialists are either benevolent enough to work hard at these occupations out of benevolence or self-interested enough to work hard at them for money. — John McCarthy

Work Hard For Money Quotes By Amber Sealey

The money for my movies mostly come from talented and generous friends willing to work for almost nothing. As a producer, my job is to get as many people to give me things for free as I could. And most people are kind, and they know how hard this kind of thing is, so they are willing to help how they can, and reduce their fees how they can. — Amber Sealey

Work Hard For Money Quotes By Donna Summer

She works hard for the money so you better treat her right. — Donna Summer

Work Hard For Money Quotes By Tina Fey

I don't know how many more movies I'm going to get the opportunity to make and I don't want to look back and go: "Man, I just floated through that one." Or: "I did that one for the money." I want to be able to say that I worked as a hard as I could and I did the best work that I could do. — Tina Fey

Work Hard For Money Quotes By John Gokongwei

You have to love your work. You have to save money instead of spending all of it. Look for areas you can compete in. Work damn hard. Most importantly, you have to love it. — John Gokongwei

Work Hard For Money Quotes By Amanda Righetti

I never really had an itch for gambling. I work hard for my money, so I don't like going out and giving it away like that. — Amanda Righetti

Work Hard For Money Quotes By Kurt Vonnegut Jr.

It's still possible for an American to make a fortune on his own." "Sure - provided somebody tells him when he's young enough that there is a Money River, that there's nothing fair about it, that he had damn well better forget about hard work and the merit system and honesty and all that crap, and get to where the river is. 'Go where the rich and the powerful are,' I'd tell him, 'and learn their ways. They can be flattered and they can be scared. Please them enormously or scare them enormously, and one moonless night they will put their fingers to their lips, warning you not to make a sound. And they will lead you through the dark to the widest, deepest river of wealth ever known to man. You'll be shown your place on the riverbank, and handed a bucket all your own. Slurp as much as you want, but try to keep the racket of your slurping down. A poor man might hear. — Kurt Vonnegut Jr.

Work Hard For Money Quotes By Kim Basinger

My dad worked very hard for the money he made, and my mom worked very hard to keep this household up and running and all the kids fed and everything. And she did it in a brilliant fashion. They both did. In fact, the work ethic, to me, is so important in this life. — Kim Basinger

Work Hard For Money Quotes By Brene Brown

We do that by numbing the pain with whatever provides the quickest relief. We can take the edge off emotional pain with a whole bunch of stuff, including alcohol, drugs, food, sex, relationships, money, work, caretaking, gambling, affairs, religion, chaos, shopping, planning, perfectionism, constant change, and the Internet. And just so we don't miss it in this long list of all the ways we can numb ourselves, there's always staying busy: living so hard and fast that the truths of our lives can't catch up with us. We fill every ounce of white space with something so there's no room or time for emotion to make itself known. — Brene Brown

Work Hard For Money Quotes By Michael Lewis

raising chickens. It was almost as hard for Eisman to imagine himself raising chickens as it was for people who knew him, but he'd agreed. "The idea of it was so unbelievably unappealing to him," says his wife, "that he started to work harder." Eisman traveled all over Europe and the United States searching for people willing to invest with him and found exactly one: an insurance company, which staked him to $50 million. It wasn't enough to create a sustainable equity fund, but it was a start. Instead of money, Eisman — Michael Lewis

Work Hard For Money Quotes By Charles M. Schwab

I'm making better than two million a year, but it's hard work. The luxuries and pleasures I enjoy in my spare time keep me in condition to do that work. Carnegie and Frick have more money than I have, but I'm getting more value for my dollars than they are. — Charles M. Schwab

Work Hard For Money Quotes By Helen Beardsley

Certainly it is important to work hard for your children, but if the only legacy you can give them is money it is a poor legacy indeed. — Helen Beardsley

Work Hard For Money Quotes By Joe Wurzelbacher

You have to be taxed. Just because you work a little harder to have a little bit more money taken from you, I mean, that's scary. I worked hard for it. Why should I be taxed more than other people? — Joe Wurzelbacher

Work Hard For Money Quotes By Drew Waters

When I read it and I realized that Michael Landon, Jr. was the director of it, I thought ... this could work out well. This is not gonna be a hard stretch for me to get the character figured out at all. Outside of the billion dollars, I was living his life ... chasing money down. It was a lot of fun. — Drew Waters

Work Hard For Money Quotes By Faith Sullivan

For my money, there are no more fascinating, hard-working, vulnerable creatures on earth than writers. Every day, they lay their souls out there for public approval or rejection. — Faith Sullivan

Work Hard For Money Quotes By Harry Emerson Fosdick

Men will work hard for money. They will work harder for other men. But men will work hardest of all when they are dedicated to a cause. Until willingness overflows obligation, men fight as conscripts rather than following the flag as patriots. Duty is never worthily performed until it is performed by one who would gladly do more if only he could. — Harry Emerson Fosdick

Work Hard For Money Quotes By Elsa Barkley Brown

Family members provided a variety of support--physical, economic, emotional, and psychological... Parents opened bank accounts for their children, even those who were adult, away from home, married, and employed. And children who left Richmond to search for work elsewhere provided for the money in their savings accounts to be used by other relatives, if needed, during their absence. In all these ways African American women and men testified to the notion of family members as having a mutual and continuing responsibility to help each other and to prepare for hard times. — Elsa Barkley Brown

Work Hard For Money Quotes By Michael Moore

I have a theory about why and how all this has happened to you.
Instead of having to earn it, you have been handed the presidency, the same way you've come by everything else in your life. Money and name alone have opened every door for you. Without effort or hard work or intelligence, or ingenuity, you have been bequeathed a life of privilege ... So it's no wonder you think you deserved to be named President. You didn't earn it or win it- therefore it must be yours! — Michael Moore

Work Hard For Money Quotes By Boo Weekley

I'm not really a betting person. I work too hard for my money to give it away. — Boo Weekley

Work Hard For Money Quotes By Berton Braley

I honestly believe that sound commercialism is the best test of true value in art. People work hard for their money and if they won't part with it for your product the chances are that your product hasn't sufficient value. An artist or writer hasn't any monopoly ... If the public response to his artistry is lacking, he'd do well to spend more time analyzing what's the matter with his work, and less time figuring what's the matter with the public. — Berton Braley

Work Hard For Money Quotes By Judy Blume

I wanted them," Fudge whined.
"I know you did. But we can't buy everything you want." [Mom told him]
"We don't have the money to buy ... " I could tell Mom was having a hard time explaining this. She thought for a minute before she finished. " ... just for the sake of buying. Money doesn't grow on trees."
"I know it doesn't grow on trees," Fudge said. "You get it at the ATM."
"You can't just go to the ATM whenever you want money," Mom told him.
"Yes you can," Fudge said. "You put in your card and money comes out. It works every time."
"No. You have to deposit money into your account first," Mom said. "You work hard and try to save part of your salary every week. The cash machine is just a way to get some of your money out your account. It doesn't spit out money because you want it. It's not that easy."
"I know, Mom," Fudge said. "Sometimes you have to stand on line."
Mom sighed and looked at me. "Got any ideas Peter? — Judy Blume

Work Hard For Money Quotes By Will Cuppy

The moral of the story of the Pilgrims is that if you work hard all your life and behave yourself every minute and take no time out for fun you will break practically even, if you can borrow enough money to pay your taxes. — Will Cuppy

Work Hard For Money Quotes By Sherrilyn Kenyon

It's odd, isn't it? The poor hate the rich for having a life they think is easy and for the fact that they think the rich only got the money by screwing them. The rich think the poor are all rustics lacking manners and grace who are unwilling to work as hard as they do to get the money. Both groups see each other as thieves out to steal everything they've earned. — Sherrilyn Kenyon

Work Hard For Money Quotes By Pauline Gower

No it was not the novelty, and it was not the danger and the adventure (although these had their charm). It was certainly not a passing whim (if it had been the hard work would have dispelled it in a very short time!). I think there were three chief reasons for my choice of career: First, a real love for, and interest in aviation Secondly, a determination to earn my own money and to make my career a paying proposition. Thirdly, a conviction that aviation was a profession of the future and therefore had room to welcome its new followers. — Pauline Gower

Work Hard For Money Quotes By Lilly Ledbetter

Some of you may know my story: How for nineteen years, I worked as a manager for a tire plant in Alabama. And some of you may have lived a similar story: After nearly two decades of hard, proud work, I found out that I was making significantly less money than the men who were doing the same work as me. — Lilly Ledbetter

Work Hard For Money Quotes By Norm MacDonald

I don't have any ego about it, but I find there's not a great work ethic in show business. A lot of people are in it to make money, and coming from stand-up, you have to work so hard because almost nothing works, and if you lose the audience for three minutes, you're dead. — Norm MacDonald

Work Hard For Money Quotes By Yuval Noah Harari

When Epicurus defined happiness as the supreme good, he warned his disciples that it is hard work to be happy. Material achievements alone will not satisfy us for long. Indeed, the blind pursuit of money, fame and pleasure will only make us miserable. Epicurus recommended, for example, to eat and drink in moderation, and to curb one's sexual appetites. In the long run, a deep friendship will make us more content than a frenzied orgy. Epicurus outlined an entire ethic of dos and don'ts to guide people along the treacherous path to happiness. — Yuval Noah Harari

Work Hard For Money Quotes By Tom Hodgkinson

Therefore, the idle parent who wants to stop the whining needs to stop whining himself, and one way is to resist the call to work ever longer and harder hours. Throw your BlackBerry into the river. Unslave yourself. Hard work will not lead to health and happiness. Just ask yourself: would you rather spend your child's first few years playing with them or working for the mega-corp in order to make them profits and you money to buy ribbish you don't need in order to dull the pain of overwork? — Tom Hodgkinson

Work Hard For Money Quotes By Franco Santoro

The past is gone and the future is still to happen. Only the present moment is real. I believe we all know this very well. As for me, I have been practising the art of being in the here and now for three decades. I have used many techniques aimed at focusing the attention on the present, while releasing attachment to past and future. There are also many courses and workshops on the topic. And I can provide details, if you are interested. Yet, I warn you, learning to be in the present requires lots of hard work, time and money. Yet there is one circumstance when results are immediate, with no effort and also free of charge. This is when both looking ahead or backwards is so painful and horrible, that the only option is looking straight into the present. Hence, if it is the case for you now, rejoice, this may be your greatest chance, and you are in good company! — Franco Santoro

Work Hard For Money Quotes By Patti LuPone

Let me say I was trained at Juilliard. I have a very high standard. I expect everybody around me to work equally as hard because people pay a lot of money for tickets. They demand the best that we have. — Patti LuPone

Work Hard For Money Quotes By J. Willard Marriott

No matter how hard you work for your money, there's always someone out there willing to work twice as hard to take it away from you. — J. Willard Marriott

Work Hard For Money Quotes By Anne Robinson

I think that in a family some are workers some are not. I certainly saw my mother work very hard and be in charge and never show any kind of fear about business deals. Her golden rule was you should never be embarrassed talking about money and asking for what you deserved. I take the same view. — Anne Robinson

Work Hard For Money Quotes By Andrew James Pritchard

Anoop had obviously worked quite hard to earn the money to buy that glitzy little bracelet. He certainly had enough calluses and deep scars on his hands and fingers to show for all his labour, as each was obtained while trying to support his family in the style they were accustom to. Nonetheless she frequently called him a lazy alcoholic, just because he was temporarily out of work, and then left the stupid bracelet out in public as if it were simply a cheap and silly trinket. — Andrew James Pritchard

Work Hard For Money Quotes By Daniel Willey

A huge mistake that many of us make is to work hard our entire life for money and not require money to work for us in return. — Daniel Willey

Work Hard For Money Quotes By Deacon Jones

When it comes to your life's work, you can't take yourself too seriously. Even Jesus had an occasional joke with the boys, take walking on water, for instance - but there's a time and place for fun. Jesus never faltered when it came time to tip over the money stalls or to take his hard walk up the mountain. — Deacon Jones

Work Hard For Money Quotes By Kristen Callihan

All our lives, we're told work hard, strive for more, do all you can to live that life less ordinary. Money, power, fame, everyone wants it. But you get there and suddenly you're supposed to be ashamed, be humble?" He shakes his head. "Fuck that noise. I say live your life on your terms. If someone judges you about material things, that's their problem. — Kristen Callihan

Work Hard For Money Quotes By David Rosenfelt

I have a lot of money, many millions some earned and more inherited. What I don't have is a desire to work. I'm not sure where I left it, but it's been missing for a while, and I haven't searched real hard. — David Rosenfelt

Work Hard For Money Quotes By Timothy J. Keller

The incarnation means that for whatever reason God chose to let us fall . . . to suffer, to be subject to sorrows and death - he has nonetheless had the honesty and the courage to take his own medicine. . . . He can exact nothing from man that he has not exacted from himself. He himself has gone through the whole of human experience - from the trivial irritations of family life and the cramping restrictions of hard work and lack of money to the worst horrors of pain and humiliation, defeat, despair, and death. . . . He was born in poverty and . . . suffered infinite pain - all for us - and thought it well worth his while.4 Isaiah — Timothy J. Keller

Work Hard For Money Quotes By Dorothy L. Sayers

For whatever reason God chose to make man as he is - limited and suffering and subject to sorrows and death - He had the honesty and the courage to take His own medicine. Whatever game He is playing with His creation, He has kept His own rules and played fair. He can exact nothing from man that He has not exacted from Himself. He has Himself gone through the whole of human experience, from the trivial irritations of family life and the cramping restrictions of hard work and lack of money to the worst horrors of pain and humiliation, defeat, despair and death. When He was a man, He played the man. He was born in poverty and died in disgrace and thought it well worthwhile. — Dorothy L. Sayers

Work Hard For Money Quotes By John Green

Don't make stuff because you want to make money - it will never make you enough money. And don't make stuff because you want to get famous - because you will never feel famous enough. Make gifts for people - and work hard on making those gifts in the hope that those people will notice and like the gifts.
Maybe they will notice how hard you worked, and maybe they won't - and if they don't notice, I know it's frustrating. But, ultimately, that doesn't change anything - because your responsibility is not to the people you're making the gift for, but to the gift itself. — John Green

Work Hard For Money Quotes By Creed Bratton

You've got to be happy, you have to do this thing [music] for the love. It's not like you go into music because it's going to make a lot of money. It's something you do ... that's the thing. You got to accept all that hard work with it, too. And enjoy it, and love it. — Creed Bratton

Work Hard For Money Quotes By Shobha Bondre

For the next month, I worked from 4 am to 9 pm. At the end of the month, when the calculations were done, I had earned 2800 rupees. I couldn't believe my eyes. I had never seen so much money in my entire life and now this was my earning for just one month. My hard work had paid off. — Shobha Bondre

Work Hard For Money Quotes By Oscar Gutierrez

I wanna be remembered for my hard work that I've done for over 25 years. Winning championships, making money, being a star, all the luxurious things ... they don't count. What counts is being able to open up a path for the new generation to come in and continue to innovate and evolve. I'm just very happy to be a pioneer. — Oscar Gutierrez

Work Hard For Money Quotes By George Lakoff

Conservatives have consistently voted to cut taxes on the rich. Current proposals for a "flat tax" would mean cutting taxes on the rich. The arguments are often versions of the Moral Hierarchy principle, that the rich are just better people than the poor: they have earned their money through hard work; the poor just haven't worked hard enough and so deserve to be poor. Hmmm . . . Corporate CEOs tend to make about two hundred times as much as their average employees - they can't be working two hundred times as hard. And many of the rich have inherited their money not earned it through work. Another — George Lakoff

Work Hard For Money Quotes By Loral Langemeier

I grew up on you have to work hard for money, you have to work hard for money. And so I replaced that with, money comes easily and frequently. — Loral Langemeier

Work Hard For Money Quotes By Ed Paschke

I was a very introverted individual and this became an important outlet for me to express myself, to communicate, to take positions, make statements, take a stand and so forth. But I never really thought I had much a future at all So the thing that I had to do was to really go inward and really work super hard in the hope that someday it would pay off. And in using that term I don't mean necessarily money, but just the fact that I would have more depth and dimension both as a human being and as an artist. — Ed Paschke

Work Hard For Money Quotes By Mark Twain

Knighterrantry is a most chuckleheaded trade, and it is tedious hard work, too, but I begin to see that there is money in it, after all, if you have luck. Not that I would ever engage in it, as a business, for I wouldn't. No sound and legitimate business can be established on a basis of speculation. A successful whirl in the knighterrantry line
now what is it when you blow away the nonsense and come down to the cold facts? It's just a corner in pork, that's all. — Mark Twain

Work Hard For Money Quotes By Sean Platt

People will buy bogus quick-fix solutions all day long, but few want to hear that the way to build a business or make money is to work hard for a long time and never surrender. — Sean Platt

Work Hard For Money Quotes By James Surowiecki

This intelligence, or what I'll call "the wisdom of crowds," is at work in the world in many different guises. It's the reason the Internet search engine Google can scan a billion Web pages and find the one page that has the exact piece of information you were looking for. It's the reason it's so hard to make money betting on NFL games, and it helps explain why, for the past fifteen years, a few hundred amateur traders in the middle of Iowa have done a better job of predicting election results than Gallup polls have. — James Surowiecki

Work Hard For Money Quotes By Larry L. King

Money, power, love, sex (until they get married), adulation, children, and control. Of these, children cause the most trouble. Women also want equal rights and equal pay for equal work, and I agree with them 100%. Though on some days it is hard to figure out how a species that controls 97% of the money and all the pussy can be downtrodden. — Larry L. King

Work Hard For Money Quotes By Swami Vivekananda

Our misery comes, not from work, but by our getting attached to something. Take for instance, money: money is a great thing to have, earn it, says Krishna; struggle hard to get money, but don't get attached to it. So with children, with wife, husband, relatives, fame, everything; you have no need to shun them, only don't get attached. There is only one attachment and that belongs to the Lord, and to none other. — Swami Vivekananda

Work Hard For Money Quotes By Christopher Moore

Does the work get easier once you know what you are doing?"
"Your lungs grow thick with stone dust and your eyes bleary from the sun and fragments thrown up by the chisel. You pour your lifeblood out into works of stone for Romans who will take your money in taxes to feed soldiers who will nail your people to crosses for wanting to be free. Your back breaks, your bones creak, your wife screeches at you, and your children torment you with open begging mouths, like greedy baby birds in the nest. You go to bed every night so tired and beaten that you pray to the Lord to send the angel of death to take you in your sleep so you don't have to face another morning. It also has its downside. — Christopher Moore

Work Hard For Money Quotes By Seth Godin

The hard work and big money you used to spend on frequent purchases of print and TV advertising now move to repeated engineering expenses and product failures. If anything, marketing is more time-consuming and expensive than it used to be. You're just spending the money earlier in the process (and repeating the process more often). This is worth highlighting: The Purple Cow is not a cheap shortcut. It is, however, your best (perhaps only) strategy for growth. — Seth Godin

Work Hard For Money Quotes By Barack Obama

If you're willing to put in the work, the idea is that you should be able to raise a family and own a home, not go bankrupt because you got sick, 'cause you've got some health insurance that helps you deal with those difficult times; that you can send your kids to college; that you can put some money away for retirement. That's all most people want. Folks don't have unrealistic ambitions. They do believe that if they work hard, they should be able to achieve that small measure of an American dream. — Barack Obama

Work Hard For Money Quotes By Robert T. Kiyosaki

He said it was better to work years at creating an asset rather than to spend your life working hard for money to create someone else's asset. — Robert T. Kiyosaki

Work Hard For Money Quotes By Andre Agassi

My accomplishments do not live up to my tennis game. Most people have to work really hard and win some big matches, and then they get money and popularity. For me it has been the reverse of everybody else. The exact opposite. — Andre Agassi

Work Hard For Money Quotes By Margaret Atwood

She believed in public service; she felt she had to roll up her sleeves and do something useful for the war effort. She organized a Comfort Circle, which collected money through rummage sales. This was spent on small boxes containing tobacco and candies, which were sent off to the trenches. She threw open Avilion for these functions, which (said Reenie) was hard on the floors. In addition to the rummage sales, every Tuesday afternoon her group knitted for the troops, in the drawing room
washcloths for the beginners, scarves for the intermediates, balaclavas and gloves for the experts. Soon another battalion of recruits was added, on Thursdays
older, less literate women from south of the Jogues who could knit in their sleep. These made baby garments for the Armenians, said to be starving, and for something called Overseas Refugees. After two hours of knitting, a frugal tea was served in the dining room, with Tristan and Iseult looking wanly down. — Margaret Atwood

Work Hard For Money Quotes By Lil' Mama

Basically my personality, and my talent, and my lyrics are so outstanding that what listeners can tell is that I put so much hard work into what I'm doing because it comes through my music. So I feel that my music for one will get my point across. I write from my heart and my spirit ... You know what I'm sayin'? Some people don't know their place, they're just like Oh I rap because I'm tryin' to get this or that, and I'm doin' this because I want to get money. — Lil' Mama

Work Hard For Money Quotes By Margaret Thatcher

Nevertheless, the Tenth Commandment-'Thou shalt not covet'-recognizes that making money and owning things could become selfish activities. But it is not the creation of wealth that is wrong, but love of money for its own sake. The spiritual dimension comes in deciding what one does with the wealth. How could we respond to the many calls for help, or invest for the future, or support the wonderful artists or craftsmen whose work also glorifies God, unless we had first worked hard and used our talents to create the necessary wealth? — Margaret Thatcher

Work Hard For Money Quotes By Robert T. Kiyosaki

I want you to always think of Mrs. Martin. And I want you always to remember that donkey. Never forget that fear and desire can lead you into life's biggest trap if you're not aware of them controlling your thinking. To spend your life living in fear, never exploring your dreams, is cruel. To work hard for money, thinking that it will buy you things that will make you happy is also cruel. To wake up in the middle of the night terrified about paying bills is a horrible way to live. To live a life dictated by the size of a paycheck is not really living a life. Thinking that a job makes you secure is lying to yourself. That's cruel, and that's the trap I want you to avoid. I've seen how money runs people's lives. Don't let that happen to you. Please don't let money run your life. — Robert T. Kiyosaki